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Reform Model for Change Board of Education presentation by Superintendent: Dr. Kimberly Tooley.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform Model for Change Board of Education presentation by Superintendent: Dr. Kimberly Tooley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform Model for Change Board of Education presentation by Superintendent: Dr. Kimberly Tooley

2 Need for change: Our district is facing the harsh reality of failing achievement among the majority of our students and the lack of evidence of high quality teaching and learning. Changes need to be made which include:  Instructional Leadership  Curriculum Validity and Effectiveness  Effective Instructional Strategies  Strategic Goals

3 Mission of Effective Schools Model … to develop and support the leadership and local capacity of schools, better enabling them to: Improve achievement, district wide, in all content areas Ensure every student meets or exceeds all state and local performance standards that define student success Improve achievement of all students regardless of culture and family background

4 THE CONTINUOUS PLAN PLAN DO ASSESS …as a district we will continuously assess whether our efforts are productive, if they are not we will Plan, Do, Assess again until all students are successful.

5 Challenges: Large number of students on free/reduced lunch Low graduation rate Minimal success on state and district assessments Reading and math proficiency for students on grade level Ineffective classroom teachers No autonomy throughout the district No aligned designated curriculum that is universal throughout the district Inefficient Instructional Leaders

6 Current Reality Total Number of Students: 50,000 African American 62% Asian-American 17% White 12% Hispanic 9% Total receiving Free and Reduced Meals: 85% Graduation Rate of district: 25%

7 Reading and Math Proficiency READING African Americans 62% Asian-Americans 50% White 42% Hispanic 15% MATH African Americans 15% Asian-Americans 56% White 25% Hispanic 9%

8 Effective Schools have… A Clear Mission High Expectations for Success Effective Instructional Leadership Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress Opportunities for Professional Growth Safe and Orderly Environments Effective and Productive Home- School Relations

9 Why Effective School Model? We know there is a need for change because our current system is not working We need to address all aspects of our district and our assimilation of information to our students Instructional practices and beliefs must be challenged and changed to meet the needs of our students Data must to be gathered and consistently used to drive instruction


11 Action Team An Action Team will be developed. This team will: Interview staff at all levels Conduct classroom observations throughout the district Involve representatives from all stakeholder groups Survey stakeholder groups for thoughts and opinions Gather and study compiled data to make recommendations to the district Gather and analyze anonymous feedback throughout the year pertaining to district leadership and programs

12 High Expectations for Success Educators must believe that ALL students can learn and Cultural and Racial biases must be dissolved, high targets will be set for all students Implement an evaluative teacher performance program to ensure effective teachers and evaluate effectiveness Ineffective teachers will be removed and replaced Increase instructional and on-task time in each classroom District will actively increase the number of students at or above proficiency in reading and math by teaching to students’ strengths and weaknesses

13 Effective Instructional Leadership The Central Office will be the lead team for implementing all changes. This will ensure all leaders will be operating with the same goals in mind and this will increase autonomy throughout the district Six district Assistant Superintendents will be hired to assist and evaluate current leadership at each school Each building will be given an Instructional Coach that has been highly trained to improve instruction in reading and math Professional development will be provided on the current instructional strategies and innovations in education Ineffective principals and teachers will be replaced if improvement is not shown with additional professional development and coaching Each teacher will receive four evaluations throughout the year and areas of growth will be identified, if performance is not satisfactory a teacher will be given a Professional Growth Plan for improvement, this is in an effort to provide accountablility

14 DATA Data use will be an effective change agent and will drive instruction Each building will establish a functioning Data Team Acuity and district assessments will be given three times per year to assess the growth and areas of weakness for student groups and individual students The district will use Infinite Campus program to input students’ grades, progress, goals and keep a detailed academic history of each student in the district, interventions used for each student will be recorded as well Each school will maintain a data board for all who enter to see that will continuously change to show growth and achievement throughout the student population and by individual teacher Teachers will collaborate on district assessments and use this data to identify the current reality of each of their students’ learning

15 Professional Growth Each staff member of the district will be involved in diversity training throughout the year. Each building will create Professional Learning Communities to facilitate collaboration and community support for all students Curriculum coaches will provide on going professional development of effective instructional strategies, depths of knowledge, use of data to drive instruction and diversity A beginning teacher cohort will exist and meet monthly to support new teachers and their professional path Specific target areas for growth will be identified by each school and target goals will be written for their specific population

16 Home-School Relations The district will make efforts to increase home and family involvement Open forums will be held four times throughout the year in different parts of the district to allow all stakeholders and community members to have a voice Teachers at all levels will be encouraged to be involved in home visits for each student Classroom teachers will maintain a communication log and will make contact with each family at least one a month Teachers will maintain a current and up to date webpage for parent involvement Infinite Campus usage informational sessions will be held throughout the year to encourage families to frequently access students grades and academic information

17 Monitoring Student Progress A Data Team will be implemented in each building to identify areas of need for groups of students Each building will create a School Improvement Plan that will identify the areas of growth needed to ensure success of all students A universal grading system will be identified for the district to ensure that all grading practices are equitable for all students Assessment for Learning instruments will be implemented for students to self assess their own learning and know their target goals, professional development will continue for teachers with new and innovative ideas pertaining to these instruments Collaborative team meeting time will be allocated to each grade level providing time to analyze assessment data

18 Timeline For Implementation July Actively recruit and pursue effective new teachers District Assistant Superintendents hired Curriculum Coaches hired and trained Open Forum Home Visits August District Action Team assembled New teacher evaluation program started Infinite Campus Training Date Teams Established Implementation of Professional Learning Communities (yearly) September Target Areas of Growth identified First Round Teacher Evaluations Data Meetings New Teacher Cohorts begins meeting (monthly) Assessment for Learning Training October Data Meetings Open Forum Collaborate Team Meetings Ineffective staff up for evaluation November Second Round Teacher Evaluations Data Meetings December Data Meetings Collaborative Team Meetings January Target Areas of Growth revised Data Meetings February Third Round Teacher Evaluations Data Meetings Open Forum March Data Meetings Collaborative Team Meetings April Fourth Round Teacher Evaluations Data Meetings May Data Meetings Open Forum June Assessment of Yearly Progress by District Action Team

19 OUR FUTURE We have a commitment to them all. We will educate and actively stimulate each student to reach their highest potential each and every day. -East Coast School District

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