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Presentation on Agrarian Crisis and Agricultural Crisis-Issues and Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on Agrarian Crisis and Agricultural Crisis-Issues and Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on Agrarian Crisis and Agricultural Crisis-Issues and Solutions

2  Karnataka (Group Leader)  Kerala  Andhra Pradesh  Telangana  Tripura  Sikkim  Rajasthan  Bihar  Tamil Nadu

3  Climate change/Natural Calamities  Declining share of Agriculture in GDP  Large proportion of small and Marginal Holdings  Limited access to irrigation

4  Higher indebtness of farmers as compared to their income  Limited access to institutional Credit  Borrowings from money lenders leading to harassment

5  Crop failure and low crop yield  Price fluctuation and non renumerative prices  Failure of investments such as Borewells  Socio-economic factors-Rising expenditure on social consumption and Health  Loss of Livestock due to diseases  Increasing Tenancy and Tenancy cost

6  Easy and affordable credit access  Reduce harassment of Farmers by Private Money lenders  Infrastructure support  Risk mitigation through Crop Insurance/Market Intervention  Farmer Producers Organisation/Joint liability Groups/SHGs

7  Crop Counselling and awareness creation  Linking land value while sanctioning bank loan for Agriculture  Financial Counselling  Diversification of Livelihood activities

8  Drought proofing through Watershed Management  Shift in focus from production to Post Harvest Management (Emphasis on Cold storage/Warehouses)  Encouraging Entrepruenership among agri graduates (Agriclinics and Agribusiness)

9  Reduce cost of cultivation to ensure renumerative returns (SHC/PKVY/NCU/PMKSY)  Encouraging sustainable Agriculture (NFSM/MIDH/NMOOP/NMAET)  Bonus of Rs. 200 per quintal in case of Pulses over and above MSP  Enhancement of Input Subsidy (under NDRF) for crop loss

10 Karnataka  Krishi Bhagya  Custom Hiring Service Centres (Krishi Yanthradhare)  Special Package for Ragi and Jowar  Contingency Crop Plan upto sub block level  Enhanced Subsidy to SC/ST on all inputs

11  Harvesting of rain water, storage, lifting and efficient use of scarce water and promoting high value crops including pulse and coarse cereals  17768 farm ponds completed  Scheme is being implemented in the form of package. The components are farm pond, diesel pumpset micro irrigation, poly house, cropping system and animal husbandary

12  Established of 183 Custom Hire Centers at sub-block levels to provide farm equipments to facilitate timely field operations during 2014-15 with a budget of 63 crores.  Rs. 127.125 Crores is the budget allocation for 2015-16 to establish 278 centres

13 Tamil Nadu  Crop specific package  Input Management  Weather Proofing Kerala  Package for Kuttanad wetland ecosystem Uttar Pradesh  Special package for Drought Mitigation in Bundelkand region

14 Maharashtra  Vidarbha Intensive Irrigation Development Programme West Bengal  Weather Resilient Agriculture and Organic Cultivation


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