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CompSci 230 S2 2015 Software Construction Applets & AWT.

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1 CompSci 230 S2 2015 Software Construction Applets & AWT

2 Agenda  Applets  Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)  Basic AWT windows  Basic AWT user interface controls  Button, checkbox, radio button, list box, scrollbars  Processing events in GUI controls  Reading:  Getting Started with Graphics   Java AWT Tutorial 22 112

3 Java Applets: a simple GUI framework Applet framework (web browser) Application code init( ) start( ) paint( )stop( ) destroy( ) Applet init( ) start( ) paint( ) stop( ) destroy( ) Examples: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\demo\applets 113

4 Applet  Class Applet defines a set of so-called lifecycle methods that are expected to be implemented by sucbclasses.  init( ) –  executed when the web browser loads the Applet subclass code. This method is often implemented to acquire resources – threads, sockets etc.  start( ) –  executed when the applet should start its execution.  paint( ) –  called whenever the applet is to paint itself, (e.g. a person has moved on the tic-tac-toe game) has changed. Typically called multiple times.  stop( ) –  called when the user leaves the web page that contains the applet.  destroy( ) –  called by the browser on exit. This gives the applet the chance to clean up – e.g. close sockets. 114

5 Example: Blink public class Blink extends java.applet.Applet {... public void init() {... public void start() {... public void paint(Graphics g) {... public void stop() {... 115

6 Example: Simple   Simple.html  Command: appletviewer Simple.html... public class Simple extends Applet { StringBuffer buffer; public void init() {... Example: 116

7 A bstract W indowing T oolkit  Java’s AWT is a simple framework for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs)  Key AWT packages include:  java.awt  Contains core GUI component classes  Components are also known as widgets and may be “simple” (e.g. buttons, textfields) or “composite” (e.g. windows, frames, panels)  Includes layout managers that layout composite components’ children  java.awt.event  Contains classes representing GUI events  Events represent things like window closing and restoration, button presses, mouse movement, keystrokes, etc. Components generate events  Provides listener interfaces  Listener interfaces are provided that are intended to be implemented by application developers; listener objects can be notified of events 7 117

8 A Component is something that can be displayed on a GUI and with which a user can interact. A Window is a special Container that can be stacked, and moved to the front/back. A Frame is a special Window with a title, menubar, and border. Component is an abstract class. Generalisation Specialisation A Container is a special component that can nest other components, be they simple components (e.g. Buttons, Labels) or themselves Containers (e.g. Panels). add( ) is a polymorphic method; it can take as actual argument any kind of Component. Nothing in this class hierarchy is application specific. These classes provide a reusable resource that is extended to meet the needs of any particular application. 118

9 AWT framework  Component  an abstract class  superclass of all GUI components except menu components and class CheckboxGroup  repaint() schedules Component instance for repainting. The AWT framework will subsequently call paint( ) on the Component  Container  the superclass for all components that contain other components  defines add(), for adding components to a container Component Container Object ButtonLabel Many other classes getSize( ) : int setSize( width : int, height : int ) : void setVisible( visible : boolean ) : void repaint( g : Graphics ) : void paint( g : Graphics ) : void addMouseListener( listener : MouseListener ) : void addKeyListener( listener : KeyListener ) : void setLayout( mgr : LayoutManager ) : void add( c : Component ) : void 119

10 AWT framework  Window  a top-level window with no border or menu bar  rarely instantiated (its subclasses are more useful)  Frame  a window with a title bar  can have a menu bar  top-level window for Java AWT-based applications  typically, main() creates an instance of Frame as its top-level application window, then adds GUI components to the frame  default layout manager: BorderLayout Window Frame Container Dialog Many other classes setTitle( title : String ) : void setCursor( c : int ) : void setResizable( resizable : boolean ) : void setMenuBar( mb : MenuBar ) : void 1110

11 Frame class  Creating and Using – Two Approaches:  A fixed-size Frame:  Use setSize() and  setVisible(true) – for display  A Frame that stretches to fit what it contains  pack(), and  setVisible(true) public class SimpleFixedFrame extends Frame { public SimpleFixedFrame(String title) { super(title); setSize(400, 300); setVisible(true); } public class StretchFrame extends Frame { public StretchFrame(String title) { super(title); add(new Button("hello"),BorderLayout.CENTER); pack(); setVisible(true);... Causes this Window to be sized to fit the preferred size and layouts of its subcomponents Example: 11

12 COMPSCI 230 Software Design & Construction12 Frame Panel Label TextField Label Panel Button Panel Component Container add( c : Component ) : void class Container extends Component { private List children; … public void add( Component c ) { children.add( c ); } Frame instance TextField instance Panel instance Button instance Button instance Label instance Panel instance Panel instance Label instance * 1112

13 PalindromeGUI Implementation import java.awt.*; public class PalindromeGUI extends Frame { public PalindromeGUI( ) { super( "Palindrome detector" ); setUp( ); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // Method inherited from class Window – // causes this object to be sized according // to its preferred size, based on its // children components. pack( ); setVisible( true ); } public static void main( String[ ] args ) { PalindromeGUI = new PalindromeGUI( ); } // “Helper” method to create components. private void setUp() { // Create intermediate panels. Panel inputPanel = new Panel( ); Panel outputPanel = new Panel( ); Panel buttonPanel = new Panel( ); // Create simple components. Label prompt = new Label( "Word/phrase" ); TextField text = new TextField( 20 ); Label output = new Label( "Please enter a word/phrase" ); Button isPalindrome = new Button( "Is palindrome" ); Button quit = new Button( "quit" ); // Add components to intermediate panels. inputPanel.add( prompt ); inputPanel.add( text ); outputPanel.add( output ); buttonPanel.add( isPalindrome ); buttonPanel.add( quit ); // Add panels to this object. add( inputPanel ); add( outputPanel ); add( buttonPanel ); } Example: 1113

14 Traversing the nested structure 14 Frame instance TextField instance Panel instance Button instance Button instance Label instance Panel instance Panel instance Label instance class Container extends Component { private List children; … public void add( Component c ) { children.add( c ); } public void paint( Graphics g ) { for( Component c : children ) c.paint( ); } 1: paint( ) 2: paint( ) 3: paint( ) 4: paint( ) 5 6 7 8 9 1114

15 Layout management  Aggregation 15 Container setLayout( mgr : LayoutManager ) : void doLayout( ) add( c : Component ) : void Component > LayoutManager layoutContainer( c : Container ) minimumLayoutSize( c : Container ) : Dimension preferredLayoutSize( c : Container ) : Dimension BorderLayoutBoxLayoutGridLayoutFlowLayout * 1 1115

16 button1 = new Button("Button 1 (PAGE_START)"); add(button1, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); button2 = new Button("Button 2 (CENTER)"); button2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); add(button2, BorderLayout.CENTER); button3 = new Button("Button 3 (LINE_START)"); add(button3, BorderLayout.LINE_START); button4 = new Button("Long-Named Button 4 (PAGE_END)"); add(button4, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); button5 = new Button("5 (LINE_END)"); add(button5, BorderLayout.LINE_END); Layout Managers  FlowLayout:  Simplest, just one row  BorderLayout:  This scheme defines five areas for the component.  All extra space is placed in the center area.  BoxLayout, GridLayout, … 1116

17 Layout management 17 public class Container extends Component { … private List children; private LayoutManager ; public void setLayout( LayoutManager lm ) { layoutManager = lm; } public void doLayout( ) { layoutManager.layout( this ); } Frame instance TextField instance Panel instance Button instance Button instance Label instance Panel instance Panel instance Label instance 1: doLayout( ) 2: layoutContainer( this ) LayoutManager instance 1117

18 Painting  Class Component implements a painting mechanism as follows:  repaint( ) schedules the component to be painted and should not be overriden  paint( ) is intended to be implemented by subclasses to perform subclass-specific painting  E.g. A Button will paint itself as a button, a Panel will call paint on each child, etc. AWT Framework code Application code Framework detects that a window has moved from the minimised to restored state. It calls repaint( ) on the window component Framework calls paint( ) on the window component Framework calls paint( ) on component C AWT Framework code Application code Component paint( g : Graphics ) repaint( ) Framework triggers an event to which the application responds Application makes a repaint( ) request for a particular component, C 1118

19 Painting: System-triggered  A GUI component is displayed by "painting" it on screen.  System-triggered painting  When?  When the component is first shown  When the component has been covered and uncovered  This causes the component's paint() method to be called  You should place the component's rendering code inside a the paint method  When AWT invokes this method, the Graphics object parameter is pre-configured with the appropriate state for drawing on this particular component  E.g. color => component’s foreground property public void paint(Graphics g) { Dimension size = getSize(); int d = Math.min(size.width, size.height); // diameter int ed = d/20; // eye diameter int x = (size.width - d)/2; int y = (size.height - d)/2; g.fillOval(x, y, d, d); g.setColor(; g.drawOval(x, y, d, d); g.fillOval(x+d/3-(ed/2), y+d/3-(ed/2), ed, ed); g.fillOval(x+(2*(d/3))-(ed/2), y+d/3-(ed/2), ed, ed); g.drawArc(x+d/4, y+2*(d/5), d/2, d/3, 0, -180); } Example: 1119

20 Painting: Application-triggered  Application-triggered painting  The program’s Java code determines that a component should be repainted  when you change text, colors, …  In your own program, when you want to repaint  It calls repaint(), which queues a paint request  You never call paint() directly! You always call repaint()!  The event handler thread calls the component's paint() method MouseListener l = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { MyButton b = (MyButton)e.getSource(); b.setSelected(true); b.repaint(); } }; 1120

21 Event handling  Components generate events in response to user interaction  To hook in application- specific responses to events, listeners are used  A listener is an object that is registered with a component; in handling user interaction the component informs any registered listeners of events AWT Framework code Application code Framework detects a button press and generates an event Framework waits for next user interaction Framework detects a mouse drag and generates an event Registered listeners execute Button instanceListener instance event 1121

22 Event handling > ActionListener actionPerformed( e : ActionEvent ) : void > KeyListener keyPressed( e : KeyEvent ) : void keyReleased( e : KeyEvent ) : void keyTyped( e : KeyEvent ) : void > MouseListener mouseReleased( e : MouseEvent ) : void mouseClicked( e : MouseEvent ) : void mouseEntered( e : MouseEvent ) : void mouseExited( e : MouseEvent ) : void AWT framework Interface for receiving ActionEvents on a component Interface for receiving key stroke events on a component Interface for receiving mouse events (e.g. release, click, enter and exit) on a component Button addActionListener( listener : ActionListener ) ApplicationListener Application See API documentation for package java.awt.event for other listener interfaces Button instanceappListener : ApplicationListener 1: addActionListener( appListener ) 2: actionPerformed( ) 1122

23 Event Handling  Event-driven programming is a programming style that uses a signal-and-response approach to programming  The sending of an event is called firing the event  The program itself no longer determines the order in which things can happen  Instead, the events determine the order  Typically, you do NOT call these event handlers yourself  Inversion of Control (IOC): Don't call us, we'll call you  Note: If you do want to capture events but forget to add a listener, no events will be captured (a common omission). 1123

24 Events, Listeners, Adapters and Handler Methods EventListener / AdapterHandler Methods ActionEventActionListeneractionPerformed AdjustmentEventAdjustmentListeneradjustmentValueChanged MouseEventMouseListener MouseAdapter mouseClicked mouseEntered mouseExited mousePressed mouseReleased KeyEventKeyListener KeyAdapter keyPressed keyReleased keyTyped ComponentEventComponentListener ComponentAdapter componentShown componentHidden componentMoved componentResized 1124

25 Buttons  Constructors  Button(String buttonLabel)  Useful Methods  getLabel/setLabel  Retrieves or sets the current label  Event Processing Methods  addActionListener/removeActionListener  Add/remove an ActionListener that processes ActionEvents in actionPerformed  General Methods Inherited from Component  getForeground/setForeground  getBackground/setBackground  getFont/setFont 1125

26 One Vs Two  One button:  Steps:  Implements the ActionListener interface  Create a button  Add the button to the frame  Add an ActionListener to the button  Implement the actionPerformed method to handle the event  More than one button:  Steps are similar to the above  But you must use e.getSource() in the actionPerformed event handler to check which button is pressed by the user. public class SimpleButton extends Frame implements ActionListener {... Button quit = new Button( "quit" ); add(quit); quit.addActionListener( this );... public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { System.exit( 0 ); } public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { if ( e.getSource( ) == quit ) { // System.exit( 0 ); } else if (e.getSource() == check) { count++; check.setLabel("" + count); } Example: 1126

27 TextField  Constructors  TextField(fieldLabel)  Useful Methods  getText/setText  Retrieves or sets the text that is presented by this text component  Event Processing Methods  addActionListener/removeActionListener  Add/remove an ActionListener that processes ActionEvents in actionPerformed  Note: the user must press 'enter' inside the text field to activate the event. public class SimpleTextField extends Frame implements ActionListener {... value = new TextField("Enter a number"); copy = new TextField(20); value.addActionListener( this ); quit.addActionListener( this );... public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { copy.setText(value.getText()); }... Example: 1127

28 public class PalindromeGUI2 extends Frame implements ActionListener { private TextField text; private Button isPalindrome, quit; private Label output; public PalindromeGUI2() { super( "Palindrome detector" ); … isPalindrome.addActionListener( this ); quit.addActionListener( this ); } public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { if( e.getSource( ) == isPalindrome ) { // isPalindrome pressed. String enteredText = text.getText( ); if( enteredText.length( ) > 0 ) { if( isPalindromic( enteredText ) ) { output.setText( enteredText + " is palindromic" ); } else { output.setText( enteredText + " is not palindromic" ); } else { // quit pressed. System.exit( 0 ); } PalindromeGUI / ActionListener instance Button instance isPalindrome quit listener 1: addActionListener( this ) 2: actionPerformed( ) Button instance Example: 1128

29 Custom Painting in AWT Container Component paint( g : Graphics ) : void repaint( ) : void Panel MousePositionPanel > MouseListener Overrides paint( ) to print the location of the last mouse click 1129

30 Example: MouseListener  Steps:  Implements the MouseListener interface  Adds an MouseListener  Implements 5 methods:  mousePressed  mouseReleased  mouseClicked  mouseEntered  mouseExited  Calls repaint():  to update the position class MousePositionPanel extends Panel implements MouseListener { private int mouseX, mouseY; public MousePositionPanel( ) { mouseX = 100; mouseY = 100; addMouseListener( this ); } public void paint( Graphics g ) { g.drawString( "(" + mouseX + ", " + mouseY + ")", mouseX, mouseY ); } public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { mouseX = e.getX( ); mouseY = e.getY( ); repaint( ); } public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) { } } Example: 1130

31  No need to give inner classes names! public class PalindromeGUI3 extends Frame { private TextField text; private Button isPalindrome, quit; private Label output; public PalindromeGUI3( ) { … isPalindrome.addActionListener( new ActionListener( ) { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { String enteredText = text.getText( ); if( enteredText.length( ) > 0 ) if( isPalindromic( enteredText ) ) output.setText( enteredText + " is palindromic" ); else output.setText( enteredText + " is not palindromic" ); } } ); quit.addActionListener( new ActionListener( ) { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { System.exit( 0 ); } } ); … } PalindromeGUI instance Button instance isPalindrome quit listener actionPerformed( ) Button instance ActionListener instance Anonymous Inner Classes Note: don’t need to use the getSource() method have access to all instance variables of the enclosing class Example: 1131

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