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SEPTEMBER 15, 2011. By the end of the meeting, participants will:  Understand the purpose of the workgroup and the importance of their contribution;

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Presentation on theme: "SEPTEMBER 15, 2011. By the end of the meeting, participants will:  Understand the purpose of the workgroup and the importance of their contribution;"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPTEMBER 15, 2011

2 By the end of the meeting, participants will:  Understand the purpose of the workgroup and the importance of their contribution;  Examine current mentoring practices for new teachers and explore additional possibilities within HCPSS;  Determine next steps in the Teacher Mentor for Teacher Leader series.

3  Welcome  Workgroup Updates  People Bingo  Teacher Mentoring Support in HCPSS  Next Steps for “Teacher Mentoring for Teacher Leader” series  Closure

4  Teacher Development Liaisons  On-going professional Learning- new2hc wiki  New Teacher Wiki  Mentoring Supports  Teacher Mentoring Work Group Purpose Role


6  Corinne, Karen, Maha, Bev  Leslie, June, LeeAnn, Cheryl, Stephanie M.  Sandra, Alicia, Kim K., Joyce, Jenny M.  Shannon, Geordie, Missie, Claire  Juliann, Jenny N., Stephanie H., Kym N.

7  Read “Focus on Instructional Practice”  Examine this reading to provide a grounding in Instructional Mentoring. Discuss reactions.  Work in small groups  Share current Teacher Mentoring practices  Brainstorm possibilities  Record ideas on poster  Gallery Walk  Debrief


9  78 attended  47% completed feedback form  86% rated content of course as a 4 or 5  Delivery of Course  Well Organized  Best training I’ve been too in a while  Facilitators were knowledgeable  Activities and discussion were good  Great tools and resources  Changes  Timing (more or less)  More on Coaching  How to help teachers to discover on their own  Same materials used that were used in past to training

10  Small groups  Refer back to Mentoring Support in HCPSS poster Select two topics that could be developed into a workshop for Teacher Leaders Complete form to describe ideas

11  Think of 3-5 words to describe what you are looking forward to about being a part of this Teacher Mentoring Work Group.  Next Meeting  October 20th

12 “There must be a connectedness among persons, each with a sense of urgency, each with a project. And there must be a capacity to imagine, to think of things as if they could be otherwise.” Maxine Green, “From Jagged Landscapes to Possibility,” 2006

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