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Welcome to Poland. Flag and Emblem Polish Anthem Jeszcze Polska nie zgin ęł a, Kiedy my ż yjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzi ęł a, Szabl ą odbierzemy. Marsz,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Poland. Flag and Emblem Polish Anthem Jeszcze Polska nie zgin ęł a, Kiedy my ż yjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzi ęł a, Szabl ą odbierzemy. Marsz,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Poland

2 Flag and Emblem

3 Polish Anthem Jeszcze Polska nie zgin ęł a, Kiedy my ż yjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzi ęł a, Szabl ą odbierzemy. Marsz, marsz D ą browski, Z ziemi w ł oskiej do Polski. Za twoim przewodem Z łą czym si ę z narodem. Przejdziem Wis łę, przejdziem Wart ę, B ę dziem Polakami. Da ł nam przyk ł ad Bonaparte, Jak zwyci ęż a ć mamy. Marsz, marsz... Jak Czarniecki do Poznania Po szwedzkim zaborze, Dla ojczyzny ratowania Wrócim si ę przez morze. Marsz, marsz... Ju ż tam ojciec do swej Basi Mówi zap ł akany — S ł uchaj jeno, pono nasi Bij ą w tarabany. Marsz, marsz...

4 Intresting places of Poland Zakopane – Sea Eye Palace of culture in Warsaw Kosciuszki Square – Gdynia Wawel- Cracow

5 Baltic Sea and rivers Wisła river Odra river Baltic Sea

6 History of Poland Polish History covers the history of Polish state and nation from X to XXI century. Top of the State governments falls on the first native rulers, whose names are known from the media chronicle called Anonim Gall. Fourth of them, Mieszko is undoubtedly a historical figure, appears to be in contemporary written sources. Poland for 1138 years as a patrimonial monarchy was governed by kings from the Piast dynasty, who, not counting the emitted juniorom districts and transitional periods of the division behaved sovereignty over all its territory. Only as a result of Succession Act of Prince Boleslaw Boleslaw country for almost 200 years has been broken dzielnicowemu. Attempts to make the reunification began at the end of the thirteenth century, and finally they were crowned with the coronation of Ladislaus the Short in 1320. This renewed the hereditary ruler of the Piast monarchy sovereign, but which expired after the childless death of his son, Casimir the Great in 1370 As a result, the governments of Poland took Anjou (Louis I of Hungary and Hedwig), and then the kings of the Jagiellonian dynasty. In 1569 the Polish Kingdom Crown entered into a permanent relationship with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Under the union was included in the Lublin Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which ruled from 1573 the ruler appointed by free election. The state was one of the largest territorial political bodies in Europe. After the peace with Russia included in Polyanovka area in 1634 reached 990 thousand. km ². During this period, the Republic evolved into a kind of political system, based on the dominance of the nobility and the very large system of parliamentary government. The golden age coincided with the state government for the last Jagiello. Ultimately, it ended with the mid-seventeenth century wars. In the next century, the Republic plunged into anarchy began to fall into the strong dependence on Russia, and then disappeared from the map of Europe as a result of three partitions. Independent Polish state did not exist until the twentieth century, although from time to time appeared his rudimentary form, such as the Duchy of Warsaw, Congress Poland and the Grand Duchy of Posen. Polish renaissance was complete only after World War I, when the situation was the collapse of the partitioning Powers Second Polish Republic. It existed until 1939, that is the beginning of World War II. In September 1939 the Polish lands were occupied by the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. It is only since 1944 began their gradual takeover by the Soviet troops. After the war, Poland was to be called. Iron Curtain, and power in the Communists took over. The country was renamed the Polish People's Republic. Until 1989 there was in the one-party system, which eventually collapsed as a result of the process determined as Autumn Nations. Parliamentary elections in 1989 initiated the process of democratization and economic reforms that allowed the Third Republic's entry into NATO (1999), and then the European Union (2004).

7 Capital of Poland - Warsaw is the largest city of Poland. - Warsaw is the capital of Poland. - Warsaw is in the centre of Poland. - River Vistula flows through Warsaw. - Palace of culture is in Warsaw. - In Warsaw are lots of companies.

8 Famous Poles Jan Pawel II Lech Wa łę sa Maria Sk ł odowska-Curie Henryk Sienkiewicz

9 The End By Bercik i Wilczek

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