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AY202a Galaxies & Dynamics Lecture 20: Large Scale Structure & Large Scale Flows.

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1 AY202a Galaxies & Dynamics Lecture 20: Large Scale Structure & Large Scale Flows

2 Cosmology from LSS Compare the observed distribution of galaxies with those predicted by models: Tools: Correlation functions Topology Power Spectrum Count Statistics (counts-in-cells, …) Void Probability Function Genus G S Wavelets Fractals Filling Factor etc.

3 Correlation Functions Angular correlation function ω(θ) is defined by δP θ = N [1 + ω(θ)] δΩ where N is the number of objects per steradian and δP θ is the probability of finding an object with solid angle δΩ at an angular distance θ from a randomly chosen object. (draw rings around each galaxy and count its neighbors as a function of angular radius)


5 The Spatial Correlation Function ξ(r) or ξ(s) is defined by δP r = n [1 + ξ(r)] δV where n is the volume number density of objects and δP r is the probability of finding an object within volume element δV at a distance r from a randomly chosen object. Peebles (and everyone since) found roughly ξ(r) ~ B r -γ = (r/r 0 ) -γ and observationally γ ~ 1.8

6 Correlation Function Estimation Hamilton ξ = or = / Landy & Szalay ξ = ( - 2 + )/ 2

7 Separation measures How do we measure scales and separations in 3D? Simplest way is just projected r = tan(θ) D = tan(θ) (v 1 +v 2 )/2H 0 But should velocity separation be included? If so define the separation s = (v 1 2 + v 2 2 – 2v 1 v 2 cos θ) ½ /H 0 which works well outside clusters (a little messy with F.o.G.)

8 Not all galaxies are created equal… What is the proper way to weight the galaxies in the CF estimators? Simple is Unit weight w(r) = 1 for each galaxy But, if one only counts pairs, you will weight galaxies in clusters more than those outside. So use minimum variance weighting (Davis et al) w(r,x) = [1 + 4  n(r) J 3 (x)] -1 where J 3 (x) =  ξ(y) y 2 dy = volume integral of the CF x0x0

9 2dFGRS




13 SDSS ‘05

14 M. Westover R 0 =6.8 h -1 Mpc a = -1.2 for K < -22

15 Angular and Spatial Correlation functions are related by Limber’s Equation ω(θ) = for a homogeneous model [Limber ApJ 117, 134 (1953)]  (r 1,r 2 ) 2 dr 1 dr Ψ 1 Ψ 2 ξ(r 12 /r 0 ) [  r 2 dr Ψ ] 2

16 Velocity Space Correlations 1960’s + 1970’s Layzer & Irvine, Geller & Peebles made the connection between random galaxy motions and gravitational clustering a.k.a. The Cosmic Virial Theorem ~ G ξ(r) r 2 Roughly, the field velocity dispersion is related to the mean mass density through the spatial correlation function

17 Pairwise Velocity Dispersion Calculate the bivariate CF ξ (r p,  )  is the l.o.s. separation of a pair in Mpc = |(v 1 – v 2 )| /H 0 r p is the projected separation, also in Mpc = tan θ (v1 + v2) /2H 0

18 Predictions Marzke et al. 1995

19 ξ(r p,  ) no clusters

20 One of many connundrums in the 1990’s --- the data indicated a low 

21 2dF σ vs  results

22 Clusters Cluster, Too Bahcall& Soniera, ‘83 Klypin & Kopylov ‘83 PGH 86, etc. r 0 ~ 15-25 h -1 Mpc depending on richness

23 Counts in Cells Analysis Filaments versus Surfaces Filaments Sheets & Intersecting Sheets Data deLapparent, Geller & Huchra n occ = # of galaxies per occupied cell n exp = expected # per cell

24 The Power Spectrum Suppose the Universe is periodic on a volume V U. Consider the Simplest case, a volume limited sample with equal weight galaxies, N galaxies. Measure fluctuations on different scales in volume V: P(k) = ( - 1/N) (Σ |w k | 2 ) -1 (1-|w k | 2 ) -1 where δ k = 1/N Σ e ik. x j - w k And w(x) is the window function for the survey = 1 inside and = 0 outside the boundaries k j

25 So w(x) = V/V U Σ w k e -ik.x w k is the Fourier Transform of w(x) This derives from = δ k0 D + 1/N + P(k) variance sample Poisson Fluctuations Real Power mean due to finite sampling per mode (see Peacock & Dodds; Park et al 1994) Kronecker delta



28 LCRS vs CfA2+SSRS2

29 SDSS Tegmark et al. 2004


31 SDSS vs and plus other measures Red line are from a Monte Carlo Markov chain analysis of the WMAP for simple flat scalar adiabatic models parameterized by the densities of dark energy, dark matter, and baryronic matter, the spectral index and amplitude, and the reionization optical depth.

32 2dF PS constraints on 

33 Simulations Industry started by S. Aarseth followed by Efstathiou, White, Frenk & Davis and now many others. (c.f. Virgo Consortium) Big groups at MPI, NCSA, Chicago. N-Body codes or N-body Hydro codes (PP, PPM, Grid, SPH)

34  =1 α = 3.2  = 1 α = 1.8  = 1 α = 0.0  =0.09 α = 2.4  = 0.2 α = 1.8  = 1 α = 4.5 DEFW ‘85

35 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


37 Constrained Model (V. Springel )

38 LCDM simulation Filaments are warm Hydrogen (~10^5 K) 250 Mpc Cube Hernquist 2003

39 SCDM VIRGO Consortium



42 By the middle 1990’s it was clear- at least to the observers – that SCDM was dead.

43 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Eisenstein et al ’05 noted that LRG sample had large effective volume


45 SDSS LRG Correlation Function

46 Simulations from D. Eisenstein based on Seljak & Zaldarriaga (CMBfast code) Evolution of Fluctuations of different Stuff


48 Today

49 Large Scale Motions Rubin 1952 Distortions deVaucouleurs 1956 Local Supergalaxy  Supercluster Rubin, Ford, Thonnard, Roberts 1976 + answering papers Peebles – Silk – Gunn early ’70’s Mass and Light CMB dipole 1976-79 Wilkinson++, Melchiori++ (balloons) Virgo Infall Schechter ’80, TD ’80, DH ’82, AHMST ’82 Great Attractor --- 1985 Seven Samurai (BFDDL-BTW) Kaiser 1985 Caustics IRAS Surveys 1985  Davis, Strauss, Fisher, H, ++ ORS 1992 Santiago et al.

50 COBE Dipole ‘97

51 Flows and Dipoles ( Silk; Peebles; Gunn) Gravity g ~ M/R 2 Light f ~ L/R 2 So, if ~ constant Gravity Vector = Flux Vector

52 Velocity Perturbations from TF fit to a Virgo Infall Model AHMST 1982 z residuals, no infall


54 The Hunt for the Dipole ORS (Santiago et al. including Marc)


56 What is the ideal All-Sky Survey? Go to the near IR! ---- Beat extinction, the bane of optical surveys --- Select for the stars that trace the baryonic mass (not star formation)




60 2MASS Telescope at FLWO



63 CTIO 1.5-meter

64 6dF Fiber Positioner, SRC Schmidt, Coonabarabran




68 Magenta V < 1000 km/s Blue 1000 < V < 2000 km/s Green 2000 < V < 3000 km/s

69 Red 3000 < v < 4000 Blue 4000< v < 5000 Green 5000 < v < 6000

70 Red 6000 < v < 7000 Blue 7000 < v < 8000 Green 8000 < v < 9000


72 K S < 11.25 We are here Pisces-Perseus LSC Great Wall




76 2MRS Dipole blue tri = FW - M81, Maffei’s & friends (Erdogdu et al 2006) red tri = FW - only LG

77 Density vs Flow Fields CMB versus LG Reference Frames Don’t do this! Much Better!

78 Remember, This Is A Sphere!

79 Hectospec Positioner on MMT 300 Fibers covering a 1 degree field of view D. Fabricant

80 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 8.4-m 7 degree FOV


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