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Erie 1 BOCES. Animal School What does a classroom look like when it is centered around instructional practices that increase student achievement?

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Presentation on theme: "Erie 1 BOCES. Animal School What does a classroom look like when it is centered around instructional practices that increase student achievement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erie 1 BOCES

2 Animal School

3 What does a classroom look like when it is centered around instructional practices that increase student achievement?

4 Cooperative student groups Independent work Flow Talking on task Learning styles are honored Differentiated instructional practice High expectations Teacher-facilitated small group instruction Structure/Routines Consistency Safe environment Expectations Organization

5 Proactive vs. Reactive Teachers who are successful do not only respond properly when problems occur, but prevent the problem before it arises. These teachers are proactive instead of reactive.

6 No two children are alike. No two children learn in the identical way. An enriched environment for one student is not necessarily enriched for another. In the classroom we should teach children to think for themselves. You need to diagnoses the difference in readiness, interests and learning style of all students in the class, using a variety of performance indicators.

7 ContentProcess ProductEnvironment

8 Ways to differentiate an area: Content-materials used (the level of difficulty) Process-How (individual, partner, group, leveled-pairing) Product-What (your expectation for each student) Environment-lighting, sound, location

9 Effective Classroom Management – Five C’s Coordinate Communicate Check Coach Consistency

10 Before learners enter the classroom, organization plans are well in place. Prior to the first day of school, the teacher has determined the necessary procedures, scheduling, materials, routines, and developed transitional activities. Procedures/Routines/Scheduling “A sense of order and predictability in daily school life is important. It enables children to relax, to focus their energy on learning, and to feel competent.” – The First Six Weeks of School

11 Why do you set up classroom procedures, routines, and schedules prior to the beginning of the school year? Jigsaw – Why have a plan?, What is effective classroom management?, What do we need to know about students? Share

12 “Behaviors are modeled and practiced, modeled and practiced, over and over in each new situation.” – The First Six Weeks of School “I do, we do, we do, we do, you do.” Don’t be too eager to jump into the curriculum - procedures, routines, and schedules must be in place in order to ensure effective instructional practices can continually occur throughout the school year. PD 360 Video


14 Example Rules for a Reading Center

15 Materials - Center Areas - Academic Choice - Center folders - Differentiated bins - Rotation System - Must do / May do

16 Transitional Activities - Music - Alphabet - Sight Words - Countdown - Clean-up and Move

17 Teachers must be both effective speakers and writers as well as listeners. It is important for the classroom teacher to communicate high expectations, procedures, and routines in order for centers to run smoothly. How do you communicate with your students during center time? Ideas Share

18 Labeled center areas Rotation system / management board Rules Must do / May do What do I do when I don’t Know???

19 Monitor learners in all school settings. Proximity control is the key to classroom control. Evaluate the situation that both you and the student create in the classroom. How do you know centers are running smoothly within your classroom? Share

20 Vary instructional techniques and praise learners whenever possible. Explore the learners educational strengths and weaknesses. Create an atmosphere that reaps success instead of failures. Provide an opportunity for learners to be actively involved in the learning process.

21 The model of differentiated instruction requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching. Teachers must adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to learners rather than expect students to modify themselves for the curriculum.

22 What do teachers need to recognize in their students in order to differentiate instruction? Share

23 Provide learners the security of consistency. Provide learners the security of consistency. Make actions and consequences clear. Make actions and consequences clear. Display and require consistency in behavior. Display and require consistency in behavior. Get to know your own classroom management style so that you can explore your strengths and improve your weaknesses. Get to know your own classroom management style so that you can explore your strengths and improve your weaknesses.



26 What Should the Classroom Look Like During Area time? Independent Student center Teacher Lead Small Group Instruction Independent Student Center You may need multiple independent student centers depending on the number of students in your room. The teacher should be able to view the whole class while meeting in their small group. Centers should reflect previously taught materials and should be modeled thoroughly for the students. Classroom policies and procedures during center time should be established, consistent, and modeled.

27 References ASCD (Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development) The First Six Weeks of School by Paula Denton and Roxanne Kriete

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