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Transforming Primary Care. Today’s Layout 2pm – 2.30pmWelcome and introductions Update from Focus: Education Fed Updates 2.30pm – 3.30pmIntro to consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Primary Care. Today’s Layout 2pm – 2.30pmWelcome and introductions Update from Focus: Education Fed Updates 2.30pm – 3.30pmIntro to consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Primary Care

2 Today’s Layout 2pm – 2.30pmWelcome and introductions Update from Focus: Education Fed Updates 2.30pm – 3.30pmIntro to consultation & CCG Quiz! Key questions 3.30pm – 3.50pmBreak 3.50pm – 4.30pmKey questions 4.30pm – 5pmNext GIG meeting AOB Evaluation forms

3 Introductions

4 Ground rules Keep to the topic! Maintain confidentiality Participate, do not dominate Only share what you are comfortable sharing Be open to hearing other points of view

5 Background How the CCG is working to transform primary care: “Safe, proactive, personalised care for people who need it most.”


7 What does Primary Care include? ? ? ? ? GP surgeriesOpticians Dentists Pharmacies

8 In order to provide better healthcare for people with lots of different health needs, CCG plans involve: 1.Helping patients to access the care they need more quickly 2.Supporting GPs to take a more proactive approach to keep people healthy for longer 3.Encouraging GPs to work more closely with others to deliver this proactive care Transforming Primary Care

9 1. Helping patients to access the care they need more quickly A key aim is to tackle health inequalities by helping patients to have fast access to advice from a broader range of clinical and non clinical support General Practices will have teams that will deliver “same day access”, giving patients a responsive, flexible service 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. People have the choice of face to face consultations at home, in their pharmacy, or in their GP practice

10 2. Supporting GPs to take a more proactive approach to keep people healthy for longer Being more proactive means GPs: 1.Systematically identifying patients at risk of deteriorating health and/or wellbeing including those at risk of an early preventable death 2.Working with the patients and their families to identify what those patients need to improve their health and wellbeing 3.Working with a range of local organisations to enable the patients and their families to access the support they need to maintain/improve their health and wellbeing

11 3. Encouraging GPs to work more closely with others National research and guidance shows that general practices working together in “clusters” are better able to join up (integrate) with other local services such as: Local care of the elderly services Local mental health services Social care Community nurses Voluntary sector services

12 ProActive Care GP Cluster Map

13 Lead – in Activity Quiz time!

14 Key Questions. On a scale of 1-10, how important is being healthy / happy to you? (1 being not at all, 10 being very important)

15 Key Questions. What does having a ‘healthy life’ mean to you? What would help you to live a more healthy life?

16 Which of the following would make your life more healthy? Nutritional food / eat more healthily Regular exercise Regular appointments with your GP / consultant Emotional wellbeing (ie being stress-free) Having a strong social network / contact with friends and family Not drinking too much alcohol / not smoking Staying well through self-management

17 Key Questions. If you received a referral to a healthy living support group to help you to live a more healthy lifestyle, would you attend? If not, why not? If yes, what would you expect?

18 Break time

19 Key Questions. Are you aware of GP clusters in your area? Have you noticed any changes in your local GP as a result of the clusters?

20 Key Questions. If you have a health condition, would you like support to self-manage your condition more effectively? What support would you need to do this from your GP?

21 Key Questions. How do you travel to your GP and how long does it take for you to get there?

22 Key Questions. What time of day is best for your support? -Daytime? -Evening? -Weekend? -Other comments?

23 Key Questions. How accessible would you rate your GP surgery, on a scale of 1 – 10? (1 being not at all, 10 being fully accessible)

24 Key Questions. What improvements to accessibility would you like to see at your GP surgery?

25 Key Questions. Is there anything else that you would like to tell the GPs and their teams in order to improve their services?

26 What happens next. Responses from meeting and survey collated Report with recommendations fed to CCG CCG will give us a timeframe to respond to our recommendations We will feed these back to you via email and on our blog.

27 Break time

28 Next GIG Meeting Open Space & Summer BBQ! Wednesday 5 th August at Space For Change

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