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Courtesy of Professors Chris Clifton & Matt Bishop INFSCI 2935: Introduction of Computer Security1 Nov 4, 2003 Introduction to Computer Security Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Courtesy of Professors Chris Clifton & Matt Bishop INFSCI 2935: Introduction of Computer Security1 Nov 4, 2003 Introduction to Computer Security Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Courtesy of Professors Chris Clifton & Matt Bishop INFSCI 2935: Introduction of Computer Security1 Nov 4, 2003 Introduction to Computer Security Lecture 8 Key Management

2 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security2 Issues Authentication and distribution of keys Authentication and distribution of keys  Session key  Key exchange protocols Mechanisms to bind an identity to a key Mechanisms to bind an identity to a key Generation, maintenance and revoking of keys Generation, maintenance and revoking of keys

3 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security3 Notation X  Y : { Z || W } k X,Y X  Y : { Z || W } k X,Y  X sends Y the message produced by concatenating Z and W enciphered by key k X,Y, which is shared by users X and Y A  T : { Z } k A || { W } k A,T A  T : { Z } k A || { W } k A,T  A sends T a message consisting of the concatenation of Z enciphered using k A, A’s key, and W enciphered using k A,T, the key shared by A and T r 1, r 2 nonces (nonrepeating random numbers) r 1, r 2 nonces (nonrepeating random numbers)

4 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security4 Session, Interchange Keys Alice wants to send a message m to Bob Alice wants to send a message m to Bob  Assume public key encryption  Alice generates a random cryptographic key k s and uses it to encipher m To be used for this message only Called a session key  She enciphers k s with Bob’s public key k B k B enciphers all session keys Alice uses to communicate with Bob Called an interchange key  Alice sends { m } k s { k s } k B

5 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security5 Benefits Limits amount of traffic enciphered with single key Limits amount of traffic enciphered with single key  Standard practice, to decrease the amount of traffic an attacker can obtain Makes replay attack less effective Makes replay attack less effective Prevents some attacks Prevents some attacks  Example: Alice will send Bob message that is either “BUY” or “SELL”.  Eve computes possible ciphertexts {“BUY”} k B and {“SELL”} k B.  Eve intercepts enciphered message, compares, and gets plaintext at once

6 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security6 Key Exchange Algorithms Goal: Alice, Bob use a shared key to communicate secretely Goal: Alice, Bob use a shared key to communicate secretely Criteria Criteria  Key cannot be sent in clear Attacker can listen in Key can be sent enciphered, or derived from exchanged data plus data not known to an eavesdropper  Alice, Bob may trust third party  All cryptosystems, protocols publicly known Only secret data is the keys, ancillary information known only to Alice and Bob needed to derive keys Anything transmitted is assumed known to attacker

7 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security7 Classical Key Exchange How do Alice, Bob begin? How do Alice, Bob begin?  Alice can’t send it to Bob in the clear! Assume trusted third party, Cathy Assume trusted third party, Cathy  Alice and Cathy share secret key k A  Bob and Cathy share secret key k B Use this to exchange shared key k s Use this to exchange shared key k s

8 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security8 Simple Key Exchange Protocol Alice Cathy { request for session key to Bob } k A Alice Cathy { k s }k A, { k s }k B Alice Bob { k s } k B Alice Bob {m}ks{m}ks Eve

9 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security9 Problems How does Bob know he is talking to Alice? How does Bob know he is talking to Alice?  Replay attack: Eve records message from Alice to Bob, later replays it; Bob may think he’s talking to Alice, but he isn’t  Session key reuse: Eve replays message from Alice to Bob, so Bob re-uses session key Protocols must provide authentication and defense against replay Protocols must provide authentication and defense against replay

10 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security10 Needham-Schroeder AliceCathy Alice || Bob || r 1 AliceCathy { Alice || Bob || r 1 || k s, { Alice || k s } k B } k A AliceBob { Alice || k s } k B AliceBob { r 2 } k s AliceBob { r 2 – 1 } k s

11 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security11 Argument: Alice talking to Bob Second message Second message  Enciphered using key only she, Cathy know So Cathy enciphered it  Response to first message As r 1 in it matches r 1 in first message Third message Third message  Alice knows only Bob can read it As only Bob can derive session key from message  Any messages enciphered with that key are from Bob

12 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security12 Argument: Bob talking to Alice Third message Third message  Enciphered using key only he, Cathy know So Cathy enciphered it  Names Alice, session key Cathy provided session key, says Alice is other party Fourth message Fourth message  Uses session key to determine if it is replay from Eve If not, Alice will respond correctly in fifth message If so, Eve can’t decipher r 2 and so can’t respond, or responds incorrectly

13 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security13 Problem with Needham-Schroeder Assumption: all keys are secret Assumption: all keys are secret Question: suppose Eve can obtain session key. How does that affect protocol? Question: suppose Eve can obtain session key. How does that affect protocol?  In what follows, Eve knows k s EveBob { Alice || k s } k B [Replay] EveBob { r 3 } k s [Eve intercepts] EveBob { r 3 – 1 } k s

14 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security14 Solution: Denning-Sacco Modification In protocol above, Eve impersonates Alice In protocol above, Eve impersonates Alice Problem: replay in third step Problem: replay in third step  First in previous slide Solution: use time stamp T to detect replay Solution: use time stamp T to detect replay  Needs synchronized clocks Weakness: if clocks not synchronized, may either reject valid messages or accept replays Weakness: if clocks not synchronized, may either reject valid messages or accept replays  Parties with either slow or fast clocks vulnerable to replay  Resetting clock does not eliminate vulnerability

15 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security15 Needham-Schroeder with Denning-Sacco Modification AliceCathy Alice || Bob || r 1 AliceCathy { Alice || Bob || r 1 || k s || { Alice || T || k s } k B } k A AliceBob { Alice || T || k s } k B AliceBob { r 2 } k s AliceBob { r 2 – 1 } k s

16 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security16 Otway-Rees Protocol Corrects problem Corrects problem  That is, Eve replaying the third message in the protocol Does not use timestamps Does not use timestamps  Not vulnerable to the problems that Denning- Sacco modification has Uses integer n to associate all messages with a particular exchange Uses integer n to associate all messages with a particular exchange

17 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security17 The Protocol AliceBob n || Alice || Bob || { r 1 || n || Alice || Bob } k A CathyBob n || Alice || Bob || { r 1 || n || Alice || Bob } k A || { r 2 || n || Alice || Bob } k B CathyBob n || { r 1 || k s } k A || { r 2 || k s } k B AliceBob n || { r 1 || k s } k A

18 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security18 Argument: Alice talking to Bob Fourth message Fourth message  If n matches first message, Alice knows it is part of this protocol exchange  Cathy generated k s because only she, Alice know k A  Enciphered part belongs to exchange as r 1 matches r 1 in encrypted part of first message

19 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security19 Argument: Bob talking to Alice Third message Third message  If n matches second message, Bob knows it is part of this protocol exchange  Cathy generated k s because only she, Bob know k B  Enciphered part belongs to exchange as r 2 matches r 2 in encrypted part of second message

20 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security20 Replay Attack Eve acquires old k s, message in third step Eve acquires old k s, message in third step  n || { r 1 || k s } k A || { r 2 || k s } k B Eve forwards appropriate part to Alice Eve forwards appropriate part to Alice  Alice has no ongoing key exchange with Bob: n matches nothing, so is rejected  Alice has ongoing key exchange with Bob: n does not match, so is again rejected If replay is for the current key exchange, and Eve sent the relevant part before Bob did, Eve could simply listen to traffic; no replay involved

21 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security21 Public Key Key Exchange Here interchange keys known Here interchange keys known  e A, e B Alice and Bob’s public keys known to all  d A, d B Alice and Bob’s private keys known only to owner Simple protocol Simple protocol  k s is desired session key Alice Bob { k s } e B

22 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security22 Problem and Solution Vulnerable to forgery or replay Vulnerable to forgery or replay  Because e B known to anyone, Bob has no assurance that Alice sent message Simple fix uses Alice’s private key Simple fix uses Alice’s private key  k s is desired session key Alice Bob { { k s } d A } e B

23 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security23 Notes Can include message enciphered with k s Can include message enciphered with k s Assumes Bob has Alice’s public key, and vice versa Assumes Bob has Alice’s public key, and vice versa  If not, each must get it from public server  If keys not bound to identity of owner, attacker Eve can launch a man-in-the-middle attack (next slide; Cathy is public server providing public keys)

24 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security24 Man-in-the-Middle Attack Alice Cathy send me Bob’s public key Eve Cathy send me Bob’s public key Eve Cathy eBeB Alice eEeE Eve Alice Bob { k s } e E Eve Bob { k s } e B Eve intercepts request Eve intercepts message

25 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security25 Key Generation Goal: generate difficult to guess keys Goal: generate difficult to guess keys Problem statement: given a set of K potential keys, choose one randomly Problem statement: given a set of K potential keys, choose one randomly  Equivalent to selecting a random number between 0 and K–1 inclusive Why is this hard: generating random numbers Why is this hard: generating random numbers  Actually, numbers are usually pseudo-random, that is, generated by an algorithm

26 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security26 What is “Random”? Sequence of cryptographically random numbers: a sequence of numbers n 1, n 2, … such that for any integer k > 0, an observer cannot predict n k even if all of n 1, …, n k–1 are known Sequence of cryptographically random numbers: a sequence of numbers n 1, n 2, … such that for any integer k > 0, an observer cannot predict n k even if all of n 1, …, n k–1 are known  Best: physical source of randomness Electromagnetic phenomena Characteristics of computing environment such as disk latency Ambient background noise

27 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security27 What is “Pseudorandom”? Sequence of cryptographically pseudorandom numbers: sequence of numbers intended to simulate a sequence of cryptographically random numbers but generated by an algorithm Sequence of cryptographically pseudorandom numbers: sequence of numbers intended to simulate a sequence of cryptographically random numbers but generated by an algorithm  Very difficult to do this well Linear congruential generators [n k = (an k–1 + b) mod n] broken (a, b and n are relatively prime) Polynomial congruential generators [n k = (a j n k–1 j + … + a 1 n k–1 a 0 ) mod n] broken too Here, “broken” means next number in sequence can be determined

28 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security28 Best Pseudorandom Numbers Strong mixing function: function of 2 or more inputs with each bit of output depending on some nonlinear function of all input bits Strong mixing function: function of 2 or more inputs with each bit of output depending on some nonlinear function of all input bits  Examples: DES, MD5, SHA-1  Use on UNIX-based systems: (date; ps gaux) | md5 where “ps gaux” lists all information about all processes on system

29 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security29 Digital Signature Construct that authenticates origin, contents of message in a manner provable to a disinterested third party (“judge”) Construct that authenticates origin, contents of message in a manner provable to a disinterested third party (“judge”) Sender cannot deny having sent message (service is “nonrepudiation”) Sender cannot deny having sent message (service is “nonrepudiation”)  Limited to technical proofs Inability to deny one’s cryptographic key was used to sign  One could claim the cryptographic key was stolen or compromised Legal proofs, etc., probably required;

30 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security30 Common Error Classical: Alice, Bob share key k Classical: Alice, Bob share key k  Alice sends m || { m }k to Bob This is a digital signature WRONG This is not a digital signature This is not a digital signature  Why? Third party cannot determine whether Alice or Bob generated message

31 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security31 Classical Digital Signatures Require trusted third party Require trusted third party  Alice, Bob each share keys with trusted party Cathy To resolve dispute, judge gets { m }k Alice, { m }k Bob, and has Cathy decipher them; if messages matched, contract was signed To resolve dispute, judge gets { m }k Alice, { m }k Bob, and has Cathy decipher them; if messages matched, contract was signed Alice Bob Cathy Bob { m }k Alice { m }k Bob

32 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security32 Public Key Digital Signatures Alice’s keys are d Alice, e Alice Alice’s keys are d Alice, e Alice Alice sends Bob Alice sends Bob m || { m }d Alice In case of dispute, judge computes In case of dispute, judge computes { { m }d Alice }e Alice and if it is m, Alice signed message and if it is m, Alice signed message  She’s the only one who knows d Alice !

33 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security33 RSA Digital Signatures Use private key to encipher message Use private key to encipher message  Protocol for use is critical Key points: Key points:  Never sign random documents, and when signing, always sign hash and never document Mathematical properties can be turned against signer  Sign message first, then encipher Changing public keys causes forgery

34 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security34 Attack #1 Example: Alice, Bob communicating Example: Alice, Bob communicating  n A = 95, e A = 59, d A = 11  n B = 77, e B = 53, d B = 17 26 contracts, numbered 00 to 25 26 contracts, numbered 00 to 25  Alice has Bob sign 05 and 17: c = m d B mod n B = 05 17 mod 77 = 3 c = m d B mod n B = 17 17 mod 77 = 19  Alice computes 05  17 mod 77 = 08; corresponding signature is 03  19 mod 77 = 57; claims Bob signed 08  Note: [(a mod n) × (b mod n)] mod n = (a × b) mod n  Judge computes c e B mod n B = 57 53 mod 77 = 08 Signature validated; Bob is toast!

35 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security35 Attack #2: Bob’s Revenge Bob, Alice agree to sign contract 06 Bob, Alice agree to sign contract 06 Alice enciphers, then signs: Alice enciphers, then signs:  Enciper: c = m e B mod n B = (06 53 mod 77) 11  Sign: c d A mod n A = (06 53 mod 77) 11 mod 95 = 63 Bob now changes his public key Bob now changes his public key  Bob wants to claim that Alice singed N (13)  Computes r such that 13 r mod 77 = 6; say, r = 59  Computes r.e B mod  (n B ) = 59  53 mod 60 = 7  Replace public key e B with 7, private key d B = 43 Bob claims contract was 13. Judge computes: Bob claims contract was 13. Judge computes:  (63 59 mod 95) 43 mod 77 = 13  Verified; now Alice is toast Solution: sign first and then encipher!! Solution: sign first and then encipher!!

36 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security36 El Gamal Digital Signature Relies on discrete log problem Relies on discrete log problem Choose p prime, g, d < p; Choose p prime, g, d < p; Compute y = g d mod p Compute y = g d mod p Public key: (y, g, p); private key: d Public key: (y, g, p); private key: d To sign contract m: To sign contract m:  Choose k relatively prime to p–1, and not yet used  Compute a = g k mod p  Find b such that m = (da + kb) mod p–1  Signature is (a, b) To validate, check that To validate, check that  y a a b mod p = g m mod p

37 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security37 Example Alice chooses p = 29, g = 3, d = 6 Alice chooses p = 29, g = 3, d = 6 y = 3 6 mod 29 = 4 Alice wants to send Bob signed contract 23 Alice wants to send Bob signed contract 23  Chooses k = 5 (relatively prime to 28)  This gives a = g k mod p = 3 5 mod 29 = 11  Then solving 23 = (6  11 + 5b) mod 28 gives b = 25  Alice sends message 23 and signature (11, 25) Bob verifies signature: g m mod p = 3 23 mod 29 = 8 and y a a b mod p = 4 11 11 25 mod 29 = 8 Bob verifies signature: g m mod p = 3 23 mod 29 = 8 and y a a b mod p = 4 11 11 25 mod 29 = 8  They match, so Alice signed

38 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security38 Attack Eve learns k, corresponding message m, and signature (a, b) Eve learns k, corresponding message m, and signature (a, b)  Extended Euclidean Algorithm gives d, the private key Example from above: Eve learned Alice signed last message with k = 5 Example from above: Eve learned Alice signed last message with k = 5 m = (da + kb) mod p–1 = 23 =(11d + 5  25) mod 28 So Alice’s private key is d = 6

39 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security39 Kerberos Authentication system Authentication system  Based on Needham-Schroeder with Denning-Sacco modification  Central server plays role of trusted third party (“Cathy”) Ticket (credential) Ticket (credential)  Issuer vouches for identity of requester of service Authenticator Authenticator  Identifies sender Alice must Alice must 1.Authenticate herself to the system 2.Obtain ticket to use server S

40 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security40 Overview User u authenticates to Kerberos server User u authenticates to Kerberos server  Obtains ticket T u,TGS for ticket granting service (TGS) T u,TGS = TGS || { u || u’s address || valid time || k u,TGS } k TGS User u wants to use service s: User u wants to use service s:  User sends authenticator A u, ticket T u,TGS to TGS asking for ticket for service  TGS sends ticket T u,s to user  User sends A u, T u,s to server as request to use s Details follow Details follow

41 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security41 Ticket Credential saying issuer has identified ticket requester Credential saying issuer has identified ticket requester Example ticket issued to user u for service s Example ticket issued to user u for service s T u,s = s || { u || u’s address || valid time || k u,s } k s where:  k u,s is session key for user and service  Valid time is interval for which the ticket is valid  u’s address may be IP address or something else Note: more fields, but not relevant here

42 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security42 Authenticator Credential containing identity of sender of ticket Credential containing identity of sender of ticket  Used to confirm sender is entity to which ticket was issued Example: authenticator user u generates for service s Example: authenticator user u generates for service s A u,s = { u || generation time || k t } k u,s where:  k t is alternate session key  Generation time is when authenticator generated Note: more fields, not relevant here

43 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security43 Protocol userAS user || TGS user AS { k u,TGS } k u || T u,TGS userTGS service || A u,TGS || T u,TGS userTGS user || { k u,s } k u,TGS || T u,s userservice A u,s || T u,s userservice { t + 1 } k u,s

44 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security44 Analysis First two steps get user ticket to use TGS First two steps get user ticket to use TGS  User u can obtain session key only if u knows key shared with Cathy Next four steps show how u gets and uses ticket for service s Next four steps show how u gets and uses ticket for service s  Service s validates request by checking sender (using A u,s ) is same as entity ticket issued to  Step 6 optional; used when u requests confirmation

45 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security45 Problems Relies on synchronized clocks Relies on synchronized clocks  If not synchronized and old tickets, authenticators not cached, replay is possible Tickets have some fixed fields Tickets have some fixed fields  Dictionary attacks possible  Kerberos 4 session keys weak (had much less than 56 bits of randomness); researchers at Purdue found them from tickets in minutes

46 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security46 Project Implementation Implementation  Reasonable sophistication  Up to 3 people Survey type paper Survey type paper  Comparative/tradeoff studies  Current trends, challenges, possible approaches  One person!  Number of references should be adequate (depends on area)  No introductory stuff! New idea/research ?? New idea/research ?? Others: Case studies?? Others: Case studies??

47 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security47 Project Topics (not limited to these only!)  XML security  Implementation of Access Control and Authentication  Cryptographic protocols  Database security  Ad hoc network security  Cyber Security  Privacy  Web service security / Java security  Intrusion detection  Auditing Systems  Security and ethics/Usability/Economics  Smartcards and standards for smartcards  E-commerce security (secure transaction)  Multimedia security  Security in wireless/mobile environments  Case studies from a specific domain

48 INFSCI 2935: Introduction to Computer Security48 Project Schedule Proposal (by Nov 18) Proposal (by Nov 18)  Up to 2 pages (identify a group)  State the goals  State the significance Final project report Final project report  By the last day of the semester  Article format, or conference format Each person should state his contribution  Implementation projects should demonstrate to TA and/or me

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