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Embedded System Conference April 4-7,2006 Rob Steele Attendee.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedded System Conference April 4-7,2006 Rob Steele Attendee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedded System Conference April 4-7,2006 Rob Steele Attendee

2 RTOS Vendors Many RTOS vendors Emphasize small systems Targeted for toaster oven Seems to be money in this market Smaller number of vendors for the larger RTOS market

3 Hardware Vendors (1 of 2) Start up Companies Cool hardware Just did not fit JPL Most just seemed to need capital One company was selling for $1 each Minimum order: 10,000 units No samples available

4 Hardware Vendors (2 of 2) Usual list of suspects were represented Analog Devices Intel National Instruments Z-World

5 Support Software Bug finding tools Seem like a good idea Not always fully implemented Start up companies selling these products Eclipse Seems like a good idea May actually be practical

6 Eclipse Technology Presentations ESC-409:: The Eclipse Device Software Platform Project Doug Gaff, Wind River Systems − White paper ESC-429: Eclipse: Under the Hood Robert Day, LynuxWorks, Inc. − White paper

7 Eclipse: Collaborate on the platform, but compete with commercial solutions: Actuate Bea Borland Compute Associates Compuware HP Iona IBM Intel Monta Vista Nodia Serena Sybase Sap Wind River Zend

8 Technology Program (1 of 2) Papers and Presentations Available on the CLARAty web site erences/2006EmbeddedSystemCon ference/TechSeminars/ Some are very much worth the time to read. William Gatliff seemed to have an excellent grip on Linux for Real-Time (and soft Real-Time) systems

9 Technology Program (2 of 2) Statecharts by Miro Samek Writing ISRs in C++ by Dan Saks Free and Open Source Licenses by William Gatliff Guidelines for Writing Efficient C/C++ Code by Greg Davis The 25 Most Common Mistakes with Real-Time Software Development by Dave Steward Debian as an Embedded Linux Operating Systems by William Gatliff The Linux Kernel Boot Process by William Gatliff Eclipse: Under the Hood by Robert Day Real-Time UML by Bruce Powell Douglass

10 Design Seminars Papers and Presentations are on the CLARAty web site erences/2006EmbeddedSystemCon ference/DesignSeminars/

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