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Crop Ontology towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Rosemary Shrestha, Milko Skofic,

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Presentation on theme: "Crop Ontology towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Rosemary Shrestha, Milko Skofic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crop Ontology towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Rosemary Shrestha, Milko Skofic, Laurel Cooper, Pankaj Jaiswal, Pierre-Yves Chibon, Mark Wilkinson, Richard Bruskiewich, Graham McLaren

2 Problem Breeders databases use different names for the same trait, or same trait name for different things. Data are often unstructured. They are NOT interoperable.

3 Knowledge domain for plant breeders breeding = ”the art and science of changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics in given environments.”

4 salinity tolerance

5 16 crops... Banana Barley Cassava Chickpea Common bean Cowpea Groundnut Maize Pearl Millet Pigeon pea Potato Rice Sorghum Soybean Wheat Yam


7 Semantics From OBO to RDF/SKOS resolvable HTTP URIs a skos:Concept ; rdfs:label "Flag leaf weight"@en ; dc:creator _:b1 ; skos:definition "Weight of the flag leaf (the one just below the panicle)." ; skos:inScheme co:sorghum ; skosxl:prefLabel [ a skosxl:Label ; co:acronym [ a skosxl:Label ; skosxl:literalForm "FLGWT" ] ; skosxl:literalForm "Flag leaf weight"@en ].

8 Linked Data

9 Work done by Marie-Angelique Laporte

10 Who’s using Crop Ontology?

11 FAO- Open AGRIS

12 1) Integrated Breeding Platform

13 2) Genotyping Data Management System

14 3) Global Agricultural Trial Repository of the Climate Change For Agriculture and Food Security Programme

15 4) Cassava International Database Contacts Peter Kulakow, IITA Jean-Luc Jannink, Cornell Lukas Muller, BTI

16 5) EU-SOL BreeDB database University of Wageningen, NDL Plant Breeding Programme Annotations of web pages with the Crop Ontology terms Contributed script for getting CO in Ressource Description Framework (RDF) and using RDFa for annotations Accessions report Richard Finkers, Pierre Yves Chibon

17 5) Plant Phenomics Ontology Driven Database (PODD)

18 Crop Ontology will facilitate the discovery of plant trait data within the Linked Data cloud

19 Thanks!

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