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V ALENCIA, S PAIN IEEE S ENSORS 2014 Valencia Conference Center 2014 November 2 nd -5 th.

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Presentation on theme: "V ALENCIA, S PAIN IEEE S ENSORS 2014 Valencia Conference Center 2014 November 2 nd -5 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 V ALENCIA, S PAIN IEEE S ENSORS 2014 Valencia Conference Center 2014 November 2 nd -5 th

2 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 B ASIC D ATA November 2 nd -5 th, Valencia, SPAIN Names General Chair:Candid Reig (UVEG) General co-Chair:Lina Sarro (TUDelft) TPC-Chair:Ignacio Matías (UPNa) Tutorial Chair:Arnaldo D’Amico (URome) Special sessions Chair: Alexander Fish (Ben-Gurion University) Publicity Chair:Edward Grant (NCSU) Industry and Administration Chair: Javier Calpe (Analog Devices) Local Chair:Jaime Lloret (UPV) Treasurer:Mike McShane (Texas A&M) Dates Abstract submission deadline:2014, April 11th Author notification:2014, June 20th Full paper submission deadline:2014, July 25th Special/tutorial session proposals deadline:2014, March 28th

3 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 C URRENT S TATUS  Website is up  All conference forms have been submitted  Convention Center contract has been signed  Currently working with hotels to finalize room blocks

4 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 A CCOMMODATIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS AND STUDENTS A CCOMMODATION Conference Hotels 4* Sorolla Palace (271 rooms) 4* Melia Valencia (304 rooms) 2* Ibis Valencia Palacio de Congresos (154 rooms)

5 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 G ALA D INNER S OCIAL P ROGRAM Masia Campo Anibal Masia XamandreuCity of Arts and Science

6 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 B UDGET P ROJECTED REVENUE2014 20112013 6. Registration Fees $529215.25 $531684.59 $466073.75 7. Conf. Publicat. Sales510.00 8. Exhibits20000.00 8b. Patrons10000.00 9. Social Event3300.00 10. All Other Receipts500.00 11. Total Conf. Revenue$563525.25 $565994.59 $500383.75 13. Total Receipts$563525.25 $565994.59 $500383.75 EXPENSE 14. Management Services46500.00 15. Registration Expense0.00 16. Promotion$4000.00 $ $ 17. Conf. Publicat.18000.00 18. Exhibits/Vendors7500.00 19. Local arrangements124500.00 20. Social Functions149175.49 21. Administration31126.46 22. Committee8500.00 23. All Other Outlays79415.98 24. Total Conf Exp.$468717.93 $ $ 26. Total Outlays$468717.93 $ $ SURPLUS/(LOSS) 27. Surplus(Loss)-(Item 13 less Item 26) $$94,807.3220.23%$97,276.6621%$31,665.827%

7 Valencia, SPAINIEEE SENSORS 2014 L OCAL SUPPORT AND P ATRONS  Regional government  Negotiating funds  City Hall  Negotiating logistic support  Tourism bureau  Logistic support: web contents, social program, …  City universities: Univ. Valencia & Polytech. Univ. Valencia  Spanish networks  IEEE Spain Section, Ibernam, …  Exponsors / Exhibitors  Still to be defined S PECIFIC SUPPORT TO BE DEFINED


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