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JPL Flight Team Bob Hoffman Adam Nikolic Josh Ruggiero Dusty Terrill.

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Presentation on theme: "JPL Flight Team Bob Hoffman Adam Nikolic Josh Ruggiero Dusty Terrill."— Presentation transcript:

1 JPL Flight Team Bob Hoffman Adam Nikolic Josh Ruggiero Dusty Terrill

2 Agenda Command List Command List Use Cases Use Cases Schedule Schedule

3 Command List Sending To Ground System Sending To Ground System –Send Image Command –Send Engineering Data Command Receiving From Ground System Receiving From Ground System –Point By Location –Take Photo by Time –Manual Navigation –Delete Single Command –Clear Command Queue

4 Send Image Command [command][timestamp][location][size] Command [2]:00 – regular image 01 – Infrared image Timestamp [32]:Time that the picture was taken. Seconds from January 1, 2007 12:00AM GMT. Location [64]:Where the picture was taken. Represented by two floats.Each float will hold either longitude or latitude. Size [32]:Size of image being sent in bits.

5 Send Engineering Data Command [command][timestamp][Altitude][Latitude][Longitude][Fuel][Battery Power][Battery Consumption][# reads][# writes] Command [2]:10 – Engineering Data Timestamp [32]:Time that information was sent. Altitude [32]:Height in km. Latitude [32]:Latitude coordinate. Longitude [32]:Longitude coordinates. Fuel [32]:Amount of fuel left in kg. Battery Power [32]:Amount of battery power left in mW. Battery Consumption Rate [32]:Battery Consumption Rate in mW/H. # of reads module1 [32]:Read total of memory module 1. # of reads module2 [32]:Read total of memory module 2. # of writes module 1 [32]:Write total of memory module 1. # of writes module 2 [32]:Write total of memory module 2.

6 Point By Location [command][timestamp][latitude][longitude] [time to execute] Command [3]:000 – Take Photo By Location Timestamp [32]:Time that command was sent. Latitude [32]:Location to move to. Longitude [32]:Location to move to. Time [32]:Time to execute command.

7 Take Photo By Time [command][timestamp][type][time to execute] Command [3]:001 – Take Photo By Time Timestamp [32]:Time that command was sent. Type [1]:0 – Regular image 1 – Infrared image Time [32]:Time to execute command.

8 Manual Navigation [command][timestamp][Peripheral][Parameters][time to execute] Command [3]:010 – Manual Navigation Timestamp [32]:Time that command was sent. Peripheral [?]:Choose peripheral to use. Parameters [?]:Pass parameters with command and data. Time [32]:Time to execute command. These need to be hashed out later once the flight team has a peripheral list and a command list for those peripherals.

9 Delete Single Command [command][timestamp][exec time to delete] Command [3]:011 – Delete Single Command Timestamp [32]:Time command was sent. Time [32]:Time to execute the delete.

10 Clear Command Queue [command][timestamp] Command [3]:100 – Clear command queue Timestamp [32]:Time that command was sent.

11 Use Cases


13 Use Case 1: Receive/Decode Command 1. Ground Systems Control sends a packet to the Satellite System. 2. Satellite System receives the packet. 3. Satellite System takes the first three bits from the packet to determine the type of command.

14 Use Case 2: Clear Command Queue 1. The command type is found to be “Clear the Command Queue” which is represented by the first three bits being 100. 2. Clear the command queue.

15 Use Case 3: Delete Single Command 1. The command type is found to be “Delete Single Command” which is represented by the first three bits being 011. 2. Parse the time to execute from packet, which are bits 35 through 66. 3. Search command queue for matching time to execute. 4. Delete packet with matching time to execute. 5. If no match is found, no packet is deleted

16 Use Case 4: Add to Command Queue 1. The command type which is represented by the first three bits in the packet is either 000, 001, or 010. 2. Parse the time to execute from packet, which are bits 35 through 66. 3. Insert packet onto the command queue according to time to execute, where the soonest time to execute takes priority in the queue.

17 Use Case 5: Point to Location 1. The current time matches the time to execute of the packet at the front of the command queue. 2. The command type is found to be “Point to Location” which is represented by the first three bits being 000. 3. Parse from packet bits 67 through 98 which represents Earth’s latitude and bits 99 through 130 which represents Earth’s longitude. 4. Satellite System calculates its route based on latitude and longitude. 5. Satellite uses thrusters to execute calculated route.

18 Use Case 6: Take Photo by Time 1. The current time matches the time to execute of the packet at the front of the command queue. 2. The command type is found to be “Take Photo by Time” which is represented by the first three bits being 001. 3. Parse the type of photo which is bit 66. 4. If bit 66 is 0 camera is prepared for regular image, if it is 1 camera is prepared for infrared image. 5. Take picture. 6. Put picture information into a packet. 7. Send packet back to Ground System Controller.

19 Use Case 7: Manual Navigation 1. The current time matches the time to execute of the packet at the front of the command queue. 2. The command type is found to be “Manual Navigation” which is represented by the first three bits being 010. 3. Parse information. 4. Execute.

20 Schedule

21 Questions??

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