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Eco-spot 9 a different view. Before you begin, pause for a few moments to breathe in the beauty of all of life and the whole of the cosmos.

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-spot 9 a different view. Before you begin, pause for a few moments to breathe in the beauty of all of life and the whole of the cosmos."— Presentation transcript:

1 eco-spot 9 a different view

2 Before you begin, pause for a few moments to breathe in the beauty of all of life and the whole of the cosmos

3 I part the out-thrusting branches And come in beneath The blessed and the blessing trees Though I am silent, there is singing around Me Wendell Berry

4 Trees speak powerfully of our creator God if we are willing to listen, see and touch them.

5 God teach us to reverence trees To honour their life-giving properties And their beauty always. Amen

6 As you move around outside today take a moment to honour any trees in your neighbourhood. If there are none consider planting one in the ground or in a pot as a contribution to our planet’s life.

7 Though I am dark There is vision around me Though I am heavy There is flight around me. Wendell Berry

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