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Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, The ALICE Project The objective of ALICE is to create a regional Latin American research networking infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, The ALICE Project The objective of ALICE is to create a regional Latin American research networking infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, The ALICE Project The objective of ALICE is to create a regional Latin American research networking infrastructure and its interconnection to the pan-European research network, GÉANT. The ALICE project is co-funded by the European Commission. “America Latina Interconectada Con Europa”

2 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, ALICE Project Overview Successor Project to CAESAR Part of EC’s @LIS Programme Duration: June 2003 - May 2006 split in Phase A and Phase B –Phase A: Planning and Procurement until Feb. 2004 –Phase B: Implementation and Operation until May 2006 More information:

3 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, ALICE Project Partners DANTE - Co-ordinating and Contracting Partner Partners: –CLARA - Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas –18 Latin American NRENs –4 European NRENs (GARR, FCCN, RENATER and RedIRIS)

4 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, Latin American Partners

5 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, Current Focus Connectivity Tender for LA regional research network and its interconnection to GÉANT Equipment Tender LA regional NOC definition Training and Technical Support Plan PR All work is carried out in close co-operation with CLARA.

6 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, Possible Latin American network topology Major connectivity between AR, BR, CL, MX (STM-1) Other countries connect to major nodes (between 10 and 45 Mbps) Connectivity to Europe (STM- 4) Topology and capacities dependent on result of the ALICE connectivity tender

7 Cathrin Stöver, DANTE, ALICE Timetable September-November 2003: Connectivity Tender negotiations and finalisation October 2003: Equipment Tender to be launched Early Spring 2004: Network roll-out starts Project to last until end of May 2006

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