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What’s ahead in Knowledge-Land ? JC Spender Lund, ESADE.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s ahead in Knowledge-Land ? JC Spender Lund, ESADE."— Presentation transcript:

1 what’s ahead in Knowledge-Land ? JC Spender Lund, ESADE

2 my agenda the future is what we make KM came from ? search for dynamism, innovation human agency - values, ethics methodology, complementarity KM’s potentially radical contribution 9 slides 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20112

3 KM - its past & present Larry Prusak - IT, globalization, economics of knowledge Jay Liebowitz - KM (IT) and the info-management future Leif Edvinsson IC - accounting, the IC metrics future knowledge flows - making system work better (K-plumbing) – firm, industry, region, nation, individual Goran Roos - situational, K differentials, Veblen (1904) Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995 - (a) tacit K, (b) K-generation 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20113

4 K-generation 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20114 human work-effort

5 double spiral - non-zero costs - non-equilibrium human agency 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20115 making a difference in the world

6 research decision 1 - level of analysis individual group, team firm region industry nation inter-nation global …. 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20116 if dynamic, time-full, open …. where is the relevant agency? if static, equilibrium, deterministic, friction-less, time-less …

7 research decision 2 - methodology causal models ‘etic’ (observer’s view) and ‘emic’ (insider’s lived view) how do we live through the day ? 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20117 A g(C,f(A,B)) B f(A,B) C

8 innovation as agentic response to action under constraints historical - surfacing variables and actor’s logic ‘framing’ agentic actor’s opportunity space business model = language 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20118 technological advance competitor’s marketing labor market government standards funding entrepreneur’s moral/ethics

9 KM community of projects 1 - knowledge-asset as a measurable cause of action IT, knowledge plumbing, collect, store, deliver 2 - knowledge-absences ? human responses as agentic practice tacit as non-cognitive two complementary methodologies 3 - KM research projects vary - etic/emic 4 -IT, globalization, K-economics 18-Jun-20116th IFKAD 20119

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