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Ch.22; sect.2; STD: 4.6. A new wave of government initiatives starting in 1935 resulted in some strong successes and stunning defeats for President Roosevelt.

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1 Ch.22; sect.2; STD: 4.6

2 A new wave of government initiatives starting in 1935 resulted in some strong successes and stunning defeats for President Roosevelt.

3  Second New Deal  Congress passed laws extending government oversight of the banking industry  Raised taxes for the wealthy  Funded new relief programs for the still- struggling population

4 EMERGENCY RELIEF  Works Progress Administration  Employed 8.5 million Americans  Americans had to work for their relief money  WPA workers built roads, subways, airports, and zoos  Some were artists, worked in schools, offices, and museums  “earn a paycheck and not a handout SOCIAL SECURITY  A pension, or guaranteed, regular payments, for many people 65 and older.  A system of unemployment insurance for people who lost their jobs.

5  National Labor Relations Act  Outlawed a number of antilabor practices ▪ Ex.creation of company-sponsored unions  National Labor Relations Board  Gave workers the right to form unions and bargain collectively  Conduct voting in workplaces to determine whether employees wanted union representation

6 AFL  American Federation of labor  A collection of smaller unions representing skilled workers, organized within specific crafts CIO  Committee for Industrial Organization  Made up largely of unskilled workers organized across industries, such as the automobile industry

7  The advantage of a sit-down strike over a traditional strike  Management could not bring in security forces to scatter picketers  Could not use traditional strike breaking techniques  Big win for the CIO  Union membership rose

8  Roosevelt vs. Alf Landon  Roosevelt won all but two states  Democrats gained both houses of Congress  Won 26 of 33 races for governor  African Americans supported Roosevelt and the Democratic Party ▪ Were Republicans ever since Lincoln  New Deal Programs provided to help the economy and fight unemployment

9  The court-packing plan  Attempt to reorganize the courts was controversial  Loss Democratic support  Farm Tenancy Act  Gave tenants and sharecroppers a chance to buy land  Some of the nations poorest ppl

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