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To inform and support you in tendering for entry to a Catalogue of Alternative Provision for KS4 (Years 10 and 11) learners in Hertfordshire Thursday 14.

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Presentation on theme: "To inform and support you in tendering for entry to a Catalogue of Alternative Provision for KS4 (Years 10 and 11) learners in Hertfordshire Thursday 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 To inform and support you in tendering for entry to a Catalogue of Alternative Provision for KS4 (Years 10 and 11) learners in Hertfordshire Thursday 14 th May 2009, 9.30 am – 11.30am Robertson House, Stevenage ‘Putting the Learner First’ A Workshop for Alternative Providers

2 ‘Putting the Learner First’ Programme for the morning  Introduction to the Support Team  Overview of Alternative Provision  The Catalogue  The Tender Process – explaining how services will be commissioned under the Framework Agreement  Panel Discussion – question and answer session  Individual queries – an opportunity for 1:1 discussions regarding the tender

3 ‘Putting the Learner First’ Some Key Points  Partnership ‘project’ with schools, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Youth Connexions, Herts County Council (HCC) and Children, Schools and Families (CSF) teams e.g. Access to Education, 14-19  HCC will advise purchasers to use only the providers listed in the catalogue  There will be no funding direct from HCC – schools, education support centres (ESCs) and support services will be the purchasers

4 ‘Putting the Learner First’ What is ‘Alternative Provision’?  A different and more appropriate pathway to the core offer provided by schools/ESCs  For learners who are unlikely to successfully complete full time education in school  Normally part-time  Focused on personalised learning, may include vocational skills  Programmes that demonstrate progression, achievement and participation and involve innovative and creative approaches to teaching and learning  Learning takes place in environments that engage the young people

5 ‘Putting the Learner First’ What’s not in the Catalogue? The Catalogue will not include:  (Exclusively) outdoor/sport/adventure activities  Individual tuition  e-learning/distance learning  Practical Learning Opportunities (PLO)  LSC commissioned work-based learning provision  Work experience or extended work experience

6 ‘Putting the Learner First’ Why a ‘Catalogue’?  The DCSF expects all alternative provision to be commissioned and managed through a contract to ensure the quality and the well being of learners  To rationalise and reduce bureaucratic demands so the focus can be on programme development and experiences for the learners  Ensures that purchasers and providers are aware of all alternative provision that is on offer in the county

7 Developing the Catalogue  A section of Hertfordshire’s online prospectus, Hertschoices - launched in September  Inputting contact information and details of the programmes  Password protected access – login: altpass  Accessed by colleagues from Youth Connexions, HCC maintained schools, KS4 Learning Centres, and CSF teams eg SEN and Youth Offending – to ensure learners receive quality guidance and advice  Printed version (currently 1b – February 2009) ‘Putting the Learner First’ Role of the 14-19 Strategy Team

8 Review, monitoring and evaluation ‘Putting the Learner First’ Review, monitoring and evaluation  Monitoring the contract to ensure quality of provision for the learners – annually  Health and Safety managed by James Ottery, Health and Safety (Education) Team Manager  A self-evaluation framework  Evaluating the success of the catalogue through feedback from providers and purchasers  Observational visits and evaluation with the learners  Establishing Management Information processes to track learners’ progress

9 Marketing the provision  Included in the 14-19 Young People’s Needs Analysis – information collated late August by Youth Connexions  Part of the training programme for the District Managers and CSF teams  As from Sept 09 there will be Personal Advisers working with young people going from school into the community  Case studies from a young person’s perspective to be included on the 14-19 website  Possible links to Channel Mogo for young people to learn more about alternative provision

10 ‘Putting the Learner First’ Further support  Provision of guidance on ‘Steps for Success for the Learner’ to support all professionals  Invitation to join the KS4 Alternative Providers’ Network to share practice and to support your work eg information on accreditation, programme development, working with schools, learner exchange  Project Consultants - Gerry Green and Vicki Hopcroft to help with recruitment and advice  Opportunities for you to market and ‘showcase’ your provision – September 2009

11 ‘Putting the Learner First’ Contacts  Tony Mackin, Lead Officer ESCs and Behaviour Support 07789  Mary Hurlstone, 14-19 Adviser 07785 594701  Sheila Barr, 14-19 Strategy Administrator 01438 KS4 Alternative Provision - Project Consultants

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