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Beginning of Life Composition of early atmosphere

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1 Beginning of Life Composition of early atmosphere
Methane, ammonia, hydrogen; no oxygen; no life Miller/Urey Experiment Sent electrical sparks through a mixture of gases present in early atmosphere Created amino acids and sugars-molecules needed for life

2 StaphylococcusBacteria
Evolution of Life Evolution of life forms Pre-cells- molecules organized and surrounded by fats; molecules pass through fatty membrane First living cells-Bacteria Pre-cells take in energy and reproduce StaphylococcusBacteria

3 Evolution of Life Heterotrophs Need energy from outside source
Autotrophs Chlorophyll; use sun’s energy in photosynthesis Eukaryotes Evolve Oxygen increases in atmosphere; complex organisms evolve Hallucigenia Algae

4 Ozone Layer Forms Lightning converts O2 to O3 (15 miles above us)
Blocks UV light Explosion of life

5 Classification for Humans
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Pongidae (Great Apes) Genus: Homo Species: Sapiens Homo sapian

6 The Primate Family Tree 2 Suborders of Primates
Prosimians : “Before monkeys” Tree Dwelling Primates Lemurs & Tarsiers Retain claws, long snout Found in Madagascar Tarsier Lemur

7 The Primate Family Tree 2 Suborders of Primates
Anthropoids New World Monkeys (Capuchins, Howler’s) Old World Monkeys (Macaques) Humans & Apes (Gorillas, Orangutans)

8 Trends in Primate Evolution
Dexterity of Hands Opposable thumb for grasping Upright Posture  Keeps hands free; plant harvesting Vision  Stereoscopic; allows for Depth perception; food ID Brain -> Large Brain; Used to obtain food; get mates Infant Care Large investment = greater success Teeth  Multiple Teeth types


10 Appearance of Homo Sapiens
Humans and Chimpanzee lineages split 6 million years ago

11 Proconsul Fossil- 18mya-6mya

12 Proconsul- 18mya-6mya

13 Australopithecus Afarensis “Lucy”
3-4.5 million years ago A. afarensis walked on 2 feet (bipedalism) Small Brain (like a chimp) Likely vegetarians More than 1 species of Australopithecines found. Most species die out about 1-2 million years ago

14 Homo habilis 2 million years ago Slightly Larger Brain. Some speech
Simple Tools Ate plants and butchered Animals

15 Homo erectus (upright)
1 million years ago complex tools (hand ax) Large brain (abstract thought; self consciousness) Spreads around the world Uses fire

16 Neanderthals (230,000-29,000 years ago)
Early group of Homo sapiens? Found in Middle east, Africa, Asia Social Hunters (cooperative groups of 30-40) Stone Tools (points, borers) Cared for sick, wounded, and dead Capable of language

17 Homo sapians Early modern humans called Cro-Magnons
200,000 years ago to present Hey, that’s me!

18 Other Hominid Fossils Ar. ramadus A. boisei A. robustus

19 Characteristics of Humans
Bipedalism Walking on 2 feet Shorter toes for standing upright Enlarged Brain devoted toward complex speech Smaller Pelvis than other hominids

20 How and When did our species supplant H. Erectus?
Multiregional v. Single Origin Theory

21 Comparisons Among Hominids
Hominid Pelvis Shallow and rounded Femurs tilt inward Body weigh transferred down through knees Bipedalism Hominid Spine Curved like an “S” Thoracic cage flattened Transmits weight to the legs Balanced center of gravity Hominid Brain Enlarged Areas devoted to complex speech and communication



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