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I. Neutrino Oscillations with the MiniBooNE Experiment at FNAL ● Louis – 4-Year Plan and Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment ● Mills – Fluxes, Cross Sections,

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Presentation on theme: "I. Neutrino Oscillations with the MiniBooNE Experiment at FNAL ● Louis – 4-Year Plan and Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment ● Mills – Fluxes, Cross Sections,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Neutrino Oscillations with the MiniBooNE Experiment at FNAL ● Louis – 4-Year Plan and Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment ● Mills – Fluxes, Cross Sections, Antineutrinos, & SCIBooNE ● Van de Water – Future Experiments: BooNE & OscSNS II. Hadron Physics with the PHENIX Experiment at BNL ● Liu – Overview, Spin Physics, J/  's, Muons, W's ● Leitch – CNM Physics, E906/JPARC, PHENIX Operations ● Leitch – FVTX Proposal Summary, Staffing, & Budget Plan LANL DOE KB01 Review May 10, 2006

2 FY06 LANL KB01 Budget ProgramDOE FundingLDRD Funding Neutrinos$1095K $425K Hadrons $896K$1510K* Total$1991K$1935K* LDRD Funding Enhances LANL NP Productivity! * For both KB01 & KB02

3 KB01 Neutrino Program Addresses one of the NSAC Performance Measures: Measure fundamental properties of neutrinos and fundamental symmetries by using neutrinos from the sun and nuclear reactors and by using radioactive decay measurements

4 Neutrino KB01 Program Personnel Staff Members: Bill Louis (Co-spokesperson of MiniBooNE Neutrino  Experiment) Geoff Mills (LANL Team Leader for ME Neutrino  Research) Richard Van de Water (Co-spokesperson of MiniBooNE Antineutrino Experiment) Postdocs: Chris Green, Gordon McGregor, Heather Ray Retired LANL Fellows: Gerry Garvey & Hywel White Engineer: Jan Boissevain Technicians: Chuck Alexander, Jackie Gonzalez, & Shawn McKenney Graduate Student: Gabe Powers

5 Neutrino KB01 Program Research Budget FY06 Actual Budget: $1095K (DOE) + $425K (LDRD) FY07 President’s Budget: $1100K (DOE) + LDRD Funding FY08 Proposed Budget (+10%): $1210K (DOE) + LDRD Funding FY09 Proposed Budget (+10%): $1331K (DOE) + LDRD Funding FY10 Proposed Budget (+10%): $1464K (DOE) + LDRD Funding

6 Neutrino KB01 Program Four-Year Research Plan 2006 – Present first neutrino oscillation results from the MiniBooNE experiment in the summer and take data with antineutrinos. 2007 – Continue taking data with antineutrinos. If MiniBooNE confirms the LSND evidence for neutrino oscillations*, write proposals for follow-up experiments at Fermilab (BooNE) & ORNL (OscSNS). 2008 – Present first antineutrino oscillation results. Continue taking data with antineutrinos and obtain approval and funding for follow-up experiments at Fermilab (BooNE) & ORNL (OscSNS). 2009 - Continue taking data with antineutrinos and begin construction for follow-up experiments at Fermilab (BooNE) & ORNL (OscSNS). 2010 - Continue taking data with antineutrinos and complete construction for follow-up experiments at Fermilab (BooNE) & ORNL (OscSNS). * If MiniBooNE does not confirm LSND => Join Majorana Double-  Decay Experiment

7 Current State of Neutrino Oscillation Evidence Expt.Type  m 2 (eV 2 ) sin 2 2  LSND   e ~1 ~3x10 -3 Atm.    ~2x10 -3 ~1 Solar e   ~8x10 -5 ~0.8

8 If MiniBooNE Confirms LSND: Physics Beyond the Standard Model & Connections with Astrophysics! 3+2 Sterile Neutrinos Sorel, Conrad, & Shaevitz (hep-ph/0305255) Explain Pulsar Kicks? Explain R-Process in Supernovae? Sterile Neutrinos Explain Dark Matter? MaVaNs & 3+1Hung (hep-ph/0010126) Sterile NeutrinoKaplan, Nelson, & Weiner (hep-ph/0401099) Explain Dark Energy? CPT Violation & 3+1 Barger, Marfatia, & Whisnant (hep-ph/0308299) Sterile NeutrinoExplain Baryon Asymmetry in the Universe? Quantum DecoherenceBarenboim & Mavromatos (hep-ph/0406035) Lorentz ViolationKostelecky & Mewes (hep-ph/0406255) Extra DimensionsPas, Pakvasa, & Weiler (hep-ph/0504096) Sterile Neutrino DecayPalomares-Ruiz, Pascoli, & Schwetz (hep-ph/0505216)

9 MiniBooNE: A Definitive Test of the LSND Evidence for Oscillations: Search for   e Alabama, Bucknell, Cincinnati, Colorado, Columbia, Embry-Riddle, Fermilab, Indiana, Los Alamos, LSU, Michigan, Princeton, St. Mary's, Western Illinois, Yale Completely different systematic errors than LSND Much higher energy than LSND Blind Analysis

10 5x10 -3

11 LANL Contributions to MiniBooNE ● Management Bill Louis is co-spokesperson of the MiniBooNE Neutrino Experiment Richard Van de Water is co-spokesperson of the MiniBooNE Antineutrino Experiment ● Electronics & DAQ Richard Van de Water, Chris Green, Gordon McGregor, & Heather Ray are responsible ● Be Target Gerry Garvey & Geoff Mills designed and built the Be Target ● Antineutrino Running LANL LDRD funding paid for the antineutrino charging supplies ● Neutrino Fluxes, & Neutrino Cross Sections Geoff Mills joined HARP & obtained 20 M triggers of 8.9 GeV/c p-Be data with the Actual MB Target ● Reconstruction & PID Algorithms Gordon McGregor is co-convener of the Algorithms group

12 MiniBooNE 71-cm Be Target

13 Magnetic Focusing Horn 2.5 KV 170 KA 143  s 5 Hz


15 MiniBooNE Detector Tank

16 Inside the MiniBooNE Detector

17 Hamamatsu 8” PMT R1408(old) R5912(new) #stages = 9 (old) 10 (new)  t ~ 1.7 ns (old) 1.2 ns (new) peak/valley ~ 1.1 (old) 1.5 (new)

18 MiniBooNE Neutrino Flux HARP at CERN E910 at BNL

19 NUANCE Monte Carlo

20 After e PID Selection

21 Expectation for 3.25E20 Protons on Target

22 Expected MiniBooNE Sensitivity

23 Measurement of Oscillation Parameters

24 MiniBooNE Highlights MiniBooNE has collected ~750K neutrino events from ~7E20 Protons on Target Experiment is working well (>99% livetime & 99% of PMT channels working well) Clearly reconstructing CCQE, CCPI+, NCPI0, & NCEL events First focussing horn was replaced during 2004 fall shutdown! First horn set a world record of 96M pulses (previous record set at BNL with 13M pulses) Now taking data with Antineutrinos

25 MiniBooNE Neutrino Events Are Very Clean! Neutrino Signal to Cosmic-Ray Background ~ 5000 to 1!

26 Contained Neutrino Event Visible Energy Distributon (MeV)

27 Contained Neutrino Event Angular Distribution

28 I. CCQE Events  12 C    p 11 C * About 48% of the MiniBooNE events are CCQE MiniBooNE now has one of the largest samples of CCQE events! Important for  Disappearance & e Appearance Background Serves as the “Golden Mode” for Measuring Cross Sections Selection: Single ring event, consistent with a muon

29 CCQE Energy Distribution ~10% energy resolution

30 CCQE Angular Distribution

31 II. CC  + Events  12 C     + X Not Well Measured at Low Energies About 31% of the MiniBooNE events are CC  + MiniBooNE now has the world's largest sample of CC  + e vents! Important for  Disappearance & e Appearance Background Selection: Double-ring event with 2 Michel-electrons ++ p, n  +(+)

32  - decay  + decay

33 CC  + Energy Distribution

34 CC  + Angular Distribution

35 III. NC  0 Events  12 C     C* Contributions from: Resonance Production Coherent Production Selection: Double Ring Event with no Michel-electrons

36 MiniBooNE NC  0 Reconstruction

37 IV.   e Oscillations: e 12 C -> e - p 11 C* Blind Analysis On track for results this summer Obtaining good agreement between data & MC Considering using Boosted Decision Trees for PID

38 PID with Boosted Decision Trees ● MiniBooNE has a deceptively large amount of information & Boosted Decision Trees are tailor- made for MiniBooNE particle identification! ● See physics/0408124 (Roe, Yang, Zhu, Liu, Stancu, McGregor) for a discussion of Boosted Decision Trees, which give better performance than ANN

39 Boosting Performance from physics/0408124 e Events  Events

40 Boosting PID Distribution for NuMI Contained 1 Sub-Events

41 MiniBooNE Schedule Run Antineutrinos in 2006 Complete Analysis (Good agreement between data & MC: neutrino flux, cross sections, detector MC) Open Box and Present Results If MiniBooNE Confirms LSND => Physics Beyond the Standard Model!

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