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Multimedia By: Marcus Bobian Multimedia period 1.

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1 Multimedia By: Marcus Bobian Multimedia period 1

2 What is Multimedia ? Sound and video on computers: programs, software, and hardware capable of using a wide variety of media such as film, video, and music as well as text and numbers

3 Background of Multimedia The term "multimedia" was first used in 1965 to describe a performance that combined music, lights, cinema, and performance art. In the history of multimedia development, technological advances have expanded the definition, and people have argued about how exactly the term should be used. Most people agree that the term multimedia should be used to describe a product that contains several types of media. For example, a multimedia website might feature text, graphics, and clickable sound files. Multimedia/History-of-Multimedia-Development.html

4 Current Multimedia With the advent of the Internet and its growing prominence as a news, entertainment, and shopping destination, people skilled in computer multimedia are in great demand. Another growing sector is broadcast design. Broadcast designers come up with ideas for sets for television news programs and create motion graphics for television stations. These graphics might be used to introduce or end shows, to advertise upcoming network shows, or to introduce different segments of one show. The graphics are usually created using computer animation software. Multimedia is also used in education. Multimedia/History-of-Multimedia-Development.html

5 Impact of digital photography and videography to Multimedia The impact of digital photography and videography to multimedia has had is great by making these two topics more used and utilized in the work force. Also has provided another category to Multimedia.

6 What is Social media ? "Social media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online."

7 What is blogging ? A diary on Web site: a frequently updated personal journal chronicling links at a Web site, intended for public viewing.

8 What is podcast ? A digital audio or video file or recording, usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a Web site to a media player or computer. Or a verb of this is uploading and downloading files. ast

9 Gaming and game design in Multimedia ‘’ Game designers invent, build, produce and promote computer games. Game design is like being the film director, but for a computer simulation (imitates the appearance of reality). They are limited only by their own imagination and the customer’s budget.’’ This small piece of game design to Multimedia is saying that game design is basically like movies or being a computer designer and these small things falls under Multimedia.

10 Interactive Media A method of communication in which the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the user's inputs in turn affect the program's outputs. Interactive media engage the user and interact with him or her in a way that non-interactive media do not. Websites and video games are two common types of interactive media. Movies and most TV shows are generally not considered interactive media; however, shows that require audience participation could be considered interactive media.

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