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Vision, Hype, and Reality for delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities By Rajkumar Buyya Chee Shin Yeo Srikumar Venugopal.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision, Hype, and Reality for delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities By Rajkumar Buyya Chee Shin Yeo Srikumar Venugopal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision, Hype, and Reality for delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities By Rajkumar Buyya Chee Shin Yeo Srikumar Venugopal

2  Computer Utilities Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platform  Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges  Market Oriented Cloud Architecture SLA- Oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange and Markets  Emerging Cloud Platforms  Summary and Thought for future

3 Classical Computing  Buy & Own  Install, Configure, Test, Verify, Evaluate  Manage  Finally Use it  $$$..$ Cloud Computing  Subscribe  Use  $ for what you use, QoS

4  1969 – Leonard Kleinrock, ARPANET project  “As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they grow up and become sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of “Computer Utilities”, which, like present electric and telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country”.  During the last 40 years, several advances have taken place in both “computing” and “communications” areas that are turning the vision of “Computer Utilities” in to a reality.

5 Web Data Centres Utility Computing Service Computing Grid Computing P2P Computing Market-Oriented Computing Cloud Computing … -Ubiquitous -Reliable -Scalable -Autonomic -Dynamic discovery - Composable -QoS -SLA - … } Paradigms ? -Trillion $ business +

6  Grid Computing  Enables sharing, selection and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed resources for solving large scale resource intensive problems.  Ease of use and reliable.  Cloud Computing  Promises reliable services through data centers that are built on compute and storage virtualization technologies.  Users can access data from “Cloud” anywhere on demand.  Cloud is robust and available anytime.


8  "A Cloud is a type of parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of interconnected and virtualised computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing resources based on service-level agreements established through negotiation between the service provider and consumers.”  SLA = {negotiated and agreed QoS parameters + rewards + penalties for violation of agreement....}

9 Clients Other Cloud Services Govt. Cloud Services Private Cloud Cloud Manager

10  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) CPU, Storage:, Nirvanix, GoGrid….  Platform as a Service (PaaS) Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Manjrasoft Aneka..  Software as a Service (SaaS) SalesForce.Com

11 Private/Enterprise Clouds Cloud model run within a company’s own Data Center / infrastructure for internal and/or partners use. Public/Internet Clouds 3rd party, multi-tenant Cloud infrastructure & services: * available on subscription basis Hybrid/Inter Clouds Mixed usage of private and public Clouds: Leasing public cloud services when private cloud capacity is insufficient

12 Uhm, I am not quite clear…Yet another complex IT paradigm? Virtualization QoS Service Level Agreements Resource Metering Billing Pricing Scalability Reliability Security Privacy Trust Legal & Regulatory Software Eng. Complexity Programming Env. & Application Dev. Provisioning on Demand Utility & Risk Management Energy Efficiency

13 Cloud resources Virtual Machine (VM), VM Management and Deployment QoS Negotiation, Admission Control, Pricing, SLA Management, Monitoring, Execution Management, Metering, Accounting, Billing Cloud programming: environments and tools Web 2.0 Interfaces, Mashups, Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Workflows, Libraries, Scripting Cloud applications Social computing, Enterprise, ISV, Scientific, CDNs,... Adaptive Management Core Middleware User-Level Middleware System level User level Autonomic / Cloud Economy Apps Hosting Platforms

14  Consumers will require different QoS to be maintained by their providers.  Providers will need to consider and meet different QoS parameter of each individual consumer  So market oriented resource management is necessary to regulate the supply and demand cloud resources at market equilibrium.


16  Support customer-driven service management.  Define computational risk management tactics.  Derive appropriate market-based resource management strategies.  Incorporate autonomic resource management models.  leverage VM technology to dynamically assign resource shares according to service requirements.

17  Amazon EC2  Google App Engine  Microsoft Live Mesh  Sun Grid  Grid labs Aneka

18  Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)  Amazon Machine Image (AMI)  EC2 Uses XEN Virtual Machine  Virtual Os :Linux, Solaris, Windows  Simple Storage Service  Elastic IP address  Amazon Cloud Watch  Reliability

19  For developing and hosting web application in Google managed datacenter  Web based Administration Console.  Free up to certain level of consumption.  Support for python, java, and Go  Restrictions

20  Access stuffs on your computer from almost anywhere using internet.  Access through Web based Live Desktop or own device with Live Mesh software installed.  Password protected and authenticated via Windows Live Login.  File transfers are protected using SSL

21  Now Know as oracle Grid  Solaris OS, Java, C, C++ and FORTRAN.  Open source batch queuing system.  Sun Grid Web Portal or API.  Used on computer farm or high performance computing cluster

22  Based on.Net framework of Service Oriented Platform.  Supports multiple application models and communication protocols.  Create and start enterprise instance.  Provides SLA  Grid bus broker


24  Inflexible pricing  Consumers are restricted to offering from a single provider at a time  Unable to swap one provider for another  No standard interface


26  Market directory  Banking system  Brokers  Price setting mechanism  Admission control mechanism  Resource management system  Consumers utility function  Resource management proxy

27  Bridge disparate Clouds  Allows consumer to choose provider that suits their requirements  Help providers to perform effectively  Help Brokers to gain their utility through difference in price.

28  Unwillingness to shift from traditional controlled environment  Regulatory pressure  How to obtain restitution in case of SLA violation

29  Cloud Computing is new and promising paradigm.  Paper discusses market oriented allocation of resources within clouds and emerging cloud platforms.  Cloud technologies needs extended support: QoS between user and providers to establish SLA’s  Protocols needs to be extended to support interoperability between different cloud services.  Market oriented global Cloud exchange for trading services.  Address regulatory and legal issues.

30 Thank You!!

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