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1 Waste Procurement – Next Steps Waste Management Panel 14 April 2009

2 Reference Case EfW + CHP 270,000 tonnes pa, plus 75,000 untreatable waste Centrally located at New Barnfield, Hatfield Supported by 2 Waste Transfer Stations – one at Watford and the other in the east of the county Continued recycling and composting rate of 50%

3 Recommendations OBC submitted Defra by 31 October 2008 Funded by PFI Credits of £111.4 million Do Minimum approach is not sustainable Waste Transfer Station to be funded by the County Council New Barnfield to be cleared of service uses

4 Since submission - Defra Revised timetable – Operational plant by April 2015 Financial implications agreed by Cabinet PFI £115.3 million Affordability Envelope - £175 to £391 million Do Nothing - £544 million Town Planning Strategy Ministerial approval 12 February 2009

5 Since Submission – Project Review Group HM Treasury PRG on 17 March 2009 CC one of 5 WDAs reviewed by PRG Agreement subject to conditions – PFI Negotiator and Town Planning Strategy PRG agreed that CC has met conditions – 8 April 2009 and can proceed to procurement CC 1 of only 3 WDAs

6 Team Progress Internal Team established Recruited External Advisors IIAA agreement Gateway Review – amber/green Documents produced to initiate Competitive Dialogue

7 Moving to Procurement

8 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme Structure Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme (HWPP) Primary Waste Project (PWP) Interim Waste Contracts (IWC) Heat Exploitation Project (HEP) New Barnfield Sites and Planning Project (NBP) Eastern Transfer Station Project (ETS) Relocation of New Barnfield Library Services (NBLS) Relocation of New Barnfield Education Support Centre (NBESC)

9 Residual Waste Project – CD Timetable OJEU notice 9 April 2009 Bidders Day 21 April 2009 Invitation to Submit Outline Solution (ISOS) – June 2009 Invitation to Submit Detailed Solutions (ISDS) – September 2009 ISDS returns – January 2010 Call for Final Tenders – September 2010 Final Business Case submitted to Defra – March 2011 Contract Close – March 2011

10 Preferred Bidder Final tender Putting it into context Evaluation stages Pre-qualification (PQQ) Outline solutions Detailed solutions Refined solutions Competitive dialogue Financial close Go to market Procurement preparation and OJEU notice

11 Towards an Operational Solution Contract Commencement – April 2011 Bidder submits planning application – April 2011 Planning approval – May 2012 Plant operational – April 2015

12 Interim Waste Contract Landfill contracts end in 2010 Procurement underway Currently evaluating 8 tender returns 6 different treatment options Potential to provide a combination of treatment and landfill to meet LATS and complement PWP

13 Sites and Planning New Barnfield Environmental Impact Assessment Engagement with WHC over planning issues Relocation of Services - Libraries and ESC Heat Off-take Electricity Off-take Eastern Transfer Station Feasibility

14 Communications Dedicated officer External consultants County message Local media management Site visits

15 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme

16 Emerging Programme Plan

17 Eastern Transfer Station Feasibility Study Site search on employment areas Alternative site search

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