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Climate change and Antarctic glaciology Dr. Andrés Rivera Laboratorio de Glaciología y Cambio Climático Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECS), Valdivia.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate change and Antarctic glaciology Dr. Andrés Rivera Laboratorio de Glaciología y Cambio Climático Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECS), Valdivia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate change and Antarctic glaciology Dr. Andrés Rivera Laboratorio de Glaciología y Cambio Climático Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECS), Valdivia (Universidad de Chile, Santiago)

2 Key questions: n Climate change; natural variability or human induced? n Are the Antarctic glacier responses indicating ongoing climatic changes? n What are the consequences of the Antarctic glacier behavior? n It is possible to forecast/mitigate/manage the consequences of glacier dynamics?

3 Global Atmospheric temperatures compared to 1951-1980 mean Source: Hansen et al, PNAS. September 26, 2006

4 Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) CO 2 amount

5 Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) CO 2 amount Years before present 400,000 300,000200,000100,000 400,00 0

6 Greenhouse gases: Methane (CH 4 ) methane amount Years before present 400,000300,000200,000100,000 0

7 Temperature… n We know CO 2 has increased through time n Wide discussion over potential for enhanced CO 2 to alter global climate n What can we learn of this association by looking at past climate..?

8 Climate and greenhouse gases have been very closely connected 400,000300,000200,000100,0000 Years before present Estimated T difference from today / o C CO 2 amount A Methane amount

9 Take Home Message: Ice core data shows us that: n CO 2 concentrations are currently ~30% greater than in the previous 400,000 years n Methane is more than 2 times greater than in the previous 400,000 years n Clear association between changes in Greenhouse gases and changes in global temperature

10 ANTARCTICA The seven continent; the coldest, windiest, highest, driest n 13,5 millions of km 2 (10 % of Earth surface) n 98 % is ice covered n 70 % of fresh water on Earth n 91 % of ice on Earth n Equivalent to 65 m of sea level n Mean ice thickness: 2000 m n >4500 m of ice thickness in places n Ice velocities from 10 to 2500 m/year

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