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University of South C arolina Silicon C arbide Laboratory EE RESEARCH - Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar-Epitaxial Graphene for Clean Energy “Weightless” behavior.

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1 University of South C arolina Silicon C arbide Laboratory EE RESEARCH - Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar-Epitaxial Graphene for Clean Energy “Weightless” behavior of matter & Other Exotic Physics Nanoelectronics and plasmonics for Computing & power using Graphene and SiC Emissions Sensing, Monitoring & Controls Using SiC and Graphene Electrochemistry of Epitaxial Graphene -Advanced functionality & Catalysis -Hydrogen storage, CO 2 remediation If I was an electron?

2 University of South C arolina Silicon C arbide Laboratory EE RESEARCH - Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar-Epitaxial Graphene for Clean Energy Conductivity, work function and reflectivity of graphene change in response to combustion emissions NO 2, CO Potential for single molecule sensitivity Commercializable material platform-SiC substrates Dramatically different physics than traditional materials Energy Applications of Epitaxial Graphene Electrochemistry using epitaxially grown EG on SiC substrates to produce advanced graphene Compounds for electronic and optical applications TUNABLE Bandgap 0-3.5eV! Post-CMOS Study H 2 storage-SiC substrate changes chemistry Study other electrochemical reactions Si-face` GrapheneGraphane RM S: 1.0 4n m C-face RMS: 2.83nm RMS: 1.62nm RMS: 0.57nm RMS: 1.00nm Resistance Graphene~9 kΩ Graphane>40 MΩ 4 hour anneal~100 kΩ 50 hour anneal~21 kΩ

3 Distribution Statement Plasmons & Polaritons in Epitaxial Graphene on SiC for Electrically Actuated Advanced Nanophotonics Scientific/Technical Impact: Fundamental insight into how plasmons can be converted into an electrical current and vice-versa Structure & Composition both matter. EG/SiC metamaterials approach overcomes diffraction limit of light by>10x. First systematic experimental investigation of polaritons in EG/SiC, a high impact material system Enable new paradigms in light generation. Make practical compact plasmonic devices that currently require bulky spectrometers. Key Insight/Innovation Potential Applications: >THz speed, compact computing Compact plasmonic sensors Bioagents, chemical agents, infrared Ionizing radiation Infrared and terahertz light sources sensing & imaging for munitions Backgate to actuate between plasmon waveguide & detector modes University of South C arolina Silicon C arbide Laboratory EE RESEARCH - Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar-Epitaxial Graphene for Clean Energy

4 University of South C arolina Silicon C arbide Laboratory Plasmonic Effects in Epitaxial Graphene λ 0 = electromagnetic excitation wavelength λ SPP = surface plasmon polariton wavelength λ SPP< λ 0 opens a new area of nanoscaled optoelectronics overcomes diffraction limit ~2ML thick graphene Bare SiC substrate Polariton in graphene With adsorption of emissions gases for constant thickness reflectivity changes ~20% for 10ppm NO 2 -Nonideality! Surface charged impurity scattering! -Enables probing of the nanoscale opto-physics of EG Ideal gaphene has constant conductivity per ML i.e. reflectivity is only dependent on thickness outside restrahlen band Fit to theory gives a)Thickness of EG b)Electron scattering time c)Carrier concentration in EG EE RESEARCH - Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar-Epitaxial Graphene for Clean Energy

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