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指導教授:陳昱伶教授 報告人: 周清英 (M ) 羅漫亞, 偉大 (M ) 穆圓圓 (M )

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Presentation on theme: "指導教授:陳昱伶教授 報告人: 周清英 (M ) 羅漫亞, 偉大 (M ) 穆圓圓 (M )"— Presentation transcript:

1 指導教授:陳昱伶教授 報告人: 周清英 (M102101018) 羅漫亞, 偉大 (M102101019) 穆圓圓 (M102101021)
青少年休閒活動輔導小組 專題報告 指導教授:陳昱伶教授 報告人: 周清英 (M ) 羅漫亞, 偉大 (M ) 穆圓圓 (M )

2 Selfie (自拍)

3 Background Social media is technically the driving force of most selfie activities. Now that everyone has an HD camera, Hp camera etc. in their pocket, “selfies” are quick and easy.

4 In fact, this is one of the most popular ways people update their friends and loved ones on how they look recently.

5 By the end of 2012, Time magazine considered selfie one of the "top 10 buzzwords" of that year

6 Definition Selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

7 A selfie stick is a new phenomena of 21st century

8 When Selfie became popular? "SELFIE“ isn’t really a new idea.

9 Robert Cornelius’ Self-Portrait: The First Ever “Selfie” (1839)

10 Why Selfie? Want to be loved
When they post a selfie for the World to see, they eagerly await for the "likes" and "comments" to show up from friends and strangers. Why? Because these "likes" and "comments" make their feel loved. Everyone has a deep desire to be loved.

11 2. Want to be accepted Those same "likes" and "comments" also make us feel accepted. Example: “I posted a picture of my face and 24 people liked it! Wow! Maybe they think I’m cool, good-looking, fun or maybe they want to date me?!”

12 3. To show off It’s human nature to want to show off your own great achievements. When you feel good about yourself (or look good), it’s far too easy to reach for your phone and document it all through one (or several) selfies.

13 4. Boredom There are people who are bored at work, bored at school, bored at home and bored on the toilet. That’s right. Some people will take selfies because they have nothing else better to do.

14 Advantages Tell a Story Sharing who we are with the world

15 The spontaneous pictures can broadcast our sense of humor, our serious side, or even a flattering physical shot; Sometimes, we just need to have some fun. Selfies give us a way to play and forget our responsibilities and worries for a few minutes;

16 Disadvantages Wasting time
Typically, people take multiple selfies and only post the best one (some post them all).

17 2. Mental Illness In an article for Psychology Today, doctor Pamela Rutledge says that taking selfies can be detrimental to a person’s mental health and that indulging in them is indicative of narcissism, low self esteem, attention seeking behavior and self- indulgence; Though this selfie may seem to have become a huge trend online, psychiatrists have always linked them to mental health conditions such as narcissism and vainglorious. Selfies may cause body dysmorphic disorder, which has “an extremely high suicide rate.”


19 Suggestion Parents Controlling by parents really important about this.
Knowing how long your teen spends online is also important to ensure they're not spending an excessive amount of time on social networks.

20 2. School School should aware about effects of selfie and foster mental of students, so that the students have self-protection Schools may can teach about cyberbullying and online predators, it's important for teachers to educate their students on the mental dangers of social media addiction and advise them to not post anything too personal or identifying information such as their cellphone number or address.​

21 The Selfiest Cities in the World: TIME’s Definitive Ranking March 10, 2014


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