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Universal Design for Learning: Improving Outcomes for Students in Wisconsin Grace Meo, Patti Ralabate,

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Design for Learning: Improving Outcomes for Students in Wisconsin Grace Meo, Patti Ralabate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Design for Learning: Improving Outcomes for Students in Wisconsin Grace Meo, Patti Ralabate, CAST 1

2  Sign in, name tent  Log in to IBAHN Conf – code: 0966E5  Sign up for a UDL Connect account and join our Wisconsin group in-wi-dpi  We will officially begin at 9am!

3 Go To: to sign up for a UDL Connect account



6 1 = novice 3 = somewhat familiar 5 = quite familiar, in fact I teach others

7 Identify the need for UDL in Wisconsin Establish common language around UDL terms Map resources to support implementation of the CC Determine action steps for moving forward

8 Wisconsin SEA Request for ESEA Flexibility, 2013 We strongly support the emphasis on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles. DPI will continue to incorporate Universal Design for Learning principles into planning and development of resources for standards implementation, assessments, and instructional practices.



11  UDL  Multiple …  Curriculum  Access  Design  Students  Learning


13 13


15 15

16 Research and Innovation Practice

17 UDL…Misperceptions: UDL… Provides high standards for all and promotes student responsibility. Is about watering down the curriculum. Recognizes that learner variability is the rule. Is just for students with special needs. Is a proactive way to plan for the variability of all learners. Is the same as differentiated instruction. Provides choice and options that are flexible, varied, and scaffolded, as appropriate. Requires technology.


19 Goal setting Consider Variability-UDL Select Assessment Select Methods/ Materials/Media Implement/TeachReflect



22 Vision Action Plan Incentives Skills Resources Assessment Change



25 “In order to ensure academic and behavioral success for all learners, how can Wisconsin utilize UDL as the avenue to which we can integrate our state educational priorities?”

26 Cast your vote!


28  Define your Goal  Create Action Steps


30 a lot of work to do Variability matters – neuroscience CAST is full of resources Businesses in state depend on stduents’ability to think UDL is frontloaded Importance of conversation among stakeholders UDL will enhance any initiative Lacking parent voice Love to use acronyms Think about this as more than a practice – need to think about system re-design Excitement in the belief that all kids can be reached


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