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1 Valori: Valorize the diversity by training, inclusion and job paths cod. LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 OVERVIEW Brussels November 13th, 2008 Valori, Kick-off.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Valori: Valorize the diversity by training, inclusion and job paths cod. LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 OVERVIEW Brussels November 13th, 2008 Valori, Kick-off."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Valori: Valorize the diversity by training, inclusion and job paths cod. LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 OVERVIEW Brussels November 13th, 2008 Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

2 2 VALORI PROJECT OVERVIEW OUR GOALS: Transfer innovation from Equal Coast Revitalization to LdV Valori Focus on innovation to be transferred (Job facilitation tutor) Understanding the project How we got here Where we are going Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

3 3 VALORI PROJECT RATIONALE VALORI carries out and transfers a continuous training model targeted to the companies executives and H. R. responsible. The aim is to give them specific professional skills and competences to facilitate integration of disadvantaged/disabled people to the EU Labour Market and favour social inclusion. Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

4 4 VALORI PROJECT MAIN OBJECTIVES Contribute to improve Lifelong Learning and continuous training through the development of practices that facilitate the access of disadvantaged people to the training system and labour market Contribute to set up a local system that could enforce and support the experimented positive practices Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

5 5 VALORI PARTNERSHIP P0 Leader Provincia di Livorno P1 Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo P2 Provincia di Massa Carrara P3 Provincia di Lucca P4 Provincia di Pisa P5 Provincia di Grosseto P6 Gsub (Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH), Germany P7 Motivacio Alapitvany, Hungary P8 GMNY - Greater Manchester Youth Network, UK The project partnership takes advantage of the existing network institution set by Coast Revitalization and of the Protocol of agreement project among the 5 provinces of the Tuscany Coast. Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

6 6 VALORI TARGET BENEFICIARIES The direct beneficiaries are identified in the group of the companies executives and H.R. responsible The indirect beneficiaries are the disadvantaged/disabled people employed in the same companies The potential beneficiaries are the officers and operators in the public or private Employment Services Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

7 7 VALORI OUTLINE OF THE WORK PROGRAM THE MAJOR TASKS: Management and coordination Adaptation and updating of methodology Transfer of innovation Workshop and work-groups by partners for project implementation and exchange of best practices Drawing up and signature of a protocol of agreement Dissemination and exploitation Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

8 8 VALORI GENESIS OF THE PROJECT STEP BY STEP: Partnership agreement ( All partners involved ) Analysis of the model ( All partners involved ) Adaptation of the model to the new setting ( All partners involved ) Transfer of innovation and experimentation ( to Italian and Hungarian partners ) Drawing up and signature of a protocol of agreement ( Italian partners ) Production and diffusion of the new materials at a national and EU level ( All partners involved ) Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

9 9 VALORI TRANSFER OF INNOVATIONS From Equal Coast Revitalization innovations From the model of “Job Facilitation Tutor” training course Adaptation and updating of the model “Job Facilitation Tutor” training course to the new target groups (reg. +EU) Transfer of innovation at Regional (5 provinces of the Tuscany Coast) and EU level (Hungary) Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

10 10 VALORI STEPS OF THE INNOVATION TRANSFER 1 Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation Awareness raising (through specific meetings + conferences) among cathegory associate companies to be involved in transfer of innovation Identification of the executives/managers in these companies that will attend the training courses analysis Adaptation and updating of the training path Job Facilitation Tutor to the different local realities by each partner and tested by German and English partner with local stakeholders and final beneficiaries The Steering Committee incorporates the recommendations of the stakeholders and issues the new product ready to be transferred

11 11 VALORI STEPS OF THE INNOVATION TRANSFER 2 Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation The model of training path Job Facilitation Tutor is transferred to 12 targed companies (10 in Tuscany and 2 in Hungary) 60 executives/HR responsible (in 6 classes:1 in HU,5 in Italy) are trained accordingly directly at the work place (40 hours theory/DL + 200 practice) 4 companies and 20 executives/HR responsible in UK and Germany will contribute in defining the adaptation from the local (Tuscany) to the EU dimension

12 12 VALORI TRANSFER INDICATORS THE MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Model of training course “Job Facilitation Tutor” to be transferred to the partners: 80 People directly involved in innovation transfer: - 50 Managers/executives/responsible of H.R. at regional level - 30 Managers/executives/responsible at transnational level 16 Companies involved in innovation transfer: - 10 at regional level (2 for each Tuscan Province Partner) - 6 at transanational level (2 for each EU Partner) Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

13 13 VALORI PRODUCTS/1 Adaptation and updating Partnership Agreement Methodological Guidelines for comparative analysis in 4 languages Start-up basic materials (previous course,updated rules) Training modules to be translated in Hungarian, Italian Monitoring and comparing tools Training path updated and approved by the partners Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer Of Innovation

14 14 VALORI PRODUCTS/2 Transfer of Innovation CD Rom in 2 languages contains theorical, practical and DL modules of the training path (1000 copies) 6 training paths “Job Facilitation Tutor” 60 individual traineeship 60 Individual reports 6 classes reports 1 workpackage final report Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

15 15 VALORI PRODUCTS/3 Dissemination Project set of tools (graphics, logo, templates) Web Site Informative Brochure (in 4 languages EN HU DE IT) Final DVD (in 2 languages) Protocol of Agreement (IT+EN) to adopt the best practices issued by “Valori” in local policies 4 conferences (1 in each partner country) Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

16 16 VALORI TANGIBLE PRODUCTS TECHNICAL ANNEX: 3 vocational training curricula for disabled persons: administrative assistant, call center operator, tutor 3 vocational training curricula for visually impaired persons 3 vocational e-learning courses Report: Specifics of employment and vocational training of disabled persons Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

17 17 VALORI THE EU DIMENSION & HORIZONTAL ISSUES Promoting equality between men and women and contributing to combating all forms of discrimination based on sex,racial or ethnic origin,religion or belief,disability,age or sexual orientation Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

18 18 Thank you for your kind attention Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Ph. +39 0586 257226 Fax +39 0586 257359 Valori, Kick-off Meeting, Brussels, November 2008 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation

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