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QBC QBC cases. Aims of training Know how QBC works What is set out in screens Know what is available Know how to do a better off calculation Know how.

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Presentation on theme: "QBC QBC cases. Aims of training Know how QBC works What is set out in screens Know what is available Know how to do a better off calculation Know how."— Presentation transcript:

1 QBC QBC cases

2 Aims of training Know how QBC works What is set out in screens Know what is available Know how to do a better off calculation Know how to enter tax credits Know options available for tax credits Aware of how to change QBC Aware of how to manage QBC with cases Nov 20082SQuare 1

3 How QBC works – what it is trying to do 3 main WR problems – Administration – Entitlement – Amount QBC is a calculator – it focuses on the Amount Adviser must know rules of entitlement so check that the QBC is accurate Nov 2008SQuare 1

4 Aim of QBC The aim is to calculate the amount of benefit someone can get The calculation is finished when you get a print out of the claimant’s benefit amount The QBC does not aim to tell you if someone is entitled or not to benefit Nov 2008SQuare 1

5 How to make the QBC work The QBC works by entering information on screens. It starts and ends with a main screen from which you can access the other screens. The main screen displays a summary of the claimant’s benefit and income. The main screen assumes that the claimant is single; aged 25 and is on income support or income based jsa without and housing costs. Nov 2008SQuare 1

6 Nov 2008SQuare 1

7 The start of the case Note that the claimant is aged 25; is on Income Support or Income Based JSA; is single and has no housing costs. Nov 2008SQuare 1

8 The end of the case Nov 2008SQuare 1

9 Screens Screens are how the QBC works Screens help you to get a print out (the aim of the program) 2 types of screen – Input screens for entering claimant’s eligibility – Review (display) screens for checking accuracy of entitlement There is no final screen – that is the print out The main screen gives you a summary of the case – many users think of that as the final screen Nov 2008SQuare 1

10 How to use the screens with the QBC Use the layout as a type of template or checklist of factors. Start at the top of screen and work way down the left hand of screen entering information (other than for premiums). Start at top and then work your way down the right hand side with screen Nov 2008SQuare 1

11 QBC – main page This is the starter screen and the end screen. Nov 200811SQuare 1

12 Main Screen You move to other parts of the QBC from this screen You will see a summary of the case calculation on this screen You can access all menu features. Nov 200812SQuare 1

13 Main screen - aims of screen Control use of QBC Start cases and get a finish summary of the case Allows you to check information about the accuracy of QBC identifying entitlement to premiums set out in screen. Nov 200813SQuare 1

14 Children Screen Nov 200814SQuare 1

15 Child Screen – how it works Add each dependant child Add child’s age State if child has disability Repeat for each dependant child Tell QBC if claimant is entitled to Family Premium – Lone Parent rate for HB/CTB Nov 200815SQuare 1

16 Child screen - effect Calculates and totals amount of – Tax credit – Applicable Amount for IS/IBJSA/ – Child Benefit You can alter the amount of Child Benefit Nov 200816SQuare 1

17 Notes about this screen Screen is for dependent children – non- dependent children are entered in the rent/ctax/ndeps screen. If a child is entitled to DLA put that in this screen even though the payment goes to the parent. Housing Benefit Premiums – if a claimant is entitled to HB Lone Parent family premium put that here. Nov 200817SQuare 1

18 Work Screen Nov 2008SQuare 1

19 How it works Add information about the claimant’s work and earnings Calculates net earnings from gross income Tells you if under minimum wage Can calculate gross earnings from net earnings Calculates amount of child care charge Use for women on maternity Enter child minding details for income* Nov 2008SQuare 1

20 Effect of entering information Used to determine if claimant is eligible for income support if work over 16 hours Income used for affect on means-tested benefit Income used for tax credits Clicking on done after entering earnings does 2 things – raises the income worksheet screen – and the QBC calculates tax credit – regardless of user input Nov 2008SQuare 1

21 Notes about the screen – tax credits The QBC calculates tax credits automatically There is no “off” button You can trick the QBC into saying that someone gets Tax Credits You can defer child tax credit for some claimants Nov 2008SQuare 1

22 Other income Nov 200822SQuare 1

23 How it works Move down left hand side then down right hand side. Enter information on any income which is not earnings or benefit income Enter deferred state pension on this screen Enter maintenance for a spouse and for child on this screen separately Maintenance for a spouse is entered twice. Enter assessable and non-assessable income on this screen

24 Effect of entering information Assessable income is used for benefit purposes Non – assessable income is in the print out

25 Notes about screen Non-assessable income is ignored for the purposes of income projection calculation It is shown in the print out Specifying the amount of maintenance for a spouse means that the QBC can assess SPC claims accurately

26 ESA Nov 200826SQuare 1

27 How it works

28 Effect of entering information

29 Notes about screen

30 Benefit screen Nov 2008SQuare 1

31 How it works Move down left hand side and then right. Choose one of the earnings replacement benefits from the drop down “None”. You can accept the figure suggested or enter your own. AA will appear if you have entered the claimants age as 65 or more.

32 Effect of entering information Information is taken to calculation for income for applicable amount Enables calculator to calculate premiums and elements Enables QBC to calculate HB income with discretionary disregard from War Widows Pension. Can enter information on non- assessable benefit income here.

33 Notes about screen

34 Benefit income screen Start on the left hand side Choose “Earnings Replacment Benefits” Choose any appropriate benefits. Move down checklist Move to right hand side Move down checklist The total amount taken into considration Nov 2008SQuare 1

35 Nov 200835SQuare 1

36 How it works

37 Effect of entering information

38 Notes about screen

39 Mortgage Housing costs Enter amount of outstanding loan Must know when the loan started There is a cap of £100,000 but the QBC will allow you enter more than £100,000 For the calculation to work you must enter the number of weeks the claimant has been claiming benefit Th Nov 200839SQuare 1

40 How it works

41 Effect of entering information

42 Notes about screen

43 Tax Credits Main Screen This screen muddles the distinction between “checking” screens and input screens From this screen you can : go to 2 other tax credits’ screens You can set the dates for the relevant period (called a calculation period) You can over-ride the recommended way of calculating tax credits and enter income differently. Nov 200843SQuare 1

44 How it works

45 Effect of entering information

46 Notes about screen

47 Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit This is a review screen Use this to check the accuracy of the HB/CTB calculation E.G. Is the applicable amount correct? Allowances? Premiums? Is the eligible rent correct? Is the income correct? Are earnings disregards correct? Has the Lone Parent Premium been awarded? If not then do that. Nov 200847SQuare 1

48 How it works

49 Effect of entering information

50 Notes about screen

51 Tax Credit calculation screen

52 How it works. This is a review or check screen setting out what you can claim One important exception You can over-ride the award and enter your own award by going to “existing award”

53 Notes about screen You can enter how much someone says that they are getting in tax credit. So the claimant can accept the award from HMRC and work out the effect on benefits You can use the HMRC figures to assess HB awards.

54 Income worksheet Nov 200854SQuare 1

55 How it works You add income to the claimant’s tax credit income It covers all types of income Click Add The income type “employment “ appears You can choose the various types of income You must set the correct year.

56 Effect of entering information

57 Notes about screen

58 Nov 200858SQuare 1

59 How it works There is a

60 Effect of entering information

61 Notes about screen A mistake often made is not to set the accurate year. The default year is last financial year. If information is transferred from other parts of the program which take you to this screen it sets this financial year. Always check

62 Right hand side Has client got dependent children? – – Click Children Screen to go to dependent children Is the client working? – Click Work screen to enter work Does the client have income other than earnings or benefits? – Click other income screen to enter information on income like maintenance Does the client claim Employment Support Allowance? – Click ESA screen if getting ESA Nov 200862SQuare 1

63 Does the client have benefit income? Does the client pay rent or council tax or service charges or have non-dependent children or others? Does the client have a mortgage? Nov 200863SQuare 1

64 How to do a case Use the format of the QBC as a checklist Start at the top of each screen and work your way down Start at the top on the left hand side Go to the bottom Move to the right – start at the top go to the bottom Click Done and choose the next screen Nov 200864SQuare 1

65 Tax Credits Nov 200865SQuare 1

66 Better off Nov 200866SQuare 1

67 Changing the program Nov 200867SQuare 1

68 Using windows (XP)to manage the QBC Nov 200868SQuare 1

69 Using 3 rd party applications with the QBC Nov 200869SQuare 1

70 Entering information – which ones first Tick if have partner Enter age Enter savings Enter children Enter benefit income Enter Nov 2008SQuare 1

71 Nov 2008SQuare 1

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