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ANALOG ELECTRONICS I EMT 112/4 OVERVIEW. LECTURERS LECTURERSABARINA ISMAIL 1 st Floor, Blok A, PPKKP, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian, Jejawi Tel: 04-9798306/

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Presentation on theme: "ANALOG ELECTRONICS I EMT 112/4 OVERVIEW. LECTURERS LECTURERSABARINA ISMAIL 1 st Floor, Blok A, PPKKP, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian, Jejawi Tel: 04-9798306/"— Presentation transcript:


2 LECTURERS LECTURERSABARINA ISMAIL 1 st Floor, Blok A, PPKKP, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian, Jejawi Tel: 04-9798306/ 013 5181375 Email: TEACHING ENGINEER SAHADAH AHMAD 1 st Floor, MKY7, Blok Makmal Kg Wai, Tel: 04-9854979

3 ASSESSMENT Final Exam: 50% Coursework: 50% Lab work: 30% Test: 10% Mini project: 10%

4 OBJECTIVES To understand and analyze amplifier circuits Design amplifiers using BJT & FET transistors Analyze amplifiers in terms of frequency response, equivalent circuits, thermal management, gain To understand electronic analog devices applications electronic analog devices

5 COURSE CONTENTS 1.SMALL SIGNAL BJT TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS  BJT small signal operation  BJT AC equivalent circuits  Common Emitter amplifier ac configuration  Common Collector amplifier ac configuration  Common Base amplifier ac configuration  BJT complete Hybrid equivalent circuit  BJT approximate Hybrid model

6 2. SMALL SIGNAL FET AMPLIFIERS  FET small signal model  FET fixed bias circuit  FET self bias circuit  FET voltage divider bias circuit  Common Drain ac configuration  Common Gate ac configuration COURSE CONTENTS

7 3. CASCADE AMPLIFIERS  Cascade connection  Cascode connection  Darlington connection  Darlington transistor  Transformer coupling COURSE CONTENTS

8 4. POWER AMPLIFIERS  Power Amplifier Classification  Class A power amplifiers  Class B power amplifiers  Class A-B power amplifiers  Amplifier Distortion  Class C and Class D power amplifiers  Transistor Power Dissipation  Thermal Management COURSE CONTENTS

9 5. AMPLIFIER FREQUENCY RESPONSE  Basic Concepts  Miller Theorem and Decibel notation  BJT low frequency amplifier response  BJT high frequency amplifier response  BJT complete amplifier response  FET amplifier frequency response  frequency response measurement techniques COURSE CONTENTS

10 6. THYRISTORS AND OTHER DEVICES  Shockley Diode  SCR and SCR applications  SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch)  DIAC and TRIAC  UJT  Photo Transistor  LASCR  Optical Coupler COURSE CONTENTS

11 REFERENCES Text  Donald A. Neamen, ‘Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design, 2 nd Ed.’, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2001 (ISBN 0-07-118176-8) Others  Boylestad, R.L., Nashelsky, L., “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.  Thomas L. Floyd, ‘Electronic devices: Conventional Current Version’, 7 th ed.’, Prentice Hall.

12 COURSE INFORMATION Lecture: Monday: 11.00 – 1.00 pm (DKG5) Friday: 8.00 – 9.00 am (DKM1) Lab: Wednesday G3(Computer): 1.00 – 3.00 pm (MKG2) G4(Communication): 4.00 – 6.00 pm (MKG3)

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