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Quality Assessment in the SACE.  To support student success in the SACE by :  Accessing and engaging with the relevant subject documents  Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assessment in the SACE.  To support student success in the SACE by :  Accessing and engaging with the relevant subject documents  Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assessment in the SACE

2  To support student success in the SACE by :  Accessing and engaging with the relevant subject documents  Planning learning and assessment programs  Designing ‘fit for purpose’ assessments  Reviewing and improving assessments  Feeding back after assessments  Quality assuring assessment decisions

3 Compulsory Stage 1 Compulsory Stage 2 Additional choices subjects & courses from either Stage 1 or Stage 2 PLP 10 Credits Numeracy 10 Credits Literacy 20 Credits Research Project 10 Credits Stage 2 Subjects & Courses 60 Credits Stage 2 Subjects & Courses 60 Credits 40 Credits 70 Credits 90 Credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 Credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 Credits Additional choices = 90 Credits SACE = 200 Credits ‘C’ Grades or better Modified subjects for students with intellectual disabilities





8 Subject Outline  Learning Scope and Requirements  Assessment Scope and Requirements Subject Operational Information  Planning support ◦ LAP submission date  Clarifying  Confirming- School Assessment ◦ Procedures and key dates  Confirming- External Assessment ◦ Procedures and key dates

9 Learning Requirement 4 Analyse and critically evaluate geological ideas from different sources and present informed conclusions and personal views on social, ethical, and environmental issues Assessment Design Criterion Analysis and Evaluation Specific Feature s AE1 AE2 AE3 Analysis and evaluation of data and other evidence to formulate relevant conclusions Performance Standards (B level) Analysis and Evaluation AE1 AE2 AE3 Uses mostly logical analysis and evaluation of data and other evidence to formulate consistent and relevant conclusions

10 SACE LIFELONG LEARNING A B C D E Stage 1 Subject learning

11 Performance Standards Read SeeUse Understanding Performance Standards Adapted from a diagram by Royce Sadler with permission

12 Student success in the SACE


14  Public confidence  Fairness for students  Transparency  Flexibility  Standards/Rigour

15 Planning ClarifyingImproving Confirming

16  Stage 1 assessment: ◦ 100% school based assessment ◦ Teachers design and assess  Stage 2 assessment: - school assessment component 70% -teachers design and assess -external assessment component 30% - externally assessed – (SACE Board marker)

17 Fit for purpose

18 Reliable and consistent Valid Fair and equitable Efficient Transparent Fit for purpose

19 Q1 If a student was provided with three painted metal rods, one of which was known to be made from brass, one from magnetised steel and one from non-magnetised steel, describe how, without scratching the paint, the student could identify each of the rods. Simplifying the language of assessments

20 Q1 If a student was provided with three painted metal rods, one of which was known to be made from brass, one from magnetised steel and one from non-magnetised steel, describe how, without scratching the paint, the student could identify each of the rods. A student has three metal rods One is made from brass. One is made from magnetised steel. One is made from non-magnetised steel. The student is not allowed to scratch the paint from the rods. Explain how the student could find out what each rod is made of. Simplifying the language of assessments

21 Engineering Ascertain the horizontal distance travelled by a vehicle progressing from the initial bridge roadway section to the corresponding roadway section on the transverse side. How long is the bridge?

22  What key words and vocabulary in the performance standards do students need to understand in your subject?  Does the vocabulary in your task match the achievement expected at the highest grade level?

23 Performance Standards Read SeeUse Understanding Performance Standards Adapted from a diagram by Royce Sadler with permission


25 What does all this mean? Do I have to rewrite all of my tasks again? Who can I get to help me with this?

26 Does your task/assessment have some/all of these components? Which ones are appropriate? Check out your marking rubric How does it align with the Performance Standards? Is it clear to students what they have to do to achieve at the highest level?

27 1.What new knowledge do I now have about task design? 2. What skills did I acquire, develop or extend? 3. What do I need to focus on next time?

28  Two step process: ◦ Identify evidence of the Assessment Design Criteria ◦ Determine the quality of the evidence

29 Knowledge During the seminar, Elliott singled out the Blue eyes continually and insulted them for trivial words and actions. She demanded that they conform to her standards without exception; this reflected the demand for Native Canadians to conform to Caucasian values and cultural practices. The Blue eyes were forced to read the insulting slogans about themselves, which must have caused them to feel humiliated and resentful. Elliott did everything she could to rid them of any power and control. Evaluation

30  Reflection: ◦ Link between person and the information ◦ exploring ideas, reacting to new information  Analysis: ◦ Connections between different pieces of information ◦ Comparing, contrasting  Evaluation: ◦ Usefulness, credibility, relevance, limitations, alternatives

31 Missing Evidence? Task Type Component


33 Hattie’s 2007 analyses (as effect size) Increasing effectiveness Average Minimal effect Negative effect 0 1.0 Open vs. traditional classes Retention (hold back a year) - 0.16 Shifting schools - 0.34 Teaching test taking 0.22 Class size 0.21 Homework 0.30 Ability grouping 0.11 Reading recovery 0.50+ Acceleration of gifted students 0.60 Feedback 0.72 Prior cognitive achievement 0.73 Reducing disruptive behaviour 0.86 Self-report grades 1.44

34  Where am I going?  How am I going?  Where to next? Hattie & Timperley (2007)

35 Effective Feedback

36  Flexibilities in the SACE ◦ Subject choice ◦ Time ◦ Content ◦ Mode of assessment  Special provisions ◦ School assessment ◦ External assessment

37 Planning ClarifyingImproving Confirming

38  Feedback and advice to students  Common understanding of the performance standards  Consistent application of performance standards

39  Ensures that the performance standards are applied consistently within schools and across the state.  Within school moderation

40  Moderation seeks to ensure that assessment decisions within a subject are comparable across all classes and schools

41 Stage 1  3 year Cycle  English, mathematics & PLP  C and D grades  School selects sample  Adjustments recommended Stage 2  Every year  All subjects  All grade levels  SACE Board selects sample  Adjustments made Moderation occurs at a central venue

42 Lynda MacLeod – AISSA Adele Pring – DECD CESA Hassan Mekawy - SACE Board of SA

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