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Spaceport Architectures Discussion What is a Spaceport? Spaceport Functional Performance—How Are We Doing? A Structured, Generic Model to Envision Spaceport.

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Presentation on theme: "Spaceport Architectures Discussion What is a Spaceport? Spaceport Functional Performance—How Are We Doing? A Structured, Generic Model to Envision Spaceport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spaceport Architectures Discussion What is a Spaceport? Spaceport Functional Performance—How Are We Doing? A Structured, Generic Model to Envision Spaceport Enterprises A Vision of Space Launch Operations…for ALL of US Caution Caution : To Achieve the Vision, There WILL Be Catastrophes Along the Way—So, We Need Need to Re-Establish our Proving Grounds

2 What is a Spaceport?




6 Payload Mass Delivery to Space US Domestic & Foreign Cape Canaveral Spaceport Foreign-Based Ports 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998 Metric Tons Calendar Year All Other US Near-term Growth Mid-term Growth Far-term Growth 2005 2010 2015 How Can We Help Enable New Space Market Growth? Re-Inventing Flight Systems/Spaceports Higher Throughput Capability/Capacity Higher Throughput Capability via Higher Flight Rate Capability Near-Term: Innovative Applications for Excess Launch Capacity Minimum of Infrastructure & Operations to Produce a Flight How Can We Help Enable New Space Market Growth? Re-Inventing Flight Systems/Spaceports Higher Throughput Capability/Capacity Higher Throughput Capability via Higher Flight Rate Capability Near-Term: Innovative Applications for Excess Launch Capacity Minimum of Infrastructure & Operations to Produce a Flight

7 A Structured Model of Generic Spaceport Functions

8 Relationship of Generic Functions to Spaceport Enterprises Vehicle Operator (“airline”) Landing/Recovery Turnaround Element Receipt & Acceptance Assembly/Integration Launch Concept-Unique Logistics Depot Maintenance Example Enterprise Grouping of Generic Functions… Ground Host/Suppliers (“airport”) Offline Payload Services (Cargo/Passenger) Civil/Military Commercial Traffic/Flight Control Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Connecting Infrastructure & Community Support Services Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Cargo Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics A Conceptual Model of Generic Spaceport Functions Offline Payload Processing

9 A Closer Examination of the Generic Spaceport Model Will look at a few examples of the twelve functions in more detail to reveal the technical challenges, management complexities and business opportunities – Payload Functions –Turnaround Functions –Traffic & Flight Control Functions Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Payload/ Cargo Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Offline Payload Processing Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics

10 Generic Spaceport Functional Description Offline Payload Processing Typical Service Options for Customer: Sealed Delivery/Deployment only Scientific Experiments Support Late Access Services (Perishables/Life Sciences) Govt High Security Payload Commodity Servicing Personnel Life Support Test & Checkout Assembly & Packaging Payload Varieties & Flight Design Choices : Passengers Deployable Bulk (Commodities and equipment) Vehicle Packaging Options Design Approaches Examples of Potential Top-Level Functions That Emerge from the Design Choices  Receiving/inspection  Verify payload functional  Prepare payload for transport to the launch vehicle  Perform fluids servicing  Perform weight, CG & balance  Package P/L in shipping container; ship Definition: Functions required at the spaceport to prepare cargo for shipment into space and retrieval from space. Also includes those functions performed offline from launch vehicle activity to prepare passengers and/or flight crew for departure to and return from space. Note: These functions DO NOT include the installation or “integration” of the payload into the launch vehicle. CRUCIAL RELATIONSHIP!

11 1 From Payload Integration to Space Cargo Shipping & Receiving Move from labor intensive, clean room, custom services only... Vision Spaceport artwork by Pat Rawlings …To rapid bulk shipping and receiving to and from the space frontier!

12 A Closer Examination of the Generic Spaceport Model Will look at a few examples of the twelve functions in more detail to reveal the technical challenges, management complexities and business opportunities –Payload Functions – Turnaround Functions –Traffic & Flight Control Functions Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Payload/ Cargo Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Offline Payload Processing Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics

13 Generic Spaceport Functional Description Flight Element Turnaround Functions Typical Service Options for Customer: P/L installation and/or removal Flight System Design Options Needing Consideration Complexity v. simplicity Dependability of reusable flight hardware Elimination of Leaks, Shorts, Opens, Cracks, Corrosion Operational Design Life, Margins # of fluid systems List of Potential Top-Level Functions That Emerge from the Design Choices  Safing, if required (ordnance, cryos, etc.)  Inspection/checkout to verify system health  Cargo removal/Installation if desired  Troubleshooting and repair as needed  Service commodities and perform close-out if desired Definition: Functions required to receive and prepare reusable space vehicle element(s) for assembly/launch ops Includes any necessary vehicle “safing”, inspections, troubleshooting/repair, checkout, and servicing Also includes support operations resulting from the foregoing functions (e.g., gaining access, applying power, controlling temperatures, supplying purge gases, etc.). CRUCIALRELATIONSHIP!

14 From Complex Turnaround Processes To Gate-Like Operations Move from time-consuming, labor-intensive, servicing- intensive, repair-intensive operations with extensive ground support infrastructure, to… …Simple, dependable vehicle turnaround that replenishes consumables only Vision Spaceport artwork by Pat Rawlings Shuttle Orbiter in its Processing Facility

15 A Closer Examination of the Generic Spaceport Model Will look at a few examples of the twelve functions in more detail to reveal the technical challenges, management complexities and business opportunities –Payload Functions –Turnaround Functions – Traffic & Flight Control Functions Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Payload/ Cargo Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics Community Infrastructure Traffic & Flight Control (Including “Range” functions) System Operations Planning & Management Spaceport Support Infrastructure Offline Payload Processing Landing/ Recovery Assembly & Integration Launch Turnaround Depot Maintenance Element Receipt & Acceptance Concept-Unique Logistics

16 Generic Spaceport Functional Description Traffic and Flight Control Functions Typical Service Options for Customer: Protects space flight from harming general public Also… Measurement and tracking services In-Flight Communication services Navigational services Photographic services Architectural Design Options Needing Consideration Custom vs. Standard Flight Planning Lack of Demonstrated Reliability vs Vehicle Certificate following Extensive Flight Certification Labor Intensive Control Rooms vs Traffic/Flt Management Ground Based vs Space-Based Monitoring Ascent vs Descent/Landing Monitoring Req’d List of Potential Top-Level Functions That Emerge from the Design Choices  Management & control of systems for Ground-to-Flight Vehicle communications  Weather advisory for flight vehicle departure and returns (also for ground operations)  Flight Safety monitor and control during Ascent, Reentry, and Approach & Landing phases  Audio-Visual monitoring of ground operations Definition: Functions required monitor and control outbound and inbound space traffic, ground element movements within a spaceport, and also protect the public and high value assets during ground processing and space flight operations CRUCIALRELATIONSHIP!

17 A New Vision for Space Traffic & Flight Control Tomorrow’s Space Traffic & Flight Control Center Vision Spaceport artwork by Pat Rawlings Move from labor-intensive, time-consuming “Firing Rooms,” “Range Operations Control rooms”and “Mission Control rooms,” to…

18 Key Issue in Achieving the Space Traffic and Flight Control Vision Must demonstrate dramatic improvements in space flight reliability –Moving from complex “Range” operations to airport/airliner-like Space Traffic and Flight Control requires orders of magnitude improvement in vehicle reliability –Status quo is not compatible with the vision –Will require one or more dedicated RLV “proving ground” with adequate development infrastructure to demonstrate and achieve the dramatic improvements (Back to our initial Cape Canaveral roots)


20 Spaceport Architectures Key to Achieving a National Vision Our Mission: Stimulating the creation of affordable space transportation Accomplishing the mission through collaborative research and use of concept & technology assessment tools

21 Summary SUMMARY Taken a Structured, Generic Look at Spaceport Architectural Elements and a Few Key Issues Key Principle for Everyone Involved and a charge: –We must pursue dramatic improvements in space transportation systems such that the flight systems are compatible with the ground systems and our vision of spaceport operations –That vision is one of affordable, responsive and safe space travel …for all of us! –Further, research & development investments by both government and industry must recognize the importance of the flight-to ground interactions and use its collective influence to demonstrate that dramatic improvements are achievable and supportive of grand, new space ventures

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