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1 Social, Environmental, Economic, Institutional and Political Aspects of Water Management EuroAquae Master Programme 2014.

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1 1 Social, Environmental, Economic, Institutional and Political Aspects of Water Management EuroAquae Master Programme 2014

2 2 About this course…. You are invited to present case studies in teams of 5-6 students, illustrating one or several features of the course. You should be able to demonstrate ability in designing integrated water resource management approaches in a given country/region, taking into account social, environmental, economic, institutional and political aspects, keeping in mind that we are learning by doing… Motto of the course: ‘think global, act local’

3 3 Case studies= the basis for Your assignments þCase studies highlight the diversity of circumstances and various challenges and priorities facing different regions. They help to illustrate policies developed at national and regional levels and their effects, in particular how decisions taken at the local level affect the decisions of higher management. þYour assignments will be based on your own research resulting in a short (15 minutes) presentation during the course and a 4-page (max.) case study written report concerning a sector / region / country of your choice, describing links with IWRM (from planning to effective measures or recommendations): examples taken from your assignments will feed the course and be used in an interactive way for discussions þTwo possibilities: (1) responding to questions which I will pose and presenting your views the following week (report expected later) or (2) scheduling a case study presentation of your choice

4 Some principles Drafting: Start from the general topic, write ideas at they come, extract one key-word for each idea, order the key words (what is linked to what? Is there a hierarchy?), give examples Structure: Set-up a clear structure for your talk. Do not change your plan (be “previsible”) Timing: Periods of 20 minutes are optimal, with 3 ideas being developed. In the framework of this course, the time will be limited to 15 minutes, depending upon the chosen topic Simplicity: Adapt the talk to the level of the audience. Speak in simple terms Be persuasive: Believe in your topic, use your “persuasive strength” Self-confidence: Be self-confident (you are the best!) but without exageration – avoid provocating your audience! Provocate interest: adapt to the centre of interest of your audience, refer to what is known to the auditors « Body language »: Physical expression, vocal/oral expression, possibly use humour (but no irony) 4 Some tips on communication

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