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Evidence of Evolution "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence of Evolution "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence of Evolution "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky

2 #1: The Fossil Record Similar forms suggest gradual modification
different layers of rock (gradual change) Similar forms suggest gradual modification



5 #2 Geographical Distribution
Galapagos Finches – different islands, slightly different characteristics Species on different continents descended from different ancestors but share features in common due to similar environmental conditions



8 #3: Homologous Body Structures
Similar structures, different function Arms, wings, legs, flippers

9 Homology bat wing bird wing human arm

10 Analogous Structures Different structure, similar functions Butterfly vs. bat wing

11 Homology vs Analogy bird wing butterfly wing bat wing fly wing
  Homology (shared ancestry) versus  Analogy (convergent evolution) bird wing butterfly wing bat wing fly wing

12 #4: Vestigial Organs Serve little or no function
Human appendix useless yet in other mammals, it is necessary to aid in digestion of high cellulose diet May play role in immune response


14 Other Examples: Human wisdom teeth vestigial compared to other primates

15 WISDOM TEETH Third molars
When human diets consisted of mostly raw and unprocessed foods that required the extra chewing and grinding power Today they are not needed for chewing and, because they can crowd other teeth, are often removed.

16 Other Vestigial Examples
Some snakes have skeletal limbs Boa: remnant of pelvic girdle

17 Humans have tailbones and some babies occasionally have tails

18 Some Vestigial Structures May Be Adapted for a New Use
Penguins: wing not used for flying but for swimming

19 #5: Similarities in Early Development
Embryos of many animals with backbones are similar (especially in early stages)


21 Similarity in DNA sequences
#6: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY GENETIC SIMILARITIES HUMANS vs. _________ # of Chromosomes Similarity in DNA sequences CHIMPANZEES 48 98.8% GORILLAS 98.4% BABOONS 42 93.4%

22 #7: Mimicry and Camouflage
Owl Moth Frog Fish Sponge

23 Camouflage Uroplatus Gecko Leaf-Tailed Gecko Toads

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