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13 February 2013, Bishkek Honma Masaru Director for Central Asia, EBRD © European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2010 | EBRD’s Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "13 February 2013, Bishkek Honma Masaru Director for Central Asia, EBRD © European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2010 | EBRD’s Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 13 February 2013, Bishkek Honma Masaru Director for Central Asia, EBRD © European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2010 | EBRD’s Activities in Water and Environment in Central Asia

2 2 What is the EBRD? International financial institution, promotes transition to market economies in 34 countries from central Europe to central Asia In 2011, the Bank expanded its operations to include Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Jordan (Southern and Eastern Mediterranean – SEMED region) Owned by 64 countries and two inter-governmental institutions Capital base of €30 billion* 2012 Annual Business volume of €8.7 billion in 388 projects in the traditional area of operations plus €181 million in 6 projects into SEMED region Cumulative commitments of €78.9bn Note: Unaudited as at 30 December 2012

3 3 Water Supply Projects Tajikistan Started from Khujand in 2004 Covered 21 cities (10 cities in Sughd, 5 in Khatlon, 4 in the Central District and 1 in GBAO) Further coverage of several new cities and 2 nd, 3 rd phases for existing cities Started first wastewater project in Khujand Kyrgyz Republic Started from Bishkek in 2009 Covered 4 cities (Bishkek, Osh, Jalalabad, Kara-Balta) Further Coverage of several new key cities during 2013-14 (Talas, Kant, Tokmok, Balykchi, Cholpon-Ata, Naryn, etc.)

4 4 Water Supply Projects: Tajikistan

5 5 Water Supply Projects: Tajik Water Tajikistan: ponds before and after the project implementation

6 6 Water Supply Projects (continued) Co-financed with grant investment facilities of SECO, EU and EBRD’s Special Shareholders Fund (SSF) Active Policy Dialogues: – Tariff reforms towards cost recovery – Corporate Governance of Water Utility Company – Procurement rules – Environmental issues Public consultations and stakeholder participation programs

7 7 Solid Waste Management Projects Tajikistan Started from Dushanbe in 2008 Covered 2 cities (Dushanbe, Khujand) and 2 in the pipeline (Tursunzade and KurganTube) Co-financed with Switzerland, EBRD’s SSF Active Policy Dialogue (Tariff reform, Corporate Governance, Procurement rules, Environmental issues) Kyrgyz Republic 3 cities with advanced stage of preparation (Bishkek, Osh, Jalalabad) Further coverage of key cities during 2013-15

8 8 Water and Environment Projects in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Shymkent Vodokanal (€6 million) Shymkent Wastewater Modernisation (€14 million) Aktau Solid Waste Management (€12 million) Aktau Water (€6 million) Uzbekistan Tashkent Water Supply Improvement (€7 million)

9 9 Energy Efficiency Kyrgyz Republic EE Credit line Board approved in December 2012 USD 20 million Credit Lines via local financial institutions Final Borrowers: SMEs and individuals for energy saving investments €6.8 million EU grant (for capital incentives and consultants) Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance (adoption of primary and secondary legislation, institutional sector capacity building) Tajikistan Energy Loss Reduction Programme €21 million signed in 2010

10 10 Agriculture in Tajikistan

11 11 Environmentally Friendly Agriculture Development Tajik Agricultural Financing Framework (TAFF) Introduce commercially viable agricultural financing Target: cotton and non-cotton EU funded (€5.2 million) TCs for credit officers, farmers, agronomists Replicated in Georgia (potentially in Kyrgyz Republic and Mongolia) Better Cotton initiative (support best practices in cotton production and trade) Financing good agribusiness projects in the region (manufacturing of dry fruits, cheese, edible oil, juice, etc).

12 12 EU-EBRD Cooperation: IFCA IFCA: Investment Facility for Central Asia Since 2010 contributed €42 million for 6 projects, including energy efficiency, water supply Tajikistan: – Sughd (Khujand region) Energy Loss Reduction Project (1 st IFCA project): EBRD loan €7 million; EU/IFCA investment grant €7 million and EIB loan €7 million – Central Tajik Water Rehabilitation Project: EBRD loan $7 million; EU/IFCA investment grant €6 million and EU TC €1 million – Khatlon Tajik Water Rehabilitation Project EBRD Loan $5 million; EU/IFCA investment grant €7 million and EU TC €0.8 million Kyrgyz Republic: – Kyrgyz Sustainable Energy financing facility (€6.8 million) New Initiative: Central Asian Technical Assistance Framework for municipality infrastructure –€8 million approved by IFCA committee in 2012 –Main targets: Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic

13 13 For Further Information Please contact: Masaru Honma, Director, Central Asia Ulf Hindström, Head of Dushanbe Resident Office Larisa Manastirli, Head of Bishkek Resident Office

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