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FNAL beam test G4 simulation update Aiwu Zhang 2015-02-02.

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1 FNAL beam test G4 simulation update Aiwu Zhang 2015-02-02

2 Topic 1: Check smearing on trackers Ex_expIn_expGM_exp Ex_G4In_G4GM_G4 Corrected resolution 32GeV/c pion case REF1X1644486 2345 73 REF1Y1664587 2445 74 REF2X956679 463239 69 REF2Y976881 473339 71 REF3X825064 332026 59 REF3Y825064 332026 58 REF4X1265583 632741 72 REF4Y1185178 632842 65 2

3 Residuals on trackers in X coordinates REF1 exclusive REF1 inclusive REF2 exclusive REF2 inclusive Geo. Mean 84um Geo. Mean 80um 3

4 Residuals on trackers in X coordinates REF3 exclusive REF3 inclusive REF4 exclusive REF4 inclusive Geo. Mean 76um Geo. Mean 79um 4

5 Geant4 residual width exp. Data Smear inputExerrInerrGMerr ExerrInerrGMerr REF1X731600.9440.2840.7 1640.7440.2860.5 REF1Y741630.9440.2850.7 1660.8450.2870.6 REF2X69960.5670.4800.6 950.4660.3790.5 REF2Y71990.5690.4820.6 970.5680.4810.6 REF3X59890.5550.3700.5 820.4500.3640.5 REF3Y58860.5530.3670.5 820.3500.2640.4 REF4X721190.7520.3790.6 1260.6550.3830.6 REF4Y651150.7500.3760.6 1180.5510.2780.5 Tracker resolutions In G4, after hit position smearing, we get very similar resolutions compare to the exp. Data. The table is for 32GeV/c beam. Same conclusion for the 120GeV/c beam. 5

6 Topic 2: Study Geant4 resolution for the FITEIC chamber in polar coordinate (W/O smearing) FIT_EIC_Phi Exclusive FIT_EIC_Phi Inclusive Offset(mm) Phi resolutions, unit in uradR resolutions, unit in um XYPhi_ExerrPhi_InerrGM_PhierrR_ExerrR_InerrGM_Rerr test1 -50001270.71011.01131.3630.4 50 0.3560.5 test2 -100006340.4510.3570.5630.4500.3560.5 -1877-35340.2270.2300.3630.4500.3560.5 test3-50000130.1110.1120.1630.4500.3560.5 6

7 Geant4 Phi-resolution for the FITEIC (With smearing only trackers) FIT_EIC_Phi Exclusive FIT_EIC_Phi Inclusive Offset(mm) Phi resolutions, unit in uradR resolutions, unit in um XYPhi_ExerrPhi_InerrGM_PhierrR_ExerrR_InerrGM_Rerr test1 -5000127.20.7101.01.0113.31.362.60.449.70.355.80.5 test2 -1000063.90.450.60.356.90.562.50.449.70.355.70.5 -1877-35 390.2310.2350.3720.4580.3640.5 Test3-5000013. 7

8 Geant4 Phi-resolution for the FITEIC (With smearing trackers as well as the FITEIC chamber) FIT_EIC_Phi Exclusive FIT_EIC_Phi Inclusive Offset(mm) Phi resolutions, unit in uradR resolutions, unit in um XYPhi_ExerrPhi_InerrGM_PhierrR_ExerrR_InerrGM_Rerr test1 -5000127.20.7101.01.0113.31.362.60.449.70.355.80.5 test2 -1000063.90.450.60.356.90.562.50.449.70.355.70.5 -1877-35 1721.01380.71541.2720.4580.3640.5 Test3-5000013. 1.Smear FITEIC chamber with 166urad in phi ( and 70um in R). 2.The resolution comes out to be 154urad, which explains that Geometric mean method gives ~10% over estimation on the resolution when tested detector has worse resolution than trackers. 8

9 Another test on geometric mean method 1.Smear FITEIC chamber with 166um in X and Y. 2.The G4 simulation then gives resolutions of ~160um in X and Y, which is 9% better. 3.This supports that Geometric mean method gives ~10% over estimation on the resolution when tested detector has a much worse resolution than trackers. 9 Topic 3: looking resolutions in a wider range Remaining slides:

10 Unit:um ER (EE)IRGMERIRGM Sqrt(ER^2- EE^2) smear amount exp. Data (GM) Case 1not smear REF1smear REF1 REF1X14439751604484707386 REF1Y14740771634485717487 Case 2not smear REF2smear REF2 REF2X67475696678069 79 REF2Y68475699698271 81 Case 3not smear REF3smear REF3 REF3X674152895570585964 REF3Y623849865367595864 Case 4not smear REF4smear REF4 REF4X9441621195279737283 REF4Y954162115507665 78 Case 5 smearing trackers but not smearing FITEIC smearing trackers & FITEIC FITEICX715764177142159162166170 FITEICY725764179144161163166170 10

11 The trackers are smeared by the amount shown in smear amount column of the previous table. Smearing the FITEIC chamber from 50 to 290 um with a 10um step, plot the output resolution vs. input resolution (the smeared amount on FITEIC) for both geometric mean method and error estimation method. Clearly we see (1) error estimation method gives accurate resolutions; (2) geometric mean method underestimates (overestimates) when real resolution is less than 120um (larger than 170um). 11

12 For checking, here all trackers are smeared with a 50 um resolution. The conclusion remains more or less the same. I think these two plots also explain the reason we observe different resolutions on trackers since the geometric mean method gives worse resolutions at <100um level. 12

13 Study in phi coordinate Smear trackers with numbers from exp. dataSmear trackers with a 50um resolution 13

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