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Communication Issues.

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1 Communication Issues

2 Synchronization and Communication
The correct behaviour of a concurrent program depends on synchronization and communication between its processes. Synchronization: the satisfaction of constraints on the interleaving of the actions of processes (e.g. an action by one process only occurring after an action by another). Communication: the passing of information from one process to another. Concepts are linked since communication requires synchronization, and synchronization can be considered as contentless communication. Data communication is usually based upon either shared variables or message passing.

3 Communication primitives
Communication primitives are the high level construct with which programs use the underlying communication network They play a significant role in the effective usage of distributed systems The communication primitives influence a programmers choice of algorithms Performance of the programs

4 Basic primitives Send Receive Send has two parameters
Message and a destination Receive has two parameters A source and a buffer

5 Buffered Message Passing
From user buffer to kernel buffer From the kernel on the sending computer to the kernel buffer on the receiving computer Finally from the buffer on the receiving computer to a user buffer

6 Non blocking primitives
The send primitive returns the control to the user process as soon as the message Is copied from the user buffer onto the kernel buffer The corresponding receive primitive signals its intention to receive a message and provides a buffer to copy the message The receiving process may either periodically check for the arrival of a message or to be signaled by the kernel upon arrival of a message

7 Advantage of Non blocking primitives

8 Advantage of Non blocking primitives
Programs have maximum flexibility to perform computation and communication in any order they want

9 Disadvantage of Non blocking primitives

10 Disadvantage of Non blocking primitives
Programming is tricky and difficult Programs may become time-dependent where problems( or system states) are irreproducible, making the programs very difficult to debug

11 Unbuffered Message Passing
From one user buffer to another user buffer directly Program using send should avoid reusing the buffer until the message has been transmitted For large systems a combination of unbuffered and non blocking semantics allows almost complete overlap between the communication and the on going computational activity in the user program

12 Non blocking Message Passing
A natural use of non blocking communication occurs in producer-consumer relationships The consumer process can issue a non blocking receive If a message is present, the consumer process reads it, otherwise it performs some other computation. The producer can issue non blocking sends If a send fails for any reason (e.g. the buffer is full), it can be retried later

13 Blocking primitives The send primitive does not return the control to the user program until the message has been sent ( an unreliable blocking primitive) or an acknowledgement has been received ( a reliable blocking primitive) In both case, user buffer can be reused as soon as the control is returned to the user program The corresponding receive primitive does not return control until a message is copied to the user buffer A reliable receive primitive automatically sends acknowledgement An unreliable receive primitive does not send an acknowledgement

14 Advantage of blocking primitives

15 Advantage of blocking primitives
Behavior of the program is predictable Programming is easy

16 Disadvantage of blocking primitives

17 Disadvantage of blocking primitives
Lack of flexibility in programming The absence of concurrency between computation and communication

18 Synchronous primitive
Send is blocked until a corresponding receive is primitive is executed at the receiver end This is also called rendezvous A blocking synchronous primitive can be extended to an unblocking synchronous primitive by first copying the message to a buffer at the sending side and then allowing the process to perform other computational activity except another send

19 How to convert a blocking Synchronous primitive to unblocking Synchronous primitive?

20 How to convert a blocking Synchronous primitive to unblocking Synchronous primitive?
A blocking synchronous primitive can be extended to an unblocking synchronous primitive by first copying the message to a buffer at the sending side and then allowing the process to perform other computational activity except another send

21 Asynchronous primitive
The messages are buffered with the asynchronous primitives A send primitive does not block even if there is no corresponding execution of a receive primitive The corresponding receive primitive can either be a blocking or a non blocking primitive

22 Disadvantage of Asynchronous primitive

23 Disadvantage of Asynchronous primitive
One disadvantage of buffering messages is that it is more complex, as it involves creating , managing and destroying buffers Another issue is what to do with the messages that are meant for processes that have already died

24 Message-Based Communication and Synchronization
Use of a single construct for both synchronization and communication Three issues: the model of synchronization the method of process naming the message structure Process P1 Process P2 receive message send message time time

25 Process Synchronization
Variations in the process synchronization model arise from the semantics of the send operation Asynchronous (or no-wait) (e.g. POSIX) Requires buffer space. What happens when the buffer is full? Process P1 Process P2 send message message Send does not block n Messages are queued at the receiver n We refer to these queues as ports Communication can be many-to-one send(e,p): send value e to port p. Calling process not blocked v=receive(p): receive value into var v from port p. Calling process is blocked if no value queued to port. receive message time time

26 Process Synchronization
Synchronous (e.g. CSP, occam2) No buffer space required Known as a rendezvous Process P1 Process P2 send message blocked M receive message time time n send(e,c): Send e to channel c. Sending process is blocked until channel received e n v=receive(c): Receive a value into a local variable v from channel c. The calling process is blocked until a message is sent into channel n No buffering

27 Process Synchronization
Remote invocation (e.g. Ada) Known as an extended rendezvous Analogy: The posting of a letter is an asynchronous send A telephone is a better analogy for synchronous communication Process P1 Process P2 send message M receive message blocked reply time time

28 Asynchronous and Synchronous Sends

29 Asynchronous and Synchronous Sends
Asynchronous communication can implement synchronous communication: P P2 asyn_send (M) wait (M) wait (ack) asyn_send (ack)

30 Asynchronous and Synchronous Sends
Asynchronous communication can implement synchronous communication: P P2 asyn_send (M) wait (M) wait (ack) asyn_send (ack) Two synchronous communications can be used to construct a remote invocation: P P2 syn_send (message) wait (message) wait (reply) construct reply ... syn_send (reply)

31 Disadvantages of Asynchronous Send

32 Disadvantages of Asynchronous Send
Potentially infinite buffers are needed to store unread messages Asynchronous communication is out-of-date; most sends are programmed to expect an acknowledgement More communications are needed with the asynchronous model, hence programs are more complex It is more difficult to prove the correctness of the complete system Where asynchronous communication is desired with synchronised message passing then buffer processes can easily be constructed; however, this is not without cost

33 Process Naming Two distinct sub-issues direction versus indirection
symmetry With direct naming, the sender explicitly names the receiver: send <message> to <process-name> With indirect naming, the sender names an intermediate entity (e.g. a channel, mailbox, link or pipe): send <message> to <mailbox> With a mailbox, message passing can still be synchronous Direct naming has the advantage of simplicity, whilst indirect naming aids the decomposition of the software; a mailbox can be seen as an interface between parts of the program

34 Process Naming A naming scheme is symmetric if both sender and receiver name each other (directly or indirectly) send <message> to <process-name> wait <message> from <process-name> send <message> to <mailbox> wait <message> from <mailbox> It is asymmetric if the receiver names no specific source but accepts messages from any process (or mailbox) wait <message> Asymmetric naming fits the client-server paradigm With indirect the intermediary could have: a many-to-one structure – a many-to-many structure a one-to-one structure – a one-to-many

35 Message Structure A language usually allows any data object of any defined type (predefined or user) to be transmitted in a message Need to convert to a standard format for transmission across a network in a heterogeneous environment OS allow only arrays of bytes to be sent

36 Message Characteristics
Principal Operations • send • receive Synchronization • Synchronous • Asynchronous • Rendevous Multiplicity • one-one • many-one • many-many • Selective Anonymity • anonymous message passing • non-anonymous message passing Receipt of Messages • Unconditional • Selective

37 Selective waiting So far, the receiver of a message must wait until the specified process, or mailbox, delivers the communication A receiver process may actually wish to wait for any one of a number of processes to call it Server processes receive request messages from a number of clients; the order in which the clients call being unknown to the servers To facilitate this common program structure, receiver processes are allowed to wait selectively for a number of possible messages

38 Non-determinism and Selective Waiting
Concurrent languages make few assumptions about the execution order of processes A scheduler is assumed to schedule processes non-deterministically Consider a process P that will execute a selective wait construct upon which processes S and T could call

39 Non-determinism and Selective Waiting
P runs first; it is blocked on the select. S (or T) then runs and rendezvous with P S (or T) runs, blocks on the call to P; P runs and executes the select; a rendezvous takes place with S (or T) S (or T) runs first and blocks on the call to P; T (or S) now runs and is also blocked on P. Finally P runs and executes the select on which T and S are waiting The three possible interleavings lead to P having none, one or two calls outstanding on the selective wait If P, S and T can execute in any order then, in latter case, P should be able to choose to rendezvous with S or T — it will not affect the programs correctness

40 Non-determinism and Selective Waiting
A similar argument applies to any queue that a synchronisation primitive defines Non-deterministic scheduling implies all queues should release processes in a non-deterministic order Semaphore queues are often defined in this way; entry queues and monitor queues are specified to be FIFO The rationale here is that FIFO queues prohibit starvation but if the scheduler is non-deterministic then starvation can occur anyway!

41 POSIX Message Queues POSIX supports asynchronous, indirect message passing through the notion of message queues A message queue can have many readers and many writers Priority may be associated with the queue Intended for communication between processes (not threads) Message queues have attributes which indicate their maximum size, the size of each message, the number of messages currently queued etc. An attribute object is used to set the queue attributes when the queue is created

42 POSIX Message Queues Message queues are given a name when they are created To gain access to the queue, requires an mq_open name mq_open is used to both create and open an already existing queue (also mq_close and mq_unlink) Sending and receiving messages is done via mq_send and mq_receive Data is read/written from/to a character buffer. If the buffer is full or empty, the sending/receiving process is blocked unless the attribute O_NONBLOCK has been set for the queue (in which case an error return is given) If senders and receivers are waiting when a message queue becomes unblocked, it is not specified which one is woken up unless the priority scheduling option is specified

43 POSIX Message Queues A process can also indicate that a signal should be sent to it when an empty queue receives a message and there are no waiting receivers In this way, a process can continue executing whilst waiting for messages to arrive or one or more message queues It is also possible for a process to wait for a signal to arrive; this allows the equivalent of selective waiting to be implemented If the process is multi-threaded, each thread is considered to be a potential sender/receiver in its own right

44 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call is a procedure P that caller process C gets server process S to execute as if C had executed P in C's own address space RPCs support distributed computing at higher level than sockets architecture/OS neutral passing of simple & complex data types common application needs like name resolution, security etc. caller process server process Receive request and start procedure execution Call procedure and wait for reply Procedure P executes Resume execution Send reply and wait for the next request

45 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
RPC Standards There are at least 3 widely used forms of RPC Open Network Computing version of RPC Distributed Computing Environment version of RPC Microsoft's COM/DCOM proprietary standard ONC RPC specified in RFC 1831 is widely available RPC standard on UNIX and other OSs has been developed by Sun Microsystems Distributed Computing Environment is widely available RPC standard on many OSs supports RPCs, directory of RPC servers & security services COM is proprietary, adaptive extension of DCE standard Java RMI

46 Event Ordering X,Y, Z and A on a mailing list
X sends a message with the subject Meeting Y and Z reply by sending a, Message with subject Re: Meeting In real-time, X’s message was sent first Y reads and reply Z reads both X and Y’s reply and reply again But due to independent delay A might see Item from Subject 23 Z Re: Meeting 24 X Meeting 25 Y Re: Meeting

47 Event Ordering If the clocks of X, Y, Z’s computer synchronized, then each message would carry time on the local computer’s clock For example, messages m1, m2, and m3 and time t1, t2, and t3 where t1,<t2<t3 Since clocks can not be synchronized the perfectly logical clock was introduced by Lamport Logically a message was received after it was sent X sends m1 before Y receives m1; Y send m2 before X receives m2 Replies are sent after receiving messages Y receives m1 before sending m2 Logical time takes the idea further by assigning a number to each event corresponding to its logical ordering. Figure shows numbers 1 to 4 on the events at X and Y.

48 Real-time ordering of events
Instructor’s Guide for Coulouris, Dollimore and Kindberg Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design Edn © Addison-Wesley Publishers 2000

49 The happened-before relation
The happened-before relation (denoted by ) is defined as follows: Rule 1 : If a and b are events in the same process and a was executed before b, then a  b. Rule 2 : If a is the event of sending a message by one process and b is the event of receiving that message by another process, then a  b. Rule 3 : If a  b and b  c, then a  c. Relationship between two events. Two events a and b are causally related if a  b or b  a. Two distinct events a and b are said to be concurrent if a  b and b  a (denoted as a b).

50 A time-space representation
A time-space view of a distributed system. Rule 1: a0  a1  a2  a3 b0  b1  b2  b3 c0  c1  c2  c3 Rule 2: a0  b3 b1  a3; b2  c1; b0  c2

51 System structure from logical point of view.
States State model: A process executes three types of events: internal actions, send actions, and receive actions. Global state: A collection of local states and the state of all the communication channels. receive send Process Process Process Process System structure from logical point of view.

52 References George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (Edition 3 ). Addison-Wesley Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms. Prentice-Hall P. K. Sinha, P.K. "Distributed Operating Systems, Concepts and Design", IEEE Press, 1993 Sape J. Mullender, editor. Distributed Systems, 2nd edition, ACM Press, Gregory R. Andrews. Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming, Addison Wesley, J. Magee & J. Kramer. Concurrency. State Models and Java Programs. John Wiley,

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