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V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Internet and Science: LHC view V.A. Ilyin SINP MSU, e-ARENA.

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Presentation on theme: "V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Internet and Science: LHC view V.A. Ilyin SINP MSU, e-ARENA."— Presentation transcript:

1 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Internet and Science: LHC view V.A. Ilyin SINP MSU, e-ARENA

2 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Distributed analysis of the LHC data over Internet: 50000 jobs each moment and Pbytes of data for thousends of physicists

3 LHC project started in 1996. First production session: April 2010 — end of 2011.

4 Online system Multi-level trigger Filter out background Reduce data volume Online reduction 10 7 Trigger menus Select interesting events Filter out less interesting level 1 - special hardware 40 MHz (40 TB/sec)‏ level 2 - embedded processors level 3 - PCs 75 KHz (75 GB/sec)‏ 5 KHz (5 GB/sec)‏ 100 Hz (100 MB/sec)‏ Data recording & offline analysis 100 events per second 1 Pbyte per year for offline analysis (CMS computing model) ‏

5 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 WLCG – World-wide LHC Computing Grid, development from 2003. Now it is production system Distributed analysis of LHC data over the Internet: 50000 jobs each moment and Pbytes of data for thousends of physicists

6 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Challenge: production over IP...

7 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 WLCG networking Tier0 at CERN (data preprocessing) ‏ 12 Tier1 Centers (data processing) ‏ Tier0 Tier1s, Tier1s Tier1s: OPN (Optical Private Network) – 10-40 Gbps 150 Tier2 Centers (data analysis, Monte-Carlo) ‏ Tier1s Tier2s, Tier2s Tiers: GEANT, NRENS,... commodity Interenet DIGITAL DIVIDE !

8 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 Internet and Science 1993-1994 two revolutionary events: - NSF «presented» DNS to the «commodity» governance - WWW had come from the science kindergarten to the adult life During 90's-00's Internet has got many faces: - commercial - social - national - governmental - private -... Now science descryes (first of all) COMMERCIAL face of the Internet, with (afterwords) administrative actions at governmental levels

9 V.A. Ilyin,, RIGF, 14 May 2010 This consecusion: commercial face at first, and then governmental interventions in many cases (especially in developed countries)‏ means lack of corresponding Internet Governance solutions for Science life in Internet... science should not be as VIP subcommunity in Internet...... science is (and will be, for sure) at the Internet technological top, showing realities for future innovations in commodity life...... science shows no direct commercial interests, but can play an accelerator role for trading Internet services...... the problem looks as local/specific etc, but... No solutions on the surface...

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