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THE SUPERIORITY OF CHRIST HEBREWS. I. Introduction to Hebrews A. What we don’t know for sure –Author (but not Paul – 2 Thess 3:17; Heb 2:3) –Date (though.

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Presentation on theme: "THE SUPERIORITY OF CHRIST HEBREWS. I. Introduction to Hebrews A. What we don’t know for sure –Author (but not Paul – 2 Thess 3:17; Heb 2:3) –Date (though."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Introduction to Hebrews A. What we don’t know for sure –Author (but not Paul – 2 Thess 3:17; Heb 2:3) –Date (though probably pre-70) –Audience (though probably Jewish-Christian) –Location (though probably Rome, 13:24 )

3 I. Introduction to Hebrews B. What we are told –12:4, 10:32-34 (implying between 49 and 64) –13:22 and genre of sermon

4 II. Background of Recipients A. Conversion: Second generation Christians 2:3; Gospel convincingly declared by eye witnesses. B. Growth: Professing Jewish Christians considerable time 5:12; spiritually dull 5:11-14

5 II. Background of Recipients C. Experience: Successfully endured past persecution 10:32-34; in danger of defecting to escape impending persecution. D. Summary: Book is to professing Jewish Christians who are facing persecution and who are in danger of being disillusioned by it and of defecting because of it.

6 III. Purpose – A Word of Exhortation 13:22 To encourage professing Jewish Christians facing persecution –To remain true to the faith –To make a full break with Judaism –To press on to full faith (4:3) and maturity in Christ 5:11

7 Means for Achieving Purpose –Apologetically: by establishing superiority of Christianity over Judaism –Doctrinally: by revealing blessings appropriated by faith 13:14 –Instructionally: by explaining purpose of suffering 12:5-13 –Correctively: by warning of serious consequences of rejecting Christ

8 IV. Structure: Contrast to Pauline Epistles A. Paul: Doctrine section/Christian living section B. Hebrews: Doctrine/Christian living sections interspersed throughout 1. Doctrine: Superiority of Christ over everything Jewish 2. Interspersed Christian Living:

9 IV. Structure: Contrast to Pauline Epistles Five major warnings against: –neglect of Christian message 2:1 –unbelief 3:7-19; 4:2 –immaturity and apostasy 5:11-14 –willful sin 10:26-32 –refusing God’s plan of salvation 12:25-29

10 Hebrews Outline Prologue 1:1-4 I. Superior to angels 1:5-2:18 –In Sovereignty 1:5-14 – So follow Him closely 2:1-4 –In Suffering 2:5-13 – So we are free from sin 2:14-18

11 Hebrews Outline II. Superior to Moses 3:1-4:13 - So don’t rebel, but enter God’s rest

12 Hebrews Outline III. Superior to the Priesthood 4:14-7:28 - So accept God’s grace 4:14-16 - Comparison with Aaron 5:1-10 - Key warning against apostasy 5:11-6:20 - Comparison with Levi 7:1-28 (Jesus is like Melchizedek)

13 The Superior Priesthood of Christ (According to Hebrews) many in number finite foreshadowed salvation sinful repeated under temporary old covenant in earthly sanctuary barriers to access to God blood of goats and bulls outward cleansing conscience still guilty Incomplete sacrifice for incomplete sanctification one eternal complete salvation sinless once for all under permanent new covenant in heavenly sanctuary intimacy with God his own blood inward cleansing full forgiveness complete sacrifice for complete sanctification Levitical Priesthood Jesus’ Priesthood no eternal security “?”

14 Jesus as a priest like Melchizedek (Heb. 7) Melchizedek Abraham Levi Jesus

15 Hebrews Outline IV. Superior to the Old Covenant 8:1-10:39 –So focus on Jesus V. Superior to O.T. Heroes of the Faith 11:1 - 12:29 Conclusion 13:1-25

16 Can a Christian Lose Salvation? Heb. 6:4-8 Hypothetical View Not Possible; but if it was… Preconversion Jew View Those yet to make a serious commitment Phenomenological Unbeliever View In community of believers, but lacks genuine faith True Believer Under Judgment Will face discipline, but not lose salvation. Phenomenological True Believer Apostasy can cause fallen Christians to lose salvation Covenant Community View Rejection of Israel as a people Has little to do with individual salvation CalvinistArminian

17 A Duel of Dualisms GoodGood God EvilEvil Satan MoralCosmological Heaven (reality) Earth (shadow)

18 A Duel of Dualisms This ageAge to come (Jewish) This age Age to come (Christian) E s c h a t o l o g i c a l

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