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Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 1 of 16 Objectives Describe how cancer affects the body. Identify the tests and treatments for cancer. Section 23.2 Cancer List.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 1 of 16 Objectives Describe how cancer affects the body. Identify the tests and treatments for cancer. Section 23.2 Cancer List."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 1 of 16 Objectives Describe how cancer affects the body. Identify the tests and treatments for cancer. Section 23.2 Cancer List seven ways you can prevent cancer.

2 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 2 of 16 Health Stats This graph shows the most common cancers in males and females. Is lung cancer more common in males or females? Why do you think this is the case?

3 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 3 of 16 Cancer is a group of diseases that involves the rapid, uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. How Cancer Affects the Body Cancer harms the body by destroying healthy body tissues. Cancer cells typically form a mass of tissue called a tumor. (NO. 1 A) The word malignant (muh LIG nunt) is used to describe a cancerous tumor.(NO. 1 D IS BENIGN) The spread of cancer from where it first develops to other parts of the body is called metastasis (NO. 1 H)

4 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 4 of 16 Causes of Cancer Heredity (NO. 1B) Some people inherit genes that have a tendency to change, or mutate, into forms that allow cells to reproduce too rapidly. A normal gene that has changed into a cancer-causing gene is called an oncogene (AHN kuh jeen). Environment The environment contains cancer- causing agents known as carcinogens(NO. 1 G) (kahr SIN uh junz). Carcinogens can cause mutations in genes that control cell reproduction. (NO. 1 J &K : PHYSICAL, BIOLOGICAL)

5 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 5 of 16 Cancer can occur in almost any part of the body. Types of Cancer A cancer is named according to the part of the body where it first develops. Many cancers are curable if they are caught early. Other cancers are hard to detect early in their development and pose a bigger challenge for treatment.

6 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 6 of 16 Click above to go online. For: Updates on skin cancer

7 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 7 of 16

8 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 8 of 16 Evaluating Tanning Products There is a lot of information available about the dangers of too much sun exposure. But, many young people still tan. Evaluate products that claim to give you a “healthy tan” using this questionnaire.

9 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 9 of 16 A “No” answer to one or more questions indicates that using the product may endanger your skin. Does the product’s labeling caution about the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) radiation? Does the product provide SPF (sun protection factor) information? Does the product encourage you to minimize your exposure to the sun or other UV radiation? Does the product recommend other precautions— such as wearing sunglasses and a hat?

10 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 10 of 16 Evaluating Tanning Products Choose a tanning product from a local store or a tanning salon. Use the checklist to evaluate the product. Then write a paragraph explaining why the product may or may not be healthy for your skin.

11 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 11 of 16 The key to curing cancer is early detection and treatment. (NO. 2 IS TO THE RIGHT) Detecting and Treating Cancer

12 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 12 of 16 Screening tests, such as mammograms (NO. 3 B) and chest X-rays, can detect cancers before any symptoms appear. Tests If cancer is suspected from screening test results, surgeons may remove a small piece of the tissue in question to examine it for signs of cancer. This procedure is called a biopsy(NO. 3 C) (BY ahp see).

13 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 13 of 16 Cancer treatments depend on the type of cancer, its location, and its stage of development. Treatments Surgery can remove a malignant tumor. Radiation (NO. 3 E) therapy can kill cancer cells and slow tumor growth. Chemotherapy (NO. 3 F) (kee moh THEHR uh pee) uses drugs to slow the reproduction of cancer cells. Immunotherapy (NO. 3 G)(im yuh noh THEHR uh pee) uses drugs to stimulate the body’s immune system to attack cancer cells.

14 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 14 of 16 Regularly examining your skin and breasts or testicles for abnormal lumps or growth is a good habit to start. Preventing Cancer Although the specific cause of most cancers is unknown, certain behaviors have been shown to decrease the risk of cancer. Do not use any form of tobacco. Avoid alcohol.(NO. 4 B) Respect the sun’s ultraviolet rays.(C) EAT HEALTHY.(D) Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.(E) Avoid unnecessary X-rays(F), especially during pregnancy. Avoid known carcinogens.(G)

15 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 15 of 16 Vocabulary cancerA group of diseases involving the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. tumor An abnormal mass of tissue. malignant The term used to describe a cancerous tumor. metastasisThe spread of cancer from where it first develops to other parts of the body. oncogeneA normal gene that has changed into a cancer- causing gene. carcinogen A substance that is known to cause cancer. biopsy The removal of a small piece of tissue to examine it for signs of cancer.

16 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 16 of 16 QuickTake Quiz Click to start quiz.

17 Section 23.2 Cancer Slide 17 of 16 End of Section 23.2 Click on this slide to end this presentation.

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