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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Planet Earth Mercury and Venus MarsEarth’s Moon Jupiter and Saturn The Outer Planets.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Planet Earth Mercury and Venus MarsEarth’s Moon Jupiter and Saturn The Outer Planets."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Planet Earth Mercury and Venus MarsEarth’s Moon Jupiter and Saturn The Outer Planets

6 Is Earth the largest planet in our Solar System? A 100

7 No A 100

8 What is the name of the Earth’s sister? A 200

9 Venus A 200

10 What is the Earth’s core made of? A 300

11 Rock A 300

12 Why can people live on Earth and not other planets? A 400

13 Because it is not too hot or too cold. The conditions are perfect for living things. A 400

14 Is Earth the only planet in our Solar System with liquid water? A 500

15 Yes. The outer planets have frozen water or ice. A 500

16 Which planet is closest to the Sun? B 100

17 Mercury B 100

18 Is Mercury bigger or smaller than the Earth? B 200

19 Smaller B 200

20 Which planet is even smaller than Mercury? B 300

21 Pluto B 300

22 Does it ever get cold on Mercury and Venus? B 400

23 No. They are too close to the sun. B 400

24 Which planet is Venus closest in size to? B 500

25 Earth B 500

26 What is another name for Mars? C 100

27 The Red Planet C 100

28 Mars is the ____ planet away from the sun. C 200

29 4th C 200

30 How many moons does Mars have? C 300

31 2


33 Have spacecraft from Earth ever landed on Mars? C 400

34 Yes C 400

35 Is Mars half the size of Earth or twice the size of Earth? C 500

36 Half the size of Earth C 500

37 Is the moon bigger or smaller than the Earth? D 100

38 Smaller D 100

39 Does the same side of the Moon always face the Earth? D 200

40 Yes D 200

41 Who was the first person to walk on the moon? D 300

42 Neil Armstrong D 300

43 How long does it take the Moon to revolve around the Earth? D 400

44 A month D 400

45 On the moon, would you feel lighter or heavier than on Earth? D 500

46 Lighter D 500

47 Is Jupiter or Saturn the largest planet? E 100

48 Jupiter E 100

49 Does Jupiter have any moons? E 200

50 No E 200

51 How many moons does Saturn have? E 300

52 Over 30 E 300

53 Which planet is closest to the Sun? Jupiter or Saturn E 400

54 Jupiter E 400

55 Does it ever get hot on Jupiter or Saturn? E 500

56 No E 500

57 Which planet is farthest from the Sun? F 100

58 Pluto F 100

59 Is Uranus the seventh planet from the Sun? F 200

60 Yes F 200

61 What color does Neptune appear to be? F 300

62 Blue F 300

63 What is the name of Pluto’s large moon? F 400

64 Charon F 400

65 Is Pluto ever the 8 th planet? F 500

66 Yes, when it’s orbit crosses Neptune’s. F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: The Solar System Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 What are the names of the 9 planets in our Solar System? Click on screen to continue

69 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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