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 Chemical substances from food  Body uses to function properly.

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2  Chemical substances from food  Body uses to function properly

3 1. Body digests food 2. Bloodstream absorbs nutrients 3. Bloodstream carries nutrients to cells  Cells use nutrients to maintain and regulate body processes and to promote growth

4  Nutrition—the science of how nutrients support the body  Nutrients that keep body working are divided into 6 major classes: › Carbohydrates › Proteins › Fats › Minerals › Vitamins › Water Each nutrient performs a special function in the body!

5  Major sources of energy in your diet  3 types › Sugars—simple carbohydrate › Starches—complex carbohydrate › Fiber—complex carbohydrate  Your body changes sugars and starches into energy

6  Found in foods such as: › Milk › Fruits › Candy › Cookies  Your body can use some right away— others are broken down into simpler sugars

7  Found in foods such as: › Cereals › Breads › Rice › Pasta › Starchy vegetables  Before your body can use starches for energy, it must convert into simple sugars (occurs during digestion)

8  Your body can’t digest fiber  Provides roughage for your body (stimulates normal activity of intestines)  Fiber moves through your body and helps get rid of solid waste

9  When you eat more carbs than your body can use, some are changed to glycogen  Glycogen—used for “quick energy” › Example: running to catch bus  When body does not use carbs as glycogen, they are changed to fat (stored in body)

10  Found in all cells  Needed for growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues  Made up of amino acids (building blocks for cells)  Needed for chemical balance in body  Builds antibodies to fight infections  Two classes of proteins: › Complete proteins › Incomplete proteins

11  Complete proteins—provides all amino acids body needs › meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs  Incomplete proteins– provides some, but not all amino acids › dried beans, peas, and nuts  Diets low in protein: › Poor muscle tone › Lack of energy › Reduced resistance to disease

12  Concentrated sources of food energy  Provide more than 2 times as much energy as carbs or proteins  Stored beneath skin to: › Insulate body  Shock  Temperature changes › Cushions organs  Divided into 2 classes—saturated and unsaturated fats

13  Meat and butter (animal sources)=higher saturated fat  Corn oil or soybean oil (plant sources)=higher unsaturated fat

14  Body provides all the cholesterol it needs › Uses include:  Making sex hormones  Making vitamin D  You add more cholesterol by your diet  Saturated fats and cholesterol (dietary) raise blood cholesterol levels

15  Inorganic substances needed for building tissues and regulating body functions  Do not provide body with energy › Calcium › Phosphorus › Fluorine › Iodine › Iron › Sodium › Zinc

16  Organic substances needed in small amounts for normal growth and maintenance of good health  Most vitamin needs can be met by eating a variety of foods  2 groups › Fat-soluble =A, D, E, K › Water-soluble = B & C

17  FAT SOLUBLE  Needed for: › Good vision › Normal growth › Healthy skin  Good sources include: › Liver › Whole and fortified milk products › Fish oils › Foods that are rich in carotene  Orange fruits and vegetables  Dark green vegetables

18  FAT SOLUBLE  Works with phosphorus and calcium to: › Maintain bones and teeth  Often called the “sunshine vitamin” › Body makes Vitamin D when exposed sunlight  Eggs, butter, fish liver oils, fortified milk › All reliable sources of Vitamin D  Fortified—nutrients have been added to a food to improve nutritional value

19  FAT SOLUBLE  Main function is to act as an antioxidant  Protects blood cells and cells in lungs from oxygen damage  Found in: › Vegetable oils › Whole grain cereals › Liver › Green leafy vegetables

20  FAT SOLUBLE  Needed for proper blood clotting  Digestive tract makes about ½ of needed vitamin K  Found in: › Spinach › Cabbage › Eggs › Liver

21  WATER SOLUBLE  Thiamin—helps obtain energy from food › Promotes appetite › Good digestion  Riboflavin—helps obtain energy from food › healthy skin › normal vision  Niacin-- helps obtain energy from food › Healthy skin › Good digestion › Proper functioning of nervous system

22  WATER SOLUBLE  Helps hold body cells together  Keeps blood vessels strong  Found in: › Citrus fruits › Strawberries › Cantaloupe › Peppers › Broccoli › Tomatoes

23  Water is one of the most important nutrients  Water helps carry nutrients to cells and waste from cells  Aids in digestion and regulates body temperature  You should drink 6-8 glasses each day

24  Eat a well-balanced diet  Drink more water  Limit caffeinated beverages  Limit sugary drinks dy/usergames/Jan201204/game132751848 4.php

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