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Western Religions Test Jeopardy. What is the Jewish Symbol.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Religions Test Jeopardy. What is the Jewish Symbol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Religions Test Jeopardy

2 What is the Jewish Symbol

3 The Star of David

4 Who is the God of Judaism?

5 God or Yaweh

6 The day of rest and worship- no work should occur

7 The Sabbath

8 Jews blow this ram’s horn instrument to celebrate the New Year or to begin worship

9 Shofar

10 What are the 3 dietary Kosher Laws for Jews?

11 1. No pig 2. No meat and dairy mixed 3. No shellfish

12 What is the name of the Jewish teacher who leads the synagogue?

13 Rabbi

14 The Holy Book of Judaism

15 Torah

16 The founder of Judaism

17 Moses

18 How many Jews live in the world

19 18 million

20 What is the name of the Jewish feast day held around Easter?

21 Passover

22 The 8-night Jewish festival of Lights

23 What is Hanukah (usually held around December)

24 Where do Jews worship (building)

25 Synagogue

26 What is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah?

27 The confirmation of faith and coming of age for young Jewish boys and girls

28 What is the Christian Symbol?

29 The Cross

30 What is the The Trinity (the 3 forms of God)?

31 The Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit

32 Who is the founder of Christianity?

33 Jesus

34 What is the holy book of Christianity

35 The Bible (Old and New Testament)

36 What is the name of the prophetic book of the Bible that tells the Antichrist, Armageddon and the return of Jesus?

37 Revelation

38 Where do Christians worship (the building)?

39 Church

40 Explain Christian beliefs of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus

41 Christians believe that Jesus died for the world’s sins and rose from the dead to give salvation to all who believe

42 How many Christians are in the world today

43 2-3 billion

44 What are 3 Holy Days for Christians?

45 Christmas (the birth of Jesus)

46 Good Friday (the crucifixion of Jesus)

47 Easter (the resurrection of Jesus)

48 The Hilal (crescent moon and star)


50 What is the Symbol of Islam?

51 What is the small shrine in Mecca that contains a black stone which is sacred to Muslims? (Muslims kiss the stone to take their sins away.)

52 The Kabah stone

53 What are the 5 Pillars of Islam

54 1. Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his prophet

55 2. Pray towards Mecca 5 times a day.

56 3. Zakat- give to the poor.

57 4. Fast during the month of Ramadan- the month when the Qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad.

58 5. Hajj- all Muslims must attempt to make pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime to visit the Kabah

59 Who is the founder of Islam

60 Muhammad

61 Who is the god of Islam?

62 Allah

63 Followers of Islam are called

64 Muslims

65 Who is the angel Gabriel according to Muslims?

66 The angel who recited the Qur’an to Muhammad

67 Who is Muslim prayer leader, preaches sermons?

68 Imam

69 Where do Muslims worship (the building)?

70 Mosque

71 What is the holy book of Islam

72 The Qu’ran (Koran)

73 What is the name of the holy month during which Muslims fast and pray

74 Ramadan

75 Why do Muslims and fast and pray during Ramadan?

76 The month when the Qur’an was given to Muhammad by “Gabriel”

77 All Muslims must do this once in their lifetime

78 Go to Mecca (Hajj)

79 How many Muslims are in the world today?

80 2 billion

81 The Muslim word for “holy war”

82 Jihad

83 What are 4 reasons Muslim terrorists practice jihad?

84 1. To kill the infidel (unbelievers) and take over the world

85 2. To destroy the Jews and capture the land of Israel for Muslims- Jews are damned by Allah

86 3. To destroy Christians- “the blasphemers”

87 4. To rid the “holy land” of the infidel-especially the Americans

88 What are the 2 dietary laws of Islam?

89 no pig and no alcohol

90 Why is the city of Jerusalem important to Jews

91 Their Temple and Western Wall are there

92 Why is the city of Jerusalem important to Christians

93 Jesus died and resurrected there

94 Why is the city of Jerusalem important to Muslims (Islam)

95 Muhammad rode to heaven from there on the buraq horse

96 What would be similarities between all 3 religions

97 All monotheistic

98 All have Jerusalem as their holy city

99 All have a place of worship

100 All believe Jesus existed

101 All have a holy book

102 All have holy days

103 What are similarities between Islam and Judaism

104 Both no pig

105 Both worship on Fridays

106 Both fight against each other

107 Both believe that Jesus was just a prophet

108 What are similarities between Christians and Jews

109 Both believe in the same God

110 Both follow the 10 commandments

111 Both believe in the Old Testament

112 Both don’t believe in Allah

113 What are similarities between Islam and Christianity

114 Both believe in heaven and hell

115 Both believe in the concept of salvation

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