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William Westermeyer 15th Meeting of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate 2 April 2011 Comments from the GCOS Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "William Westermeyer 15th Meeting of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate 2 April 2011 Comments from the GCOS Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Westermeyer 15th Meeting of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate 2 April 2011 Comments from the GCOS Secretariat

2 GCOS Implementation Plan – Actions for OOPC OOPC, in consultation with/supporting/in coordination with Parties, JCOMM, WCRP, IOCCP, etc.  O2: Establish Plans to monitor coastal regions, support adaptation  O13: Develop strategy to measure surface pCO 2  O17: Establish group to make global estimates of current, etc.  O18: Establish systematic sea ice observations  O21: Establish continuous plankton recorder surveys  O22: Develop technology for underway plankton surveys  O23: Establish network of long-term observation sites for ocean habitats  O40: Undertake pilot projects of reanalysis of ocean data

3 Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-Based Products for Climate The Satellite Supplement to IP-10  Open Review: 9 May through 1 July, 2011  Publication of document: September 2011  To be submitted to UNFCCC as INF document for COP-17  Action: OOPC Members requested to review

4 GCOS Cooperation Mechanism  Potential for funding of needed improvements in ocean observing systems in developing countries  Funding dependent on voluntary contributions  Annual one-day meeting, either linked to GCOS SC session or to SBSTA  Action: GCOS encourages development and maintenance of a shopping list of high priority needs

5 DFID-DECC Opportunity?  New Intl Climate Fund (ICF), for supporting developing countries, could be used to support climate observations in developing countries  Up to £20 million available  GCOS requested to develop a Concept Note for UK’s DECC and DFID. Wish to include activities in all domains  Priority countries in Africa, South Asia, Caribbean  Action: Prepare brief proposals for inclusion in Concept Note: 1) (five) moored buoys for the Western Indian Ocean, 2) regular maintenance of 15 tide gauges in Africa

6 Advisory Group on Ocean Obs?  AOPC has a subsidiary body, the AGG, that considers setting priorities for GSN and GUAN needs.  Is there a need for creating something similar for the oceans domain?

7 OceanSITES  Is Ocean Sites a GRUAN for the oceans, i.e., a comprehensive network??  Can GCOS do anything to promote the further development of OceanSites? GRUAN: GCOS Reference Upper Air Network To provide long-term, high quality upper-air climate records, with complete estimates of measurement accuracy  Measuring a large suite of co-related climate variables with deliberate measurement redundancy  30-40 sites to start

8 Ocean ECVs  Standardization issues?  A la terrestrial ECVs…ISO to terrestrial ECVs  Is there a need?  Is a similar approach wanted?  WMO stds for MM are as good as ISO std

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