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Collision-free Time Slot Reuse in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Collision-free Time Slot Reuse in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collision-free Time Slot Reuse in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks
Lodewijk van Hoesel and Paul Havinga Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Twente Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing Conference, 2005.IEEE

2 Outline Introduction Related Work
Lightweight Medium Access Protocol (LMAC) Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots Simulation Conclusion

3 Introduction Motivation To ensure a long-lived network of wireless communicating sensors To prevent energy-wasting effects like idle listening or collision of packets. To limit latency It is key issue to keep the number of time slots in a frame

4 Related Work- Lightweight Medium Access Protocol (LMAC)
frame frame frame frame frame timeslot CM DM CM: Control Message DM: Data Message

5 Related Work- Lightweight Medium Access Protocol (LMAC)
A node always transmits a control message in its own slot All neighbors should receive the control message CM of a node as RTS message The ACK of reception of another node in its occupied slots field as CTS message

6 Related Work- Lightweight Medium Access Protocol (LMAC)
A node always starts its time slot by sending out a CM -Even if it does not have any data to send. Addressing other nodes, CM is need of synchronization -Resolving collisions and the operation of the distributed time slot scheduling The data message (DM) does not have a fixed length and is even omitted when a node does not have any message to send

7 Related Work- Interference Regions
{A,C,D} :blocking by CTS of Node B Aint :blocking by Carrier Sense of Node A {B,C} :blocking by RTS/DATA of Node A E RTS B A D {E,F} :Not blocked during DATA transmit F C Interference range typical larger than transmit range

8 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots
Initialization(I) Network setup Active(A) Wait(W) Time slot collision Discover(D)

9 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots
Detect other neighboring nodes When a neighboring node is detected, the node synchronize After a frame,nodes switch to the wait state W Initialization state (/) 1 2 3 4 Nodes wait randomness time W between synchronization and choosing of a free time slot After the random wait time, the node continues with the discover state D. Wait state (W)

10 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots
Discover state (D) Every node broadcasts a bit vector of occupied slots in its CM The node collects second order (2 hops) neighborhood information during one entire frame When a node receives a CM successfully, it updates the vector Logical '1' at the position of the time slot Otherwise a '0' will be inserted The node chooses a time slot and advances to the active state A To reduce the probability of collisions, nodes randomly choose one from the set F 'OR'-operation between all received bit vectors

11 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots
M={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} 1 ACK F={5,6,7,8} 1 timeslot CM 2 3 F :the set of non-interfering time slot A similar distance min |Tint -T|> rint Minimum distance between receiver R and interfering transmitter Tint is min |Tint - R| > r 4

12 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots – Choosing one time slot from the free ones
'OR'-operation Time slots are only reused after three hops or more Free time slot:1,2,7 This node control time slot 6 3 2 4 7 8 ? 6 1 5 Bit vector of occupied time slots

13 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots
Active state (A) The node transmits a CM (and DM if necessary) in its own time slot. It listens to other time slots and accepts data from neighboring nodes The nodes cannot detect the collision by themselves Need to be informed by their neighboring nodes These neighboring nodes use their own time slot to inform By using a special field in the CM When a node is informed a collision has by neighbor’s CM It will give up its time slot and back to the wait state W

14 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots- Resolving Collisions
A C CM collide B When a node is informed a collision has by neighbor’s CM It will give up its time slot and back to the wait state W

15 Simulation Sensor nodes:500
Divide topology into sets with Max △ △:local maximum connectivity of node in network Localized Algorithm compares with Random Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots Node with ID '0' is assigned time slot '1' and is put into the active state (A). Other nodes are put in the initialization state (I)

16 Simulation △ = 8, in 70% of the topologies a node-conflicting schedule could be create with 9 time slots Number of time slots necessary in random networks for different maximal connectivities

17 Simulation Number of time slots necessary in random networks for different maximal connectivities using the localized algorithm △+1≦Ntimesolts ≦ △²- △+1

18 Conclusion Localized time slot assignment algorithm
Allows nodes to be self-configuring A mechanism allows nodes to discover which time slots can be used. Reuse time slots to reduce the length of time slots Our method does not rely on central managers or hierarchical relations in the network

19 Thanks for Your Listening!!

20 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots

21 Localized Algorithm for assigning Time Slots

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