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Unit 3 Language in use. How can we tell a story? 1. Start like this: 2. Who? 3. Tell what happened. (simple past tense) Once upon a time … / Long long.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Language in use. How can we tell a story? 1. Start like this: 2. Who? 3. Tell what happened. (simple past tense) Once upon a time … / Long long."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Language in use

2 How can we tell a story? 1. Start like this: 2. Who? 3. Tell what happened. (simple past tense) Once upon a time … / Long long ago … 一般过去时 Simple past tense There was a girl called Goldilocks.

3 liked There were came ran away didn’t really like real dragon was scared

4 Once upon a time, there was a man called Mr. Ye. He liked …


6 Fill in the blanks. Goldilocks _____ a little tired, she wanted to sit down. First she ________ to sit on the smallest chair because the two big _____ were _____________. The small chair was in ________ because she was too ______. Then she _______ into the bedroom and was ______ in the smallest bed. was wanted ones uncomfortable piecesheavy walked asleep

7 When the bears _________, they were _______ with the empty bowl and the broken chair. Next, the Baby Bear _______at the girl in his bed, and _______, “Look! There’s the _______ girl!” When the three Bears were all around her, Goldilocks ________ her eyes. She _______ out of bed and ________ out of the house __________ her basket. She didn’t _________to the forest again. returnedunhappy pointed criedbad openedjumped hurried withoutreturn

8 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say. walk… pick… be lost notice knock on 1 2 1,2,3 look at…pick up …

9 3 return look at cry open…jump point at hurry out of 4 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say.

10 一般过去式 ( 2 ) 一般动词的过去式的构成: 变化规则动词原形过去形式 一般动词词 尾加 -ed 以字母 e 结 尾的动词后 加 -d walk, listen, look, finish walked, listened, looked, finished live, notice, decide lived, noticed, decided 规则动词的过去式变化规则 :

11 变化规则动词原形过去形式 以辅音字母加 -y 结 尾的动词,变 y 为 i , 再加 -ed 以元音字母加辅音 字母结尾的重读闭 音节动词,先双写 该辅音字母,再加 -ed hurry, carry hurried, carried stop, stepstopped, stepped

12 一般动词的过去式中 -ed 发音: 规则动词原形过去式 以轻辅音结尾 的动词加 -ed 后,ed 读作 / t / knock pick push like stop knocked picked pushed liked stopped 以浊辅音和元 音结尾的动词 加 -ed 后,ed 读作 / d / answer enter hurry live answered entered hurried lived 以字母 t, d 结尾 的动词加 -ed 后,ed 读作 / id / count decidecounted decided

13 表示过去没有做某事,要用行为动词一般过 去式的否定形式。由助动词 do 的一般过去式 did + not (didn’t) 构成。如: Baby Bear didn’t look into the bedroom. 熊宝宝没有往卧室里看。 I didn’t finish my homework yesterday. 昨天我没有完成家庭作业。 He didn’t play football yesterday. 昨天他没有踢足球。 注意:一般过去式的否定助动词 didn’t 没有 人称和数的变化,后面的谓语动词也变成原 形。

14 如果要询问别人在过去的某一时间里是否 做了什么事,这时我们需要用一般过去时的疑 问形式。其形式为 : Did you listen to the news in the morning? 早上你听新闻了吗? Did you watch TV yesterday evening? 昨晚你看电视了吗? 注意:加了 did 后构成的疑问句中,谓语动词 要变成原形。

15 肯 定句否 定句一般疑问句回 答回 答 He moved to London at 28. He didn’t move to London at 28. Did he move to London at 28? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t We played computer games yesterday. We didn’t play computer games yesterday. Did we play computer games yesterday? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.

16 肯 定 句肯 定 句否 定 句否 定 句一般疑问句回 答回 答 They did some sport after school. They didn’t do any sport after school. Did they do any start after school? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. My sister started school at six. My sister didn’t start school at six. Did my sister start school at six? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

17 一般动词的过去式的用法: 1) 表示在过去某个时间发生的动作。常和表 示过去的时间状语连用, 如 :once, once upon a time, last week, in 1990 等。如 : They played football last Saturday. 他们上周六踢了足球。 The writer started to write in 1998. 这个作家 1998 年就开始写作了。

18 2) 表示过去一段时间经常或反复发生的动 作。常和表示频率的副词连用,如: always, usually, often, never 等。如 : He often visited his uncle when he was young. 他小时候常去看望他叔叔。 His father often returned home late last month. 他父亲上个月常常回家很晚。

19 1. I __________ (walk) to school yesterday. 2. Lily ________ (enter) the house and saw four girls. 3. I decide ________ (see) a movie this Saturday. 4. David’s grandfather _________ (die) three years ago. 5. My friend Helen ___________ (arrive) in Beijing last month. 6. The weather ________ (be) bad yesterday, but it _______ (be) fine today. Fill in the blanks. walked entered to see died arrived was is

20 1. 一个女孩怎么能变成一只鸟呢? How can a girl _____ _____ a bird? 2. 他指向花园里的花。 He _____ _____ the flowers in the garden. 3. 因为有一条蛇, 小明从床上跳了起来。 Xiaoming _____ _____ _____ the bed because there was a snake. Complete the sentences. change into pointed at jumped out of

21 4. 一个学生为我捡起了包。 A student _____ _____ the bag for me. 5. 我们向周围看了一下, 但是没有看到任何 东西。 We _____ _______ but didn’t see anything. picked up looked around

22 Rewrite the sentences. 1. The teacher rushed into our classroom. ( 改为 否定句 ) _____________________________________ 2. Lily hurried to school this morning. ( 改为同 义句 ) Lily walked to school ____ __ ______ this morning. 3. returned, the, evening, she, in, to, the, forest (.) ( 连词成句 ) ______________________________________ The teacher didn’t rush into our classroom. in a hurry She returned to the forest in the evening.

23 4. He walked to the playground. He played football. ( 合并句子 ) ____________________________________ _______ 5. Tom is listening to a story about animals now. ( 用 last night 代替 now 改写句子 ) ___________________________________ ______ He walked to the playground and played football. Tom listened to a story about animals last night.

24 6. The children were all at home. ( 改为同义句 ) ______ the children ______ at home. 7. Jim wanted to go to bed because he was tired. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______ _______ Jim ______ to go to bed? 8. Jack wants to visit his aunt. ( 用 yesterday 改写 句子 ) Jack ______ _____ ______ his aunt yesterday. Allwere Why didwant wanted to visit

25 9. She went to school. She didn’t have breakfast in the morning. ( 合并为一句 ) She went to school _________ ____________ breakfast in the morning. 10. Goldilocks counted three bowls on the table. ( 对划线部分提问 ) __________ _________ bowls ________ Goldilocks ________ on the table? without having How manydid count

26 Mr. Black and his wife went to a big store in the morning. They (1)________ (want) to buy a nice present for their daughter. Because her birthday (2)________ (come) next week. There were so many things in the store, but they (3)___________ (not know) what to buy. The assistant ( 营业员 ) (4)________ (ask),"What does your daughter like?" "She likes music, sports and taking photos," Mrs. Black answered. Fill in the blanks. wanted is coming didn’t know asked

27 The assistant then (5)________ (show) some CDs, sports clothes, and a camera to them. The Blacks (6)________ (be) very happy. "Our daughter will like them very much," they said. Then they (7)__________ (decide) to buy all of them. But when Mr. Black wanted to pay ( 付钱 ), he was sad. He (8)_________ (not take) any money! showed were decided didn’t take

28 Follow the sentences as examples and rewrite the sentence. e. g. We arrived in Shanghai last month. We didn’t arrive in Shanghai last month. Did you arrive in Shanghai last month? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. 1. He returned home from Beijing last Wednesday. He didn’t return home from Beijing last Wednesday. Did he return home from Beijing last Wednesday? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

29 2. Her uncle moved to London at the age of thirty. Her uncle didn’t move to London at the age of thirty. Did her uncle move to London at the age of thirty? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

30 answer enter hurry jump like notice point return try walk Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. Baby Bear_______ at the girl in his bed. 2. She ________the house. 3. Goldilocks _______ out of bed. 4. She ________ to the little house. 5. The Three Bears didn’t _________ the door because they were out in the forest. pointed entered jumped hurried answer

31 6. The Three Bears didn’t _________ Goldilocks in bed at first. 7. Goldilocks didn’t ________ to that part of the forest again. 8. --- Did she ______ the small chair first? --- No, she didn’t. She tried the big chair first. 9. --- Did she ________ the small bed? --- Yes, she did. notice return try like answer enter hurry jump like notice point return try walk

32 What do the stories always begin with? Around the world Once / Once upon a time …

33 Look at the picture and say what you think the story is. Look and discuss Talk about fairy tales you know and like which ones.

34 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make sentences using the words given.

35 1. Emperor Yan quite loved his daughter. 2. He often played with her. They were very happy. 3. One day, his daughter died in the East Sea. 4. She changed into a bird called Jingwei. 5. The King watched it and he was very sad. 6. She decided to fill the East Sea with stones.

36 Put the sentences together to make a story. Use words like and, so, but, because, first, next, then and finally.

37 Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nuwa. Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved her very much.

38 He often played with his daughter and they had a great time. One day, Nuwa went boating in the sea and fell into the sea and died because the sea was very rough. Nuwa changed into a beautiful bird after death. His father watched the bird and felt very sad. Nuwa decided to fill the sea with stones.

39 1.Finish writing the story. 2.Do some exercises on Workbook.

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