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Open Budget Forum Walt Branson October 28, 2013. FY 14 Current Fund Original Budget Gross Revenue, before reduction of revenue to be expended on student.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Budget Forum Walt Branson October 28, 2013. FY 14 Current Fund Original Budget Gross Revenue, before reduction of revenue to be expended on student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Budget Forum Walt Branson October 28, 2013

2 FY 14 Current Fund Original Budget Gross Revenue, before reduction of revenue to be expended on student aid Dollars in Millions Unrestricted Current Funds Operations Funds $ 144.6 Distance & Continuing Education 9.7 Auxiliary & Service Operations 19.5 Total Unrestricted Gross Revenue $ 173.8 Restricted Current Funds Gift & Endowment Income $ 9.5 Grants & Contracts Project Fnd 33.1 Total Restricted Gross Revenue $ 42.6 Total Current Fund Gross Revenue $ 216.4

3 FY 14 General Revenue Allocation (GRA) Revised Rate Budget Dollars in Millions REVENUE Tuition & Fees $ 88.6 less Aid 24.9 Net Fee Revenue $ 63.753% State Appropriations $ 46.439% Recovery of Indirect/G&C 6.56% Gift/Endow Fees & other Misc Rev 1.51% Cost Recovery/Dist & Cont Ed & Aux 1.61% TOTAL NET REVENUE $ 119.7100%

4 FY 14 General Revenue Allocation (GRA) Revised Rate Budget Dollars in Millions TOTAL NET REVENUE $ 119.7 EXPENSE Salary & Wages $ 65.7 Staff Benefits 21.0 Strategic Initiative/Faculty 2.6 Total Compensation $ 89.376% Other Items Dedicated Info Tech Fee $ 2.4 Dedicated Recovery of Indirect 1.6 Debt Payments 2.8 Maintenance & Repair 5.8 Fuel & Utilities 4.6 Other E&E & mandatory items 11.2 Total Other Items $ 28.424% TOTAL EXPENSE $ 117.7100% NET RATE BALANCE $ 2.0

5 FY15 Budget Drivers REVENUE State Appropriations 39% Student Fees 53% Enrollment Assumption Tuition Increase Student Aid EXPENSES Strategic Plan Initiatives Salaries and Benefits 76% Mandatory Increases

6 FY15 Budget REVENUE State Appropriations 39% Student Fees 53% Other 8% Total 100% EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits 76% Other 24% Total 100%

7 FY15 Budget REVENUE State Appropriations 39% Student Fees 53% Other 8% Total 100% EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits 76% Other 24% Total 100%

8 GRA Fees Rates per Credit Hour Fiscal Year 20102011201220132014 Educational Fees Undergraduate Resident 245.60 261.60 269.40 274.00 Undergraduate Non-Resident 615.30 646.10 688.10 746.60 779.50 Graduate Resident 298.70 306.80 326.70 354.50 370.10 Graduate Non-Resident 771.20 792.00 843.50 915.20 955.50 MBA Resident 520.50 554.30 601.40 627.90 MBA Non-Resident 832.80 886.90 962.30 1,004.60 Supplemental Fees Engineering 54.50 60.0067.20 74.20 78.70 Biological Sci & Chemistry 54.50 60.00 65.40 72.20 76.50 Comp Sci and G&G 54.50 60.00 64.20 70.90 75.20 Physics 27.30 30.00 32.10 35.40 37.50 Business, IS&T, M&IS 27.30 30.00 32.70 36.10 38.30 Information Technology Fee 12.20 13.00 13.40 13.60

9 GRA Fees Percent Change Per Year Fiscal Year 20102011201220132014 Educational Fees Undergraduate Resident0.0% 6.5%3.0%1.7% Undergraduate Non-Resident0.0%5.0%6.5%8.5%4.4% Graduate Resident0.0%2.7%6.5%8.5%4.4% Graduate Non-Resident0.0%2.7%6.5%8.5%4.4% MBA Resident0.0% 6.5%8.5%4.4% MBA Non-Resident0.0% 6.5%8.5%4.4% Supplemental Fees Engineering0.0%10.1%12.0%10.4%6.1% Biological Sci & Chemistry0.0%10.1%9.0%10.4%6.0% Comp Sci and G&G0.0%10.1%7.0%10.4%6.1% Physics0.0%9.9%7.0%10.3%5.9% Business, IS&T, M&IS0.0%9.9%9.0%10.4%6.1% Information Technology Fee0.0% 6.6%3.1%1.5%

10 FY15 Budget REVENUE State Appropriations 39% Student Fees 53% Other 8% Total 100% EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits 76% Other 24% Total 100%

11 FY15 Budget REVENUE State Appropriations 39% Student Fees 53% Other 8% Total 100% EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits 76% Other 24% Total 100%

12 FY 15 Budget Needs Staff Benefit Base Increase Salary & Wage Increases SCS (Staff Compensation Structure) Adjustments Promotion & Tenure Curators Professors Chemical Engineering Bldg Operating Costs Alumni Building Operating Costs E&E (Expense & Equipment) Items Strategic Plan Initiatives Faculty Positions Reorganization Fellowships Marketing & Communications Comprehensive Campaign Other Strategic Initiative Matching

13 FY15 Budget REVENUE State Appropriations Student Fees Other Total EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits Other Total

14 FY 15 Budget Timeline Preliminary fee recommendationsOct - Nov Final fee recommendations & preliminary budget planningDec Board review/approval of tuition & fee recommendationsJan Budget system open for departmental entry Feb Preliminary budget completedMar Board reviews preliminary budgetApril Department/Division budget entry must be complete for all fundsMay Campus budget finalized for system review & board approvalJune

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