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Lecture 6.2: Protocols - Authentication and Key Exchange II CS 436/636/736 Spring 2012 Nitesh Saxena.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 6.2: Protocols - Authentication and Key Exchange II CS 436/636/736 Spring 2012 Nitesh Saxena."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 6.2: Protocols - Authentication and Key Exchange II CS 436/636/736 Spring 2012 Nitesh Saxena

2 Course Admin HW2 solution emailed Grading ongoing Exam study topics emailed 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 2

3 Course Admin Mid-Term Exam – On March 08 – In class, from 11am-12:15pm Covers lectures up to Feb 23 In-class review on Mar 06 (Tuesday) Strictly closed-book (no cheat-sheets are allowed) A sample exam will be provided as we near the exam date 3

4 Outline of Today’s lecture Today we try to put everything together – Encryption (public-key/private-key) – MACs – Signing – Key-Distribution Secure protocols (for secure communication) – Authentication We studied it somewhat while talking about key distribution – (Authenticated-) Key Exchange Designing secure protocols is hard – we’ll only be able to learn the basics today We’ll use the board extensively today – be prepared to take notes 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 4

5 MAC-based Authentication 1.A  B: A, rA 2.B  A:rB, HMAC K (rB, rA, A) 3.A  B:HMAC K (rA, rB,B) Faster than enc-based protocols (computationally) 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 5

6 Public-key based authentication (Needham-Shroeder (NS) pk-based) Assuming public keys are distributed through CA(s) 1.A  B: Enc pkb (rA, A) 2.B  A:Enc pka (rA, rB) 3.A  B:Enc pkb (rB) 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 6

7 Attack and fix on PK-based NS protocol Attack: Fix: 1.A  B: Enc pkb (rA, A) 2.B  A:Enc pka (rA, rB,B) 3.A  B:Enc pkb (rB) 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 7

8 Signature-based authentication (assuming public keys are distributed through CA) A auth B A  B: Hi Bob, this is Alice! B  A: r (a challenge) A  B: Sig SKa (r,B) (response) A auth B, B auth A (run two copies; piggyback common flows) A  B: A, rA (could sign this too) B  A:rB, Sig SKb (rB, rA, A) A  B:Sig SKa (rA,rB,B) 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 8

9 Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) Public-key operations are costly Why not 1.use public-key mutual authentication protocols to exchange a symmetric key 2.use this symmetric key with a symmetric encryption to secure subsequent communication 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 9

10 Security Notion for AKE Launch protocol between any pair Reveal all session key except one Try to distinguish the key of the unrevealed session from random This captures: the compromise of other sessions should not lead to the compromise of any other session 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 10

11 1.A  B: A, rA, Enc PKb (K) (must sign this too??) 2.B  A:rB, Sig SKb (rB, rA, A) 3.A  B:Sig SKa (rA, rB, B) 4.A and B output K as the authenticated key Such a protocol can be instantiated using RSA encryption/signing – The way SSL/SSH establishes key But, generally only the server authenticates to the client, not vice versa 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 11

12 X.509: One-Way Authentication 1 message ( A->B) used to establish – the identity of A and that message is from A – message was intended for B – integrity & originality of message 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 12 A B 1-A {ta,ra,B,sgnData,KUb[Kab]} Ta-timestamp rA=nonce B =identity sgnData=signed with A’s private key

13 X.509: Two-Way Authentication 2 messages (A->B, B->A) which also establishes in addition: – the identity of B and that reply is from B – that reply is intended for A – integrity & originality of reply 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 13 A B 1-A {ta,ra,B,sgnData,KUb[Kab]} 2-B {tb,rb,A,sgnData,KUa[Kba]}

14 X.509: Three-Way Authentication 3 messages (A->B, B->A, A->B) which enables above authentication without the need for synchronized clocks 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 14 A B 1- A {ta,ra,B,sgnData,KUb[Kab]} 2 -B {tb,rb,A,sgnData,KUa[Kab]} 3- A{rb}

15 Discrete Logarithm Assumption p, q primes such that q|p-1 g’ be the generator of Z p * g is an element of order q and generates a group G q of order q; g = g’ (p-1)/q x in Z q, y = g x mod p Given (p, q, g, y), it is computationally hard to compute x – No polynomial time algorithm known – p should be 1024-bits and q be 160-bits x becomes the private key and y becomes the public key 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 15

16 Example of DL-based system Let’s construct an example KeyGen: – p = 11, q = 2 or 5; let’s say q = 5 – 2 is a generator of Z 11 * – g = 2 2 = 4 – x = 2; y = 4 2 mod 11 = 5 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 16

17 Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Exchange 1.A  B: K a = g a mod p 2.B  A:K b = g b mod p 3.A outputs K ab = K b a 4.B outputs K ba = K a b Note K ab = K ba = g ab mod p 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 17

18 Security of DH key exchange No authentication of either party Secure only against a passive adversary – Under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption Given (g, g a,g b ), hard to compute g ab Not secure against an active attacker – Man-in-the-middle attack… 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 18

19 Authenticated DH Key Exchange 1.A  B: K a = g a mod p 2.B  A:Cert b, K b = g b mod p Enc Kba [Sig SKb (K b, K a )] 3.A  B:Cert a, Enc Kab [Sig SKa (K a,K b )] 4.A outputs K ab = K b a 5.B outputs K ba = K a b 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 19

20 Summary Designing secure protocols is not easy – Becomes harder in a concurrent setting, where there are multiple parties, executing multiple instances of the protocols simultaneously – Becomes even harder as the number of parties increase; n-party or group setting Use the protocols that are well-studied and standardized While designing a protocol, consider – Reflection attacks – Replay attacks – Eliminating any symmetry in the messages 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 20

21 Further Reading HAC – chapter 10 Stallings – Chapter 15 11/12/2015 Protocols: Authentication and Key Exchange 21

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