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Teaching Aims: Learn the grammar: future continuous tense and future in the past.

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1 Teaching Aims: Learn the grammar: future continuous tense and future in the past


3 We are having an English class now. We ________ (have) an English class tomorrow morning. We ____________ (have) an English class at 11:20 tomorrow morning. will be having will have

4 1. …, and we’ll be taking a flight to Morocco,… 2. We’ll be travelling by camel with local guides,… 3. Since we’ll be walking for almost two weeks,… Form: will (not) be+ v.-ing

5 Talk about something that will be in progress at a certain time or over a period of time in the future. ( 讨论将来某个时间点或时间段正在进行的动作 )

6 1) A: Will you be using your bicycle this evening? B: No. So you want to borrow it? A: Yes. When can I get it? B: After I go to heaven.

7 eg. The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London. Eg. We’ll go to see a film tomorrow. Express future without intention. When it is used in this way, we want to indicate that something will happen naturally. It doesn’t imply that the speaker has arranged the action. (表示不包含说话者主观意愿的纯粹将来。使用这种方式,我 们想表达某件事会很自然地发生,说话者并不参与 安排或计划。)

8 Will you come again? Will you be coming again?

9 Make polite enquiries about other people’s future plans. (委婉地询问对方的未来计划, 比用 will do 听起来更有礼貌。)

10 备忘录 时间表 长江 黄鹤楼 拉萨 英国旅游局

11 (1) will be traveling (2) will be interviewing (3) will be going (4) will write (5) will be exploring


13 will / shall do be going to do be about to do do / does be doing be to do HOW to express the simple future tense

14 The form of future in the past (A) e.g. I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling. She would go for a walk after she had supper. (B) e.g. We were going to see the wild animals, but then we didn’t have time. would + do was/were going to

15 (C) e.g. It was his last day at school, and he was to leave the next morning. (D) e.g. The bus was about to start. Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him. be about to 表示即将要发生的动作, 不与表示时间段的状语连用。 was/were to was/were about to

16 (E) I didn’t know when they were coming again. I was meeting him in America the next year. (F) They told me school began on September 1. He wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. was/were + doing ( come, go, arrive, leave, meet… ) did

17 1. Bob: I’m going to watch birds. Li Ming: Bob said 2. Wu Dong: I’ll go to my uncle’s. Colin: Wu Dong said he was going to watch birds. he would go to his uncle’s.

18 The usage of the future in the past tense e.g. They were sure that they would win the final victory. (B) e.g. He told me he was going to learn another foreign language. (A) 从过去的某个时间看将来要发生的动作 表明过去的意图打算

19 (C) e.g. I was meeting him in town the next day. (D) e.g. Toby said goodbye to his friend, not knowing that they were never to meet again. 表明过去的安排 意味着将来的某个动作一定会发生

20 1. were going to watch 2. were about to turn off 3. would last 4. wouldn’t see 5. would get up 6. would stop 7. would fall down 8. would never forget

21 Practice and homework 1. 完成《创新》语法部分练习 2. 预习 TASK 3. 背单词,明天默写 23-29 页单词

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