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Hydro-Energy Hydro-Politics Riccardo M. Galante Prof. Scaramastra.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydro-Energy Hydro-Politics Riccardo M. Galante Prof. Scaramastra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydro-Energy Hydro-Politics Riccardo M. Galante Prof. Scaramastra

2 Index Nile Water Importance of Water Nile Basin Countries Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture Electricity production from hydroelectric sources Electric power consumption Geopolitics Historical back ground Division Hydro-hegemony Conflict Cooperation Word file

3 Importance of Water Your body and water The history of water Symbol in Ancient Greece Hydro-therapy Our water today What choices have we got? Index

4 Nile Basin Countries The Nile is 6,853 km long. It is an "international" river as its water resources are shared by eleven countries, namely, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. Sources of the Nile: Lake Victoria and Lake Tana. Index

5 Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal) For Excel data Click here Index

6 Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total) Index For Excel data Click here

7 Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) Index For Excel data Click here

8 Hydro-Politics: Egyptian Hydro-hegemony Historical back ground Division Hydro-hegemony Conflict Cooperation Back to main Index

9 Historical Back Ground Treaties: 1. Anglo-Italian Protocol (1891) 2. Tripartite Agreement (1906) 3. Anglo-Egyptian Agreement (1929) 4. Egyptian-Sudanese Agreement(1959) Index

10 Division Index

11 Hydro-Hegemony “Upstream countries use water to get more power, while downstreamers use power to get more water” (Warner, 2004) “Absence of war does not mean absence of conflict” (Zeitoun, Warner, 2005 pag.2) Negative Vs Positive form of Hydro-Hegemony International support: largest recipient of US financial, political and military support Lack of International Law Real politique Index

12 Conflict Egypt against Ethiopia supporting the Eritrean Liberation Front and Isolation through Somalia Renaissance Dam (Ethiopia) Stalemate Index

13 Cooperation Steps toward more cooperation Game theory Nile Basin Initiative (1999) Index

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